Not New Anymore but still losing

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  • Wednesday...wish it was FRIDAY
    Hello Eveyone!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAPHNE I sent you an ecard, I hope you got it!

    Dana...WoW never a dull moment at your house. I am glad to hear that Brett is okay. What made the little dog bite him? How is everyone else in the family? Has Bretts sugars stablized, you had said they were way high over the weekend?
    I hope you are taking some "me" time for yourself with all that you have to deal with.

    Ann...The diet that I am doing is in Womans World. However, I am not following it to the "T". I started taking vitamins (again). I am mostly eating a lot of Protien (I have eaten 2 can's of tuna since I started) and major veggies. Very little bread, pasta, or potatoes. Of course no real sweets, just fruit. I have been making smoothies for desert and both me and the kids are enjoying them.
    Yes, I have been watching Dr. Phil on and off. (I watch him during commercials, because the kids get on my case that he is boring.) I think he has some valid points, and I was shocked when no one at the dinner table wanted to eat the spinach or salmon meal that they had prepared for them...that would be a treat for me, I love both of those. However, I am from california..and many people eat like that here (I just can't afford salmon all the time and I definately can't afford to go out and eat a meal like that) Besides my kids don't really care for either of them. Dr. Phil was down-right mean to some of these people. I already don't like the rich B*tch, since she has money, I feel she could afford her own trainer and chef or go to Jenny Craig or something.

    Well enough of Dr. Phil, Ann what are you going to do since your weight is back up. I know I am almost to my all time fattest of 289 (which is what I was when I first joined here 2 years ago) and I have to get a grip. We are weighing about the same you and I. I don't know how long I can go on eating tuna for breakfast, and no pasta in my spagetti (I microwaved mushrooms, onions, bell peppers and zuchini and put the spagetti sauce and meatballs (veggie) over the vegtables). It was good, but a lot of work. I like the convience of fast food. I have defrosted more steak, either for dinner or breakfast. This diet say you loose about 4-5lbs a week and in a month I could loose 20lbs. So I am trying it. I will let you know how it goes.

    On the homefront, BJ called and I asked about Adrian and DH, she said DH wants a divorce, but Adrian is going to hang onto her man. She is not going to give him one and wants to stick it out. It looks like Adrian is setting herself up for months and possible years of heartache, being married to someone who doesn't love you or want to be with you. Which means that BJ is going to have to continue to play the rescuer in this whole situation. She will have to take the baby when a fight brakes out or buy food when Jerome doen't come home for the weekend. I feel really bad for my baby. I know she is a loving and caring woman, but I feel like she has enough on her plate...and some of that is ME! She is my rescuer and I guess I just don't want to share. Plus, I think it would be to much for her to handle.

    Now for the work front update: I just found out Monday that Michele (The COO's work-out buddy and the woman who keeps taking everyones jobs) Got a $10,000 raise. That is right, she does nothing, takes all the credit and is rewarded hansomely for being a kiss @ss. As you can imagine I am Really Really P.O.ed about this. But in truth there is nothing that I can do about it. I am really trying to ignore all the bull that happens around here. My goal is to work here for 5 years, get my retirement, and then try to get a job at the union. I am trying to think of this place as a stepping stone to a better future for myself and family.

    Well, got to go,
    Love to all,

  • Thurday ((((WHERE ARE YOU ALL))))
    Hello Ladies

    I hope everyone is having a fantastic day!!! It is overcast and has cooled off around here.

    Dana...We must of been posting about the same time yesterday. I am so glad that they didn't take your dog! Brett didn't need rabie shots, did he? It sounds like your pup is up to date on all of its shots. So what made you run out and buy a new scale? It seems we all have been creeping upwards. What are your plans to lose those extra pounds? This diet I am on seems to be working so far.

