Looking for FAT LOSS tips

  • I am interested reducing my fat content 22% to under 20. I weigh 138-140 most of the time and have a hard time getting below that. I want to weight train more to reduce my fat level. Any ideas on a diet and or exercise program to follow which gives you results? I was told to loose fat, I must increase my fats and reduce my Carbs. Right now, I am following a 1200-1400 calorie plan of 35%protein, 40%fats and 25%carbs. Am I on the right track?:
  • A number of fitness models and athletes confided there simply is no shortcut to success.Losing fat is no easy feat, but a little pro advice can go a long way.Cycling your carbohydrate intake, in which you reduce your consumption of carbs to fairly low levels about 50-100 g per day for several days, followed by a high-carb day, is a common approach in successful fat-loss programs.
  • Hi. I will share my brother's ways to lose body weight and fats. I would suggest you have control of junk and oily food stuffs and drink at-least one gallon of water per day. This will help you a lot to shed body weight and fats.