~*Sizzling for Summer 2017 Challenge!*~

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  • How neat, Riestrella! As a Virgo, I love making and filling out lists, so I will definitely join in...haha.


    - Where are you from and where do you live now?
    I'm originally from Northern California, but am currently living in Georgia and will be moving to Arizona in June...lol. (We're a military family, so we move every 2-4 years.)

    - How old are you?
    I am 32! Which is weird, because I swear I was just 26 not that long ago...haha.

    - What do you do for a living?
    I'm currently a SAHM to our toddler. I don't trust most daycares, and we don't live near family, so it has been our only real option since he was born. Once he can be accepted into preschool, I will be working again. It's actually a bit of a source of embarrassment for me in this career-focused society we live in, but I have really loved having this time with him and feel like it has been important to our bond.

    - What's your favourite thing about summer?
    I agree. Definitely the long, perfect-temperature evenings...Autumn is actually my favorite season, but there is nothing quite like a beautiful summer night. On the flip-side, I love summertime thunderstorms, as well. I also enjoy the swimming and more frequent family get-togethers!

    - Any vacations planned for summer?
    No, we'll be way too busy with the move and getting settled in this summer. But, I think my mom and her husband will be coming for a visit to our new place by July since it is so much closer to home, so that will still be a nice "staycation" of sorts!

    - Favourite food to eat in summer?
    Probably ice cold watermelon and cherries.

    - Favourite drink to drink in summer?
    Lemonade and water.

    - What's your food plan?
    I do intermittent fasting (currently 16/8) and just try to keep my calories between 1200-1400 while keeping an eye on my sodium levels. Drinking lots of water.

    - What's your fitness plan?
    I do mostly walking at the moment. I've been too busy with our middle child being in baseball season right now, but I was taking evening walks between 3.5-5 miles a day pretty consistently up until that point. I still try to get in at least 10k steps whenever I can until things calm down a little and do the long walks on off days. I would like to start weight training soon as well, but I'm going to wait until we're moved and settled in before starting a new routine.

    - What are your hobbies?
    Hobbies that I actually get to do sometimes are reading and mostly just this whole new focus on being active and losing weight. I haven't had much time for anything else, really. Hobbies that I love that are on a backburner at the moment: drawing/painting, writing, editing, hiking, roadtrips, aromatherapy/herbology, and casual photography. I also want to try a little gardening, but I just have never felt like any place was "home" because we move so much, so I haven't bothered investing the time in that yet. I'd also love to travel abroad, learn a new language, and learn how to play the mandolin or cello, but I haven't picked those up yet, either. I even want to learn bellydancing and hooping! Sadly, the list of things like that is much longer than I care to admit, so I guess you could say I have more "interests" than actual hobbies right now...lol.

    - List 3 things you like about yourself:
    This one is harder for me, but I would say...

    1. I like that I am sincerely kind-hearted, and am one of those people that just about anyone can turn to for acceptance or support. Unless you're truly evil, I think I can get along with just about anyone for at least a little while.
    2. I like that I have a creative streak that makes life and the way I perceive it a more beautiful experience.
    3. I like that I am a vegetarian and hope to transition to becoming fully vegan during this journey into health and overall wellness.
  • - Where are you from and where do you live now?
    I was born in Perth, Scotland and I now live is Ossett, West Yorkshire, England

    - How old are you?
    I will be 62 in 9 days' time.

    - What do you do for a living?
    I've had 3 careers: First as a Russian linguist; Second as an infant teacher; Third as a priest in the Church of England. I took early retirement on health grounds on 02/28/2015

    - What's your favourite thing about summer?
    Hm. Not a huge fan of summer, don't like it too hot. Maybe by summer 2018 I'll be thin enough not to just feel hot and sweaty.

    - Any vacations planned for summer?
    Vacation coming a bit early this year ~ at the end of May going to Germany for a week, principally to see Wagner's Ring Cycle (again, this will be my 5th time, I think). Love Germany; slightly worried about the food, which I also love!

    - Favourite food to eat in summer?
    Fancy salads, especially with tuna (real, not canned); oo, especially salade nicoise.

    - Favourite drink to drink in summer?
    Fizzy water.

    - What's your food plan?
    5:2 Intermittent Fasting. I started this overall weightloss phase in June 2015, when I was diagnosed T2D. Lost 79lbs in about 9 months, let it slide a bit, put on over 50lbs while my mother was dying; started again on 12/28 2016, since then have re-lost 34lbs, 21.5 of it in 11 weeks of 5:2, I'm finding it a good plan, with a supportive facebook group.

