PCOS/Sleep Apnea/Hypothyroidism

  • Hi

    Hmm.... Where to start?? How about with something easy.

    I need to lose weight - I have to. I am afraid that I will inherit another problem off my mother (that's a story for another time - quite funny if you think about it to) and my grandmother and end up with diabetes. I know that you can't inherit diabetes, but you can't inherit PCOS either - or so they say and oh, hey look, both my mum and grandmother had it and I have it to.

    Although to be fair - they both had cysts on their ovaries. I don't. I just have everything else. And it took me 17 years to even find that out. Going to countless doctors and the endless ultrasounds and the looks from doctors, as if I was just looking for attention when I go in and tell them that my period is all over the place and that its late by weeks - sometimes even months. And then the specialist who told me that I have PCOS said that it wasn't a cause of my weight, but a symptom of it. So thanks for that. Not only do I have PCOS, but he made it sound as if it was my own fault - like if I wasn't fat, then I would be ok.

    I know that what he said isn't true, but it struck a nerve and unfortunately it hasn't been easily undone yet.

    In 2015 I lost a contract temp job because I kept falling asleep at work and then I took time off because I had a cold. Got a call telling me that they had cancelled my contract and that I needed to see a doctor. So I went. I had a couple of tests done and then in early 2016 found out that I have Sleep Apnea and also Hypothyroidism.

    Wow - I just hit a home run. PCOS, Sleep Apnea and Hypothyroidism.

    All I could think was each of those in itself makes it difficult to lose weight, but put all 3 together and essentially I'm screwed.

    I started tablets for the hypothyroidism and am on Metformin for the PCOS. I am supposed to take these every day, but I forget some days. I need to get on top of this better, I know.

    I have been told that if I lose weight, then I will increase my chances of having kids. But I have never been told if it is possible for me to have kids anyway. Nothing definite one way or another.

    I have a wonderful supportive partner and he loves me for me. But I know that wants me to lose the weight for my health.

    I'm stuck and I don't know where to go
  • That's a lot all at once. Are you still feeling stuck or have you gotten some traction?
  • hey I know its A lot to deal with but I personally believe in you. My mother has ALL of the issues you are going through and I personally Have PCOS. I have done research and I have found that it is hereditary. Some of the women in my family have it worse then others but there is a way where you can not even just cope with it ( and the other issues because they actually are all hand in hand), but you can overcome it. There is a book called Dr. Berg "the New body type guide" it talked about the PCOS/Sleep Apnea/Hypothyroidism and Show you where its all connected! I kid you not I bought this book for all the women in my family. We collectively cried because this nailed our issues AND we have been doing it for almost 6 months and we all see our PCOS ( Sleep Apnea/Hypothyroidism as well ) Either go away or be almost non existent and we all have lost fat and feel happier and healthier! its beautiful how Dr. Berg breaks it down short and sweet and tells you EXACTLY what to do so that you can heal and stay healthy.