i feel so alone

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  • Sorry to read that your sister wasn't very nice. It sounds like maybe you live in a remote location, the same as I did growing up. It was difficult because my sister was really angry and sometimes tried as hard as she could to be mean about my appearance. I guess sisters do that sometimes, since if they are unhappy, there are not a lot of options to improve the situation when you are a kid and don't have much control over who you spend time around, and so it is easy for them to just be mean to try to make themselves feel better. When I was a kid, I thought being mean was just kind of normal, so I better say that when I call her mean, I mean she is really terrible. Hopefully your sister isn't always lousy, but if she is, she shouldn't be, and things will change for you when you get older. Things are really better once you can go places on your own and choose to be around people who act decently. (You will find out there really are a lot of nice people out there!) If you are already an adult, maybe you already can go places on your own, but you will probably be able to afford to do that even more as you get older.

    Well, I'm not from the UK, so I hope my words don't sound too strange. I was just curious about the UK thread and then I saw your post and was sorry it sounded like your sister was being mean.
  • Please don't ever think you are alone! I know how you feel. I have always been the 'fat girl' even when I was slim. At high school I was a size 12 and had a lovely figure and I was fit and healthy but because my friends were size 8 I was ridiculed by some of the bullies. I was always the friend and never the girlfriend. Over the years since I have gradually put on weight. I now have an amazing husband but feel like I'm wearing a fat suit! I should t be this size but I have nobody to blame but myself. I'm now a size 22 and hate shopping, worry about going on planes and whether the seat belt will fit! It's awful and I want to change. I get so far and then fall off the wagon but I will keep trying. I had 2 miscarriages last year and that didn't help. I have just found this forum so I will use it for support. I am also going to join over eaters anonymous! Don't give up ! We are all here to support each other ! Big hug
  • I was just like you

    I know right now that no matter how much we tell you that you're not alone, you won't be convinced until you start to feel it from within.

    Let me tell you my story. I was the ugly fat friend (not sure how many can relate) but I was that girl, that unnamed chubby/fat girl that the 'pretty girl' usually hung out with. I was invisible! People would look right through me. At the age when I should've been getting attention from boys, I only got inquiries about my 'pretty friend'.

    One day my friends took me out to eat ice-cream and then - they had an intervention on how fat I was and how I needed to be healthy. Can you imagine how I was feeling? Sitting there eating a big bowl of ice cream, feeling ashamed and guilty.

    But even then, that wasn't the moment that I 'put my foot down and decided to lose all the weight'. There was no single turning point for me where I stopped all junk and dropped all my weight. It was a gradual realization that I needed to make better food choices and needed to explore my own stamina and exercise.

    And it took me AGES to have better body image. Even now when a lot of people compliment me on a daily basis (not just for my looks but for the woman I've grown to be) one comment on my weight will bring down my mood like nothing else matters. I'm working on it.

    It will take a while for you to truly understand that you're not alone. But until then, make yourself your project. That you've to work on, tend to, improve and fine tune. Have you ever painted? You know how we want to always touch up on colours and strokes till you think your painting is perfect. You are your own masterpiece. Right now it's a blank canvas but start working on yourself and you will get there and then you'll smile back at this!

  • Quote: One day my friends took me out to eat ice-cream and then - they had an intervention on how fat I was and how I needed to be healthy. Can you imagine how I was feeling? Sitting there eating a big bowl of ice cream, feeling ashamed and guilty.

    If my friends pulled that on me, I'd get new friends. That was an ambush.
  • Hi, I'm new here but this post immediately caught my attention.

    Your attitude towards life sounds very much like mine was about six months ago. I was super anxious, absolutely hated everything about myself, and turned into a socio-phobe as I didn't want to inflict myself onto others. It really held me back, especially from my desire to lose weight. In fact, I just seemed to get bigger. I'd been feeling like this for years and was at the end of my rope. I literally wanted to kill myself.

    So I went to my doctor and asked to be referred to a mental health service. Over the past few months, I've been speaking to a psychological well-being practitioner about how to manage anxiety. She was very nice and really helpful, and has referred me onto the 'next level' to address the deeper issues I have. I'm definitely not 'fixed' yet (e.g. still a socio-phobe; joining this forum is actually a big step for me), but the help I've received so far has really made a difference and I feel more in control of my life. And I've managed to lose 21 lbs over these last few months, by setting myself small manageable goals and not being too hard on myself. I still have a way to go, but I'm proud of what I've achieved so far and the future looks so much brighter now.

    I would advise you to visit your doctor to ask what your options are with regards to counselling. Also, check out the NHS website or download their weight loss/Choices app. It's full of really useful advice broken down into easy-to-read chunks, and makes the whole process of trying to lose weight seem so much more manageable and achievable.

    I hope you feel happier soon.
  • Quote: One day my friends took me out to eat ice-cream and then - they had an intervention on how fat I was and how I needed to be healthy. Can you imagine how I was feeling? Sitting there eating a big bowl of ice cream, feeling ashamed and guilty.


    That sounds horrible. What were they thinking?!

    What an absolutely awful thing to do. Sorry that happened to you.