The frustration

  • Hey y'all I wanted some of your feedback... what makes you frustrated or angry about being overweight?
  • Being constantly out of breath trying to do the most mundane things like bending over to tie my shoe and going up a flight of stairs. Ugh.
  • I've got a whole list going!
    I'll fitting clothes
    Not fitting comfortably into smaller cars
    Feeling smushed on airplanes/in theaters
    Feeling invisible
    Knocking things over with my big butt
    Getting "concern trolling" comments
    Joint pain

    I could go on all day!
  • Dating. I've sworn off it for now.
    Feeling sweaty a lot of the time.
    Chub rub.
    Having to suss out venues before I go there to make sure I can fit in the seats/aisles etc.
    That people who've never been big don't 'get' it.
  • My clothes not fitting, losing out on job opportunities, achy joints, awkward intimacy positions that inevitably end in muscle cramps...
    I miss being active.
  • These were all the reasons why I started my weight loss journey. If I can weigh in as someone about 70lbs down (from 273 to around 199-ish - lacking an accurate scale at the moment), I would like to tell you what has changed. I am not at my goal, but I have noticed significant improvements in what you all are talking about. But also, some drawbacks. I think there are great things about all the bodies we are in, and I want to celebrate you all for improving your health and outlook wherever you are. The best thing about my weight loss journey has been my support group at the center where I get counseled, honestly.

    So the list:

    clothes not fitting - you have to get new clothes / which is super fun / but also kind of expensive (beware!)

    pain in joints / pain in feet / pain with movement - this is super good news for me - I had bad foot pain and joint problems that have really lessened since the weight loss (doesn't happen that way for everyone, but for me was great - I also swam when I could rather than doing weight bearing activity)

    fitting into spaces - i don't have to put my car seat so far back when I drive / I was surprised - I also fit better into plane seats, but at my height and hip width plane seats are still tight

    social disapproval - i interviewed for jobs at my heaviest weight and didn't get one in that round - my field has yearly interviews / that was a blow, now I'm getting offered jobs and free stuff and it feels a little hollow, people listen to me more and I'm kind of angry about it - we are all entitled to be listened to as valuable and useful members of society (geez) - I also don't get those annoying comments when I go out any more, but I am more uncomfortable with being looked at because I am questioning the motives of the folks who look at me or talk to me

    increased flexibility - bending over is easier because there is less of me. yoga has gotten more doable, I just thought I was bad at it when I was at 270

    So, just my experience with what you all are talking about. I feel like I am still hyper conscious that I don't look the way I want, or feel much different from when I was significantly larger, so the shift in the way the world interacts with me (or fits me) is kind of baffling. Hope this helps someone else on their journey. Be well and take good care of yourselves.