So.....does anyone remember me?

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  • Hi. I'm Lilion and I was here a thousand years ago. Well, okay...looks like I joined in 2005 and stopped posting February 10, 2011. I wonder why? I truly don't remember stopping, but long and short of it is this:

    I lost 100 lbs. I weighed 228 at my lowest and was 28 lbs from my "goal" of 200. It took me two years to lose it. Then, it was over. It was like a switch flipped and I just stopped trying. I maintained for a short time and then slowly (though much more quickly than I should have) I gained it back. Now I'm back to 305 and starting over. A while back I found a letter I had written to myself that mentioned 3fc and I thought, "I wonder if that site even still exists?"

    And here you are.

    So...any old-timer's remember me?

    (I kind of hope not, because that means you, like me, still need to lose.)


    p.s. Jeeze, look at that tracker! I left here before I even got to that 228. Wow...I'll have to figure out how to change that again.
  • Hi Lilion,

    I do not remember you, but I noticed we joined in the same year and have the same goal weight. I just got back myself. Keep coming back! What are your plans for the near future regarding food etc.?
  • I don't remember you either, but we may have been on different boards. I'm returning also so I understand about that flipped switch. I just completely lost sight of my health goals and put all my lost weight right back on and then some. Glad to know this site is still here also. It was a tremendous help to me last time. I hope you reach your intended goal this year!
  • Welcome back to 3FC- not sure if we've crossed paths before or not.

    It's hard to keep up the willpower, I think. That's why we lapse. It is so hard to just keep up the willpower day after day. Anything you can do to make it less about willpower is important, I think. Make your exercise something you really enjoy. Find a diet that doesn't make you feel deprived. That sort of thing. Easier said than done, I think!
  • Well I don't remember you not sure if I joined before or after you left

    Anyway welcome back

    Time for a lifestyle change instead of that diet that didn't work then?

    So I'm karencat- also a return member this time second time here last time I tried going it on my own this time I'm doing weight watchers as well
  • Thanks for the welcome ladies. I figured none of the old group would be here. I may try again, in the 200+ group. Maybe they lost, but stuck around?

    Yeah...doubt it. It's been a long time.

    Quote: Time for a lifestyle change instead of that diet that didn't work then?
    Actually, no. I did all the right things. I changed my lifestyle, my manner of cooking, I worked out and did more healthy things. It wasn't a "diet".

    I just stopped and went back to the way it was before. Sad, huh?

    My husband was doing it with me and he stopped too. We just slowly went back to our bad habits...too many snacks, eating out too much, sleeping in and skipping the workout, flopping down in a chair at the end of the day and just vegging out instead of doing something - anything. He gained too...all he'd lost +.

    So he and I are back at it. With an empty nest and time for ourselves, it's time we got healthy.

    As for what we're doing...right now it's My Fitness Pal to log all our food and a Fitbit to monitor and encourage us to get up and move. All in all, it's working. Since March 5 I've lost 5.4 lbs and am officially under 300 (by.4, but who's going to complain?) We joined the Y to have access to a gym and track and maybe even a pool - if I get brave enough to wear a swimsuit in public.

    Again, thanks for the welcome!
  • Hey welcome back!!

    I joined after you left, but as mentioned by some of the comments, there are many people still in this group who are on the same page as you. I am taking a snails pace.... I am now 16 months in, 52lbs down, and have 103lbs still to go to get to 168lbs. Slow and steady wins the race right? Well I hope so .

    I wanted to comment because we have similar plans, I use MFP every single day to track my food, It really has been though the wars with me. I used it at the very beginning to find out just how many calories I was eating.... all the way through to aiming for macros to up my protein intake. I have a Fitbit Charge 2 which is about 5 months in on our relationship . Its great when I am in the gym, as I do the treadmill for 10 mins, then I just set it to weights and get lifting, or when I was doing the gardening yesterday, I set it to workout and it started counting.

    Do you have calorie and step and workout goals?
    Just now I am on 1500cal
    9,000 steps and this week trying to get over 8,000 calories burned per day on workout, but that it because ive been slacking.
  • Quote: I have a Fitbit Charge 2 which is about 5 months in on our relationship . Its great when I am in the gym, as I do the treadmill for 10 mins, then I just set it to weights and get lifting, or when I was doing the gardening yesterday, I set it to workout and it started counting.

    Do you have calorie and step and workout goals?
    Just now I am on 1500cal
    9,000 steps and this week trying to get over 8,000 calories burned per day on workout, but that it because ive been slacking.
    I have a Charge 2 as well. Bought it March 5. So far, I like it a lot. It gets annoying sometime, nudging me to take it for a walk when I'm trying to work...but that's actually good. I seriously have a job where I could literally get up 3 x a day; about 10 for coffee and bathroom, noon for lunch and bathroom, and 3 for bathroom. Otherwise, 9 hours on my butt. Being reminded to move is good.

