Back on it again for me....

  • well its time again for me.... need to better myself and loose some weight.

    My name is Zoe im 30 years YOUNG. I have a 1 year old son. Anyways im starting Wednesday (shopping preparing for diet tomorrow) I'm goin to try and do weight watchers from home as I have the books etc or at least just start eating properly cutting out snacks and stuff. I want to get healthy and fit so when I'm running round after my son I'm not out of breath and shattered lol.

    Can't really afford and haven't got the time to go to weight watchers meetings... gym etc which is why I have decided to join this wonderful forum and make new friends to help and support each other on our journey's.

    Anyways I will stop rambling on now lol just thought I would introduce myself and say hello to you all so hopefully get to know you all soon bye for now
  • Hi Zoe.
    I am Susi and just joined here yesterday.
    I am 54 and just started WW again on Monday.
    I am having trouble adjusting to the Smart Points and am still using the old Points Plus way to do things.
    I am hoping to lose 50 pounds.
    How about you? Have you set any goals yet?
    Welcome and I hope we can encourage one another!