    - What's your fitness plan?
    Walking. I do the mythical 10,000 steps every day (4 miles), and am trying to up it to 6 miles. Am in the 1,000 Magnificent Miles in 2017 3fc challenge. Aiming for 2017 miles.
    Now that I'm feeling a lot fitter and more limber generally, I'm contemplating buying a Wonder Core 2 programme to help with suppleness and core fitness. There's no point me going to a gym: if I could have the money back for all the abandoned gym memberships over the years, I could pay a fitness trainer 1:1 for the rest of my life. Well, kinda.

    - What are your hobbies?
    I'm learning the ukulele. Great fun. Need to practise more. I also love to sing, and at a recent concert we gave I sang the solo ("If I had a hammer") with the other 16 or so members singing Bom! Bo-bom! Bo-bom! Bo-bom! underneath. It was one of the most exhilarating things of my life!

    Knitting. I actually made up and wear a couple of things I've done recently!

    Walking. Really enjoy what I've designated "Urban Walking" - or wandering the streets. My nearby town of Dewsbury was formerly (19th century) a thriving centre for heavy woollen industry and railway lines. Although it's now something of a forgotten town, there are still some wonderful buildings to walk past and marvel at.

    - List 3 things you like about yourself
    I am functionally kind: I might not always Want to help someone out but I always will.

    I have come a very long way since the virtual breakdown/PTSD of April/2013, mostly due to being brave and slogging it out.

    I have a wicked sense of humour!!


    I was very good, and wrote my own answers before reading anyone else's ~ lots of similarities between all of us, here and there! ~ but now need to add that I also plan my vacations down to the nth degree too. I usually go alone (going with an opera friend to Germany, it'll be good but I won't be able to plan as much ) and make a grid before I go of what I'll be doing, what public transport I'll catch to it, and what I'll wear while doing it. I Love that planning!
  • I love reading these lists! This was a good idea, Riestrella. I feel like I am really getting to know the other members
  • Thanks for filling out the little questionnaire guys, it's been awesome getting to know you all better! As much as I love talking about weight loss stuff with y'all I like to get to know the people behind the names .

    brd88 - I love travelling too! I just wish I had a bit more money so I could do it often! What concerts do you have planned this year? I've got Ninja Sexy Party (comedy band!) in May and Muse in June, I can't wait!

    Ophelia - Where in GA do you live? We might be close by! No shame whatsoever in being a SAHM, it's a tough job and it costs so much for daycare! What sort of work will you look for when he hits preschool?

    Rosi - Woah, your career is so varied and interesting, I love it!


    Welcome to all newcomers too, great to have you!

    I just updated my ticker since I was last active for the new year, new you challenge. I've regained 5 lbs I'm sad to say . Not surprising at all, but still hard to reset that loss on the ol' ticker.
    I've decided to change up my fitness goal for the challenge though, I'm going to do Shaun T's T25 program. I love his workouts but I haven't done one for such a long time. I thought it would be unfair to my downstairs neighbours with me jumping around up here, BUT since I work from home if I do it in the week and in the day then I'm guessing it shouldn't be a problem? That's my hope anyway! I'm hoping with working out for 25 minutes for 5 days a week will help me shed some of this regain weight once and for all! I've had great success with his style of workout in the past so fingers crossed. I found myself not getting excited about running so I thought this would be a good method to kick start my exercising. I love running in the spring/autumn months but once summer hits I hate getting all hot and sweaty without even exerting that much energy!
  • - Where are you from and where do you live now? I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. I went to college in Tampa, Florida. I now live in Maupin, Oregon which is due East of Portland.
    - How old are you? 62 years young.
    - What do you do for a living?We are trying to retire from farming. I still sell an occasional painting, primarily acrylic semi-abstract. I use to teach art and have worked for Fish and Wildlife(I have both a science and art background).
    - What's your favourite thing about summer?Being outside walking, gardening or Plein Air painting(watercolor & marker).
    - Any vacations planned for summer? Maybe an art workshop.
    - Favourite food to eat in summer? Watermelon, strawberries and Black Cherries.
    - Favourite drink to drink in summer? Ice tea or Iced coffee.
    - What's your food plan? No eating after dinner.
    - What's your fitness plan? Currently walking, aiming for an average of 6 miles a day. In 3FC challenge "1,000 Magn. Miles" with a goal of 2017 this year.
    - What are your hobbies? I am a Reiki Master, into Essential Oils/herbs, Pistol target shooting and play the piano.
    - List 3 things you like about yourself
    1. I love meeting new people and making new friends.
    2. I am creative and think outside the box.
    3. I love learning new things and sharing/teaching with others.
  • Rie, Playing classical piano is like meditating. What do you play?