    I got on the scale today and I am down 5LBS!!! I am not sure if it is a fluke or what...maybe the scale was wrong or something, I have only been on this diet since Monday! I am hoping that this is really working because I would love to continue to loose like this. The toughest parts about this diet is finding a viriety of protiens and veggies to eat 3 times a day. I can see already that my grocery bill is going to go through the roof. But if I end up skinny, it will all be worth it! I will keep ya all posted! I am going to need all the encouragement and love you all can give me.

    As for the diet...I can tell ya what I have been eating:
    Fried egg (w/pam)
    Coffee w/ FF French vanilla creamer
    Can of tuna w/mayo and seasonings
    1/2 orange flesh Honeydew melon

    Snack: Coffee and honeycake (not on my diet )

    Left overs from dinner (meatballs w/sauce over veggies and a slice of mozzerela melted ontop)
    Crystal light lemonade

    Snack: Popcorn

    Steak 1/3lb
    broccoli w/lite butter
    Salad w/ cheese and real bacon bits (The kids had baked potatoes with butter, cheese and bacon on them) I really wanted it to, but I put my toppings on salad instead of a potato.

    Dessert: Smoothy (milk, ff yogurt, equal, banana and crystal light orange drink powder) It tastes just like a orangecicle.

    Well, got to go!
    Love to all!

  • congrats. Deb on your weight loss

    My nephew and his wife have a new baby . It is a boy and it weighed in at 7lbs 3oz and is 18 " long. The Dr. had told her Wed when she went for a ultrasound that it would weigh over 9lbs. He was born around 6pm last night. She had to have a c section.

    Hello to everyone else. I hope you all have a great day.
    chat later.
  • Hello ladies. I've been home since Tues evening and am trying to get this pigpen of mine cleaned up by Sunday. One of the couples from the Navy reunion are going to be in our area then, and are going to stop here for a meal. I'm not doing a very good job, however. My back is so tired from trying to keep up with those old people!

    We had a really good vacation and a lot of fun at the reunion. They had 8 hour bus trips for us both Tues and Wed. The one on Tues was very stressful for me and a couple of the older ones who are not in the best of health. There was too much walking and standing. Wed's tour was somewhat easier and much more enjoyable. But it was nice. Kansas City, MO is a very beautiful city. They have more fountains than any city in the WORLD except for Rome, Italy. I told the Navy veterans, "I can't keep up with you old people! Next year, I'm going into training for 2 months before the reunion!" And, each year there are more of us children and grandchildren bringing the parents. So, I told everyone that when the old ones are too old to come anymore and it's just us kids, WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH!!!!

    We also had a wonderful time in St. Louis with Bruce. He's just like a brother to me...actually more of a brother than my own! The Lion King was absolutely incredible! I cannot fathom having that much creativity. The costuming was fabulous. It would take too long to explain everything that fascinated me. But, suffice it to say that I was covered in goose bumps for most of the production. There were many of the original Broadway cast performing and it was unbelievable. Then, afterward, Bruce took us to an Italian restaurant in St. Louis' Little Italy. Oh, man, was it delicious.

    Our drive out there was a little stressful. It was all in my head, though. Traffic was not heavy and we timed it so that we weren't in a metropolitan area at any rush hour. I began to relax after the first leg of the trip, and the rest was very easy and enjoyable. Thanks to all who kept us in your prayers...they worked!

    My back held up for the most part. We didn't spend time up in the hospitality room on any of the days with bus trips . I just HAD to lay down and rest my back and hips. I think mom was a little disapppointed in that but she understood. She felt uncomfortable going by herself and had a lot of trouble seeing the controls in the elevators, so she couldn't go anywhere by herself.

    I can't respond to everyone's last several posts. I could barely sit here long enough to READ them all!!!

    Deborah, keep that attitude, lady. You are exactly right. I'm glad that you enjoy the union work so much. Sounds like you have found your calling! Good for you...wish I'd find mine!

    Ann, I'm sorry that you are misunderstood in your church, but congratulations for starting back. I admire you for it. Mom and I are going to start back next Sunday. This week is when those Navy people are coming here.

