Hello from Texas!

  • Hi everyone!

    I came to this forum hoping to find like-minded people and support. I have been successful with weight loss in the past, but it seems like I have been very up and down for quite some time. I noticed that I was always the most successful with a support group.

    In 2011, I lost 80 lbs by diet and exercise. I counted calories and worked out 2 hours a day most days a week. (which doesn't seem realistic now) I was in a relationship and got comfortable and moved to Hawaii for some time. When things didn't work out I took it really hard (and also moved back to Texas). At this point, that has been quite some time and is only an excuse. Over the last few years I have been on/off trying to eat healthier and do better. However, it will last a few days and I am back to struggling.

    I am not sure what has changed between the girl who was able to accomplish so much and now. I know I need to work on my mindset, but could really use a positive support group!

    So... Where are y'all from? What's your story?
  • Welcome, my story sounds like yours, I lost a lot of weigh back in 2013 but I gained it back plus 20 lbs.
    I am starting all over again.
    Good luck!