Any advice is welcome :) I'm a new-bee

  • Hello everyone I'm new here and this is my first post so I hope that I'm in the right place. I'm looking for any advice that you're willing to offer...

    I'm 34-years-old, 5'5" in height, and weigh around 175-180 lbs. I haven't weighed myself in a couple of weeks because I don't want to see the number. Most people wouldn't say I look fat because it's spread out (lol), but I feel it. I do need/want to lose weight, but I've felt like it's so far out of my reach lately that I've just been eating whatever I want.

    My mom and dad gave me a stern talking to on Sun. (6/11/17) about my eating habits and told me how worried they are about me/my health. I admitted that I'm dreading even putting on a bathing suit this summer

    I'd really like to make a change... so I started yesterday (Mon., 6/12/17) by eating healthier, and I'd like to keep it up. I know that I need to start doing some physical activity as well. If anyone has any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you so much!!!
  • I joined here a few years ago but I'm actually new to the forum as I never visited or posted. I'm currently at my highest weight ever and just started yesterday (Tuesday).

    Right now I'm doing a Leslie Sansone walk video because I'm extremely unfit and had a bad injury last year that I spent a lot of time in physio recovering from. It suits me because at least I'm getting some exercise, but its very low impact so is good for starting (or in my case, restarting exercise).

    If you're already moderately fit to fit though I'd go for something a bit more difficult. I used to be a big fan of the FitnessBlender videos on Youtube - they have tons of great workouts. Their HIIT workouts are very good for losing weight but they're hard work!
  • What is plexus, ladyh?
  • Hi diamondpony80 - I've heard of Leslie Sansone... I think I may look up the FitnessBlender videos on Youtube... I'm willing to explore all options.
  • Hi Tammy! If you think physical activity would help you, I agree with what the other ladies have said. I use YouTube for workouts because being able to work out at home saves a lot of time. Whatever you choose, make sure it's something that you enjoy and is appropriate for your fitness level. If it's too difficult, you probably won't stick with it, which is the most important part!

    If you like to dance, I really like Keraira LaShae (superherofitness), she's super positive and fun, with a wide range of workouts. Also, dance fitness with jessica is fun, too. FitnessBlender is good for cardio intervals (more calisthenic type of things), and if you want something more chilled out, fightmaster yoga will build your strength and flexibility...

    One thing I had to do was make sure I did my workouts at the same time every day (usually in the mornings), so it became a habit and I wouldn't skip.

    You can do this!