    Mavis, I hope Eleanor doesn't get hurt in this relationship. I just went through some papers that I brought in from our house. Some of them were letters that I composed to the 'love of my life' back in '88. It broke my heart all over again. But, it also reminded me how good it felt to have been loved! But, I don't know if I'll ever be able to open up that much for anyone else ever! And you driving a Merc! OOO LA LA! Good for you! You deserve it even though you have to be in pain to get it!

    Dana, I hope Brett is ok after Budsy "got him". And I've been praying for him and the diabetes meds. I also hope that you are getting some relaxation time in.

    Daph, where are you and what are you up too?? I missed your birthday, so.... I hope you got lots of great ! Is Megan still doing well? I hope this surgery makes things easier for you and her.

    Well, I'm also creeping back up there, too in the weight department. I got weighed this morning and I'm back up to 327! I have GOT to get myself under control because I'm very uncomfortable again. If I set a goal of beginning with just a 27 lbs loss, I'll feel so much better! I am hoping to get into the walking thing again. I can't just jump back into the long halls, but I can certainly do SOMETHING!!! Just get this huge body MOVING!!

    I'm going to close this thing so that I don't lose it!!!

    Have a good weekend, girls.

    It's great to be back home with my "little man in cat pajamas"!! He wasn't mad at me or anything. He's been like velcro since I got home and I LOVE it!!

  • TGIF Wahoo!!!

    Glad to see you and mom, made it back home! It sounds like you had a fantastic time. I really want to go see the Lion King, it is coming to San Francisco in Jan. I can't wait, I don't know though if I can afford it. I guess you are "Flying" around your apartment to get ready for your guess. Are they just coming for dinner or to stay longer? I hope you have a great time with your friends! What are you planning on serving? It amazes me that we are all creeping upwards in our weight...isn't that weird. Like we are insync...(not the What are your plans to fight the bulge?

    Ann...A new baby in your life! Have you went to see him yet? What are they naming him? I love little babies. BJ's Bro-inlaw, just had a little girl, Alexandra. We haven't had a chance to see her yet. How is everything else going in your life? How are the girls...are they still fighting? How is your oldest and DH?

    (((Has Anyone heard from Daphne ? )))) I hope she had a great B-day and that everything is alright with her.

    Dana...How is it going in your neck of the woods? How are the kids? Did you get Brett stabalized?

    Well, it is Friday and the beginning of "High Holy Days" for the Jews. This is the beginning of the year on the Jewish calendar and a time to go to temple for them. Everyone is taking off early. I will actually be leaving around 2 today, which is in a half an hour. I am so excited to start my weekend early. The JCC had a street Festival last weekend and they had major 12 packs of coke, diet coke and 7-up left over, so I took 42 of them home with me. Me and the kids are going to head down to BJ's house after work so I can drop off all the soda. These sodas are really going to come in handy in the next two months. Tiff's B-day is at the end of Oct. And Darcie's and Ray's b-days are both the week before Thanksgiving. BJ might be throwing a major bash for Ray, because this is his big 5*O*. The plans keep getting changed, however, because of Adrian's marital troubles. Which will effect the amount of money and time that Adrian can contibute to the event. Adrian is all for a big Bash, but it sounds like she wants BJ to do all the work and as all of you know, BJ works all week and has two children to take care of at home. Plus she lives with her dad, so she can't really do major cooking at her house without him finding out about it.

    Anyway it is getting time for me to leave and I have work to finish. I will try to get online at home this weekend and post if I have lost any more weight or if it has went up. This weekend is going to be the true test of my will power.

  • (((((((((((9Where are you all)))))))))

    It is Monday and I ate a lot of junk this weekend and gained back 2lbs. I am back on the diet today though.