    Question: Do you input your workouts on MFP as well as letting Fitbit track? I think the MFP is making my exercise calories much higher than Fitbit would give me. I'm experimenting today, trying to get the exact same workouts in and about the same steps, and see what's happening.

    I'm actually on 1900 calories net. I see a dietician and she wants me to not go under 1500 net. I've also set my step goal at 7500. Because my job is so sedentary, 10,000 is really, really, almost unobtainable! It was just so frustrating to NEVER hit that goal. So both my doctor and dietician suggested I lower it to something doable. I usually get more like 8 to 9,000. I haven't hit 10,000 yet, even trying.

    8,000 burned per DAY? Really? How does anyone do that? Do you mean per week? No...that would be too low. Per day? I'm missing something.
  • 8,000 per day what a superhuman I would be... Totally meant 1,000 burned through exercise, its a proper challenge even that... it makes my fitbit burned calories at about 3800ish because I burn about 2700 just breathing. I wouldn't worry about your step goal.. I got mine at xmas and I was getting about 3,000-6,000 a day and that was me really trying But the more I did it the better I get at it. If you told me that I would be hitting 10,000 a day back then I would of laughed at you. Some days I just need the rest and recovery, but the last 2 days I have been at about 11500, but on Monday I was gardening for ages, and yesterday I was went for a run and was at the gym, so likely today I will struggle to get it.

    About the exercise, I only use MFP for food diary and weight diary, I track all workouts on my fitbit. When I am doing housework, I set it to workout and just do it all fast to keep my heart rate up. Same for gardening, I just put it on workout (but then you need to remember to stop the clock ). I do weights in the gym, so I use that feature, then treadmill, and stuff like that. I think fitbit cover most workouts, except maybe yoga.... then I might add that in manually. I like to think that the fitbit is giving more accurate calories burned because it knows what your heart rate was at the time of doing it.

    I love it
  • Okay...I totally have to ask because I know you are in Scotland. I have a MFP friend with the user name Faux_scots_lass, who sounds so much like you! She even uses Fitbit and I've seen her put on weights and yoga and other types of workouts. She might be a tiny bit older and is married. Is that you? LOL...if not, you have faux scots twin.

    1000 exercise calories a day is quite a feat. Although my husband, curse him, gets that pretty easily. > It's annoying. But he is "moderately active" even without any exercise by virtue of his job, which is teaching life skills in a prison. So lots of walking to get to his classroom from the parking, then lots of walking in the prison buildings - heck the bathroom is a floor up from him - then walking around while doing to classes. He isn't on his butt all day like me. I usually get 500-700 a day. I suppose I could ramp that up pretty easily just by doing more after work, but I'm tired by the time I get home! Usually it's 6 p.m. and I have dinner to cook and things to do. So...

    I did an experiment yesterday to see if there was any difference if you use the MFP exercise input or just the fitbit adjustment. Zero. No difference at all. I think I'll likely stop putting in the MFP adjustment, just because. Fitbit does have a yoga setting. I may have to see next if there's a difference if you don't call something a workout in Fitbit, like gardening, but do on MFP. I'll eventually find the best way to log all this.
  • I have a twin!! This is the only thing I use a fake name on funnily enough, everything else is under my real name (Caireen) I would be happy to share MFP with you if you had space for another Scot .

    I actually don't do yoga, I wish I did though.... but Im all about those weights just now . Yesterday I racked up 10,000 steps without even really going anywhere, I later realised it was because I had been sitting drumming that counts right? I can imagine the amount of steps your DH can rack up, I just wish I had my fitbit when I worked in hospitality, would explain why I always wanted to come home and pass out. Did you find that the more weight you lost... the more energy you had before to workout after work? I have for sure.... so maybe that is your hurdle just now.

    Experimenting with the workouts are the only way to really get a better grasp at what is the most beneficial, or most accurate. I was surprised to see that I burned 1021cal doing 1.5 hours of gardening.... but I was proper hard grafting and digging, my heart rate was never below 130 (which is high for me), plus I am still feeling the aches from it even today.... so It was probably right.
  • Hmmm. I found a Caireen in the United Kingdom, but I don't think it was you. You don't look 45. lol

    My name on MFP is LadyLilion. Feel free to send me a friend request. The more the merrier.

    And yes, the more you lose the more energy you have. But you know, even though I HATE exercise when I'm doing it, there's no denying I feel better when I get up early and work out. I just feel better all day. So...helps keep me going.
  • I added you

    I can't believe there is a 45 year old Caireen in the UK somewhere. I have only hear the name (the correct spelling) twice. Once is a girl a few years older than me, and married to a friend of mine. The other was when I was younger, my mum called my name in a swimming pool somewhere and a lady answered. Maybe its her .

    I always thought my mum made it up for a very long time

    Today I was busting my butt in the gym, and I always feel much better for doing so.... its the get up and go that has sometimes..... got up and gone.
  • Hey Lillion. I'm making my way back down myself so you're in good company.

  • Nope I don't remember you but that's because I joined in July of 2013 the 1st time around