1st Mini Goal DONE

  • So my first goal was to get under 300lbs and lose 10% of my starting weight. Done

    I can't express how happy I am about this. It's been at least 2-3 years since I have been under 300. My clothes are fitting better and I am doing things I never though I would do... like Zumba tonight!!

    I think Mini Goal #2 is going to be to get under 260 since that's the lowest I will have been in at least 10-12 years *ouch*

    It's a process and I am trying to take it week by week.
  • Congratulations!! Wow, 10%! That's fantastic!!

    "It's a process and I am trying to take it week by week." Words of wisdom, there.
  • Congrats!!!
  • Congrats!!! Also I really like your avatar, great saying.
  • Well done!!
  • Thanks everyone.
  • Woot! That is a great mini-goal accomplishment! Way to go!
  • Well done !!! We are all rooting for you. It is great to see you are realistic in your mini goals and know it is a "process." That thought took me sooooo long to embrace. As your sig says -- just keep getting up.

    Have fun with Zumba.