    Ophe, If I lived closer to town I would re-learn belly dancing. You should go for it , so much fun and great for the core. Interesting to see aromatherapy and herbology, but understand about things on hold. I rarely worked until our son was in school.

    Rosi, I have several old instruments I'm trying to sell (flute, sax & guitars). I am looking into the Ukulele because it looks fun, is social and very packable.

    Fun finding out more about my fellow 3FC's.
  • Thank you so much for setting up this challenge Riestrella. I'm definitely in.
  • Hi, Riestrella! I LOOOOOVE Muse! I'm going to see Phoenix next month, and then I always go to Music Midtown in Atlanta in September! Have you been?
    Also, T25 Sounds interesting! I bought the Cize program last year and still haven't opened it! Maybe I will get into that sometime this summer.

    Working, I am into EOs, too! I love mixing them together to make blends for meditation and/or yoga.
  • Hi ladies!! I would love to join this challenge! I added my info the the spreadsheet. Thanks Riestrella for setting this challenge up! It looks like fun!!

    - Where are you from and where do you live now?
    I'm from Minneapolis, MN and that is where I currently live, as well.

    - How old are you? 30 years old! Where did the time go?!

    - What do you do for a living? I currently work in Service Management for an Interior Design company, but am transitioning into the Mental Health industry. I am currently in a Masters program for Counseling Psychology to become an LPCC.

    - What's your favourite thing about summer? The bonfires, the cold drinks, music outside on the patio, and just being with friends and family.

    - Any vacations planned for summer? Going to Philadelphia this summer over 4th of July weekend to see all the historical sites with my mother. Pretty excited about that! Otherwise just saving up and planning for my wedding that is in October! We will hopefully be going to Mexico-not exactly sure what part yet, but it will be over Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, so I'm thrilled for that experience.

    - Favourite food to eat in summer? Definitely fresh vegetables from the garden (last year I grew cherry and roma tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos, red and green bell peppers, squash, pumpkin, green beans, and sweat peas) I am an avid lover of the farmers market, so I love going there every Saturday morning with my family and leaving with bags full of fresh produce. I also love anything on the grill (my fiance has already started his 2017 grill season, which will go from now until probably the end of September! )

    - Favourite drink to drink in summer? Cold beer, lemonade, and margaritas! (Which is probably why I need to keep dieting and change my lifestyle! oops! )

    - What's your food plan? Stay under 1300 calories a day. Try to eat more protein and less carbs and sodium. Focus on more organic less processed foods. I'm trying to learn how to meal plan, but that is just not in the wheel house right now! I can never stay on track with the actual prepping part!

    - What's your fitness plan? Exercise everyday. Rotate between cardio and weight lifting. Push myself for more cardio and start running more. I ran a 10K last year that I want to sign up for again and improve my time and My overall goal is to eventually run a half marathon and then a full marathon...I would love to do destination running- signing up for races around the country or even around the world.

    - What are your hobbies? Traveling, writing, collecting antiques, working on and finishing my tattoo sleeve (if that counts as a hobby!) vintage anything and everything, trying out new breweries, learning how to run,.

    - List 3 things you like about yourself
    I like to think I have a pretty friendly personality.
    I like how passionate I get about things- it is either 0 or 100 for me.
    I like that I am always striving to better myself, whether it be by getting healthy, or going to school, or picking up a new hobby.
  • I've been looking for a challenge! I need accountability and need to stay on course with my eating program. I've picked low carb because it works for me when I stay on course and I just feel better when I eat L-C. I need to lose weight; doctor's order. Unfortunately like sweets too, so I'll need to see what I can do by way of l-c treats. :-)

    Can't wait to get started. Thank you for starting this challenge!
  • - Where are you from and where do you live now?
    I'm from Manhattan, NY and now currently reside in San Diego, Ca

    - How old are you?
    I am 53.

    - What do you do for a living?
    I am a Administrative Assistant, currently on medical leave. And boy! Can't wait to get back to work cause staying at home is the pits! lol

    - What's your favourite thing about summer?
    I love the summer weather!!!

    - Any vacations planned for summer?
    Haven't really made any plans. I could be happy with a staycation! Although, I would like to go see my grand-babies but we'll see.

    - Favourite food to eat in summer?
    Fresh salads and ice cream.

    - Favourite drink to drink in summer?

    - What's your food plan?
    HF/LC plan. I need to lose weight, doctor's orders but I feel best on a lc plan.

