I'm back

  • Sigh...It's a familiar story. I gained, then lost then gained, then lost (add a bunch more of those) and then gained again. Working on NOT doing a formal diet, but more focused on intuitive eating and trying the manage my cravings (SUGAR!) in different ways. Totally clear that I am completely addicted to sugar and really would love to hear from others who are as well. I hope to find some compatriots here and be there for each other on this bumbling (for me) journey! I ant to be clear that I am not opposed to dieting, but more that I want to try something different and not deprive myself, instead work to deal with what is underneath all of this food stuff. I eat when I am happy, sad, bored, anxious, angry, etc. Time to find some other ways to manage those difficult feelings and frolic more with the good ones!
  • Hi Mellange, and welcome!