    - What's your fitness plan?
    I walk everyday for at least a mile. I do try to get at least 5,000 every day; sometimes 10,000/day. I also take a Jazzercise class everyday, except Saturday and Sunday.

    - What are your hobbies?
    I enjoy sewing, when I get a chance to do it. I also love making soaps and body butters for my business!!!

    - List 3 things you like about yourself
    1. I am a dorkasaurus!!! And wouldn't change for the world! lol
    2. If you don't want something done thoroughly, don't ask me to do it! (I even told a co-worker this one time and he looked at me like I was crazy! lol) He was always in to shortcuts!
    3. Very organized. Well, I think I am. Instead of being a hoarder, I would be the person, to throw out a bunch of stuff. I recently moved and of course got rid of a lot of stuff but I'm still looking to get rid of more stuff!!! :-)
  • Like how you have your lil mini ticker challenges listed. So cute! And now I have to go do it! lol
  • Hi, I am new to the forum, I feel like doing little challenges will keep me motivated for my main goal.
    This is such a great idea, love it!

    - Where are you from and where do you live now? Spain, I used to live in South Spain now I live in North Spain

    - How old are you? 27 years old

    - What do you do for a living? I am a full-time student, next year is my last year doing my second degree.

    - What's your favourite thing about summer? Going for a walk along the sea with my bare feet feeling the cold water while the sun shines and holidays!

    - Any vacations planned for summer? Nothing

    - Favourite food to eat in summer? Ice cream (this year I'll try not to eat it) and cherries.

    - Favourite drink to drink in summer? Lemonade and iced tea

    - What's your food plan? It's a diet an endocrine made some years ago for me. It changes every week.

    - What's your fitness plan? No plan, just going to the gym 2-3 times per week.

    - What are your hobbies? Music, reading, writing, travelling. I want to travel to a lot of countries, next year I'll go somewhere, I still have to decide, boy probably Greece or Italy. My boyfriend and I want to travel to Japan and South Korea someday and my dream is to travel to Maldives, that place is paradise.

    - List 3 things you like about yourself
    1. That I am totally honest and sincere, I can't lie. Some people might think this isn't that good, but I belive it's one of my best qualities.
    2. I see the both sides of the same coin, I can put myself into someone else's shoes. I wish everybody could do it.
    3. I like my hunger for knowledge. I want to learn about everything, medicine, politics, music, cultures around the world, history,...
  • Lovely to see all the new challengers for this round. Welcome, brd88, gemini, ladym, laura, shea, dietchall, farn00, niece and Iwant..

    If I missed any newbies, Welcome.

    brd88, I have a rollar ball mix for each chakra that I use for meditation. I've made so many mixes for all areas of life, most I have dumped as I don't use them. I have a few favorite and still enjoy single eo's. Studying the emotional/spiritual uses currently.

    Hoping to see a small study loss and to be in the not overweight range by the end of the challenge. Wishing inspiration for ALL!
  • Challenge starts tomorrow everyone! Please refresh yourself on the rules by reading the first post if you haven't already!

    How are you all feeling about this challenge? I'm feeling pretty confident I can make some progress. I don't want to big myself up too much to say "THIS IS IT, GUYS!" but I also think that I WILL lose weight this time, even if it's 2 lbs. I'm sure if I stick to T25 5 days a week I'll be able to lose weight.


    workinglikeadog - I play modern stuff, no classical unfortunately. I'm self taught so when I was a teenager I played what songs I thought were cool, which was a lot of Final Fantasy music and Evanescence! Do you play classical? Is Oregon nice? I've always been intrigued by it. You seem so creative, that's so wonderful! I'm starting to get back into drawing, I use pencils since I found paint too "final" and it would stress me out haha. Would love to see some of your work.

    brd88 - Yayy, another Muse fan! They're definitely my favourite band, I've seen them 6 times since 2003 and they're always phenomenal. Nope, never done Music Midtown, I should check it out since I live near Atlanta!

    Farn - Hello fellow runner! What was your 10K best time? I'm currently taking a break from running since summer is approaching and I can't stand humidity running! But I'm always conscious of beating my record of 59 minutes. I really want to beat my Mum's 10K best too, but she did it when she was younger than me so I'm not sure if I will! Something to aim for . We're a competitive family if you couldn't tell, haha. Ooh, what's your tattoo sleeve? I love tattoos. I only have 2 but if I had more money I'd be covered in them.

    Niecy - I had to laugh when I read you wanted to get back to work, I work from home so you'd hate my job haha! Welcome to the challenge and yay, you've got your own shiny ticker too!

    I.wanna.be.cute (I'm sure you're already cute) - I love Japan! I'm going there in September