    Hope you all post soon!
  • Hello everyone, glad that you had a good trip Gail. The big news here is that Eleanor has moved in with her new man. I am not happy about it but we have not argued, I want to stay friends and let her know that her room is still here if things go wrong. I've pointed out that all this is very quick but she seems very sure and it seems like the big love job. In some ways it may be the making of her. He is a very smart clean cut young man and if he thinks he is getting a young housewife to cook his meals and iron his shirts he is going to be sadly disappointed. She hasn't moved all her stuff out yet and her bedroom is still a mess plus there is a pile of her laundry on the floor of my utility room. I am going to have to insist that she clears things up and I don't know wether I should ask her for my front door key back, as I say I don't want a rift but she can't keep her feet in both camps. Tell me do children ever stop being a worry?
  • Monday again!
    Hello Everyone! PLEASE SOON!!!

    Mavis....I am so glad you posted I was starting to get I am sorry to hear that Eleanor has moved out.

    To add my 2 cents. I think you should definately set a time and date for Eleanor to come tidy up her loose ends (i.e. laundry and room) and during this time you should schedule more time when she could come by and box up her belonging that she doesn't want to take with her. I don't think you should ask for her key back because that might hurt her feeling. But I do believe that you requesting that she clean her mess-up (in a nice tone) would be understandable and if you offer to help her with this task, it might give you some Mother/Daughter time to discuss her future. Just be positive and let her know you only want the best for her and since she is your baby, there might never be a man good enough for her in your eyes.

    Speaking as a mother of an older Daughter, it seems that you never stop worrying about them. BJ, had her DH call me this morning, her Purse had been stolen out of her car infront of her home. They smashed her window and took it. I can't believe she left her purse in the car, especially since it just happened to me. I feel so bad for her, but at least she has Lenny, who stayed home with her to help her through all the hoops you have to jump with the banks, police and Dept. of Motor Vehicles. I just got off the phone with her and she is still waiting at the DMV to pay for a copy of her license.

    As for my Diet...I am back on plan (a coworker just offered me a brownie and I said no ) It took all the will power I have to do that...I love brownies

    Well back to the old grind.
    love to all

  • Still the Lone Poster Here
    ((((((HELLO WHERE ARE YOU ALL)))))

    Has anyone heard from Daphne???? I am starting to worry about her!

    I feel like the thread is dying-out...No one seems to be logging on or posting much anymore. Here we are all still struggling with our weight after 2 years and not a lick I have to tell ya all, I am really having a hard time staying on the wagon with this new diet. A co-worker brought me some chocolate pound cake and it sat on my desk and I kept smelling its aroma and I have broke down and had two slices today at 140 calories each...not as bad as really chocolate cake, but I not suppose to have any sugars or starches. I guess I blew it! I was good though for lunch. I went to a chinese fastfood resteraunt and instead of getting the usual 3 item (which includes rice or noodles) I just got one item of pepper beef. Delish.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!

  • Deb I'm sorry you've been all alone. I've really gotten in over my head so to speak with ebay. I'm selling a bunch of stuff from here so while I"m getting rid of books etc., making money, but also having to keep everything separated and taking it to post office to mail every couple days. Whether or not we lose any weight on here, I'm not leaving this thread. You all are my best friends that know everything about me and we can gain weight together for all I care.

    I have not heard anything from daphne and I'm really worried about her as well. I know gayle used to call her but she hasn't posted in a couple days either.

    There is really nothing much to report here. I can't believe how quickly these days are going by. It's mid week already. Deb I can't believe that BJ had her purse stolen as well. Did they get a lot of money and credit cards too? She didn't hear them break her glass?? I have a fenced in yard and a dog so thank goodness that isn't happening here. I don't have any money to steal in the first place and I have never left my pocket book in the car either. I use too many things out of it here at home to forget it myself.

    You had asked about me buying scales. Well i didn't have any at all and I was just curious as to how fat I was. I haven't weighed since last tuesday and thought i would keep track weekly. I was really suprised to see that my twins are only 1 pound different and they look like 20 pounds different. Laken has a huge stomach but then again, she isn't very tall and logan is fairly tall for an 8 yr old.

    Kevin has been working 2 jobs again. He's got a more regular day job of putting siding on houses for this well known man in town. I don't see much of him anymore but with the holidays around the corner, we can use the extra money. We still haven't gotten a washing machine and I have to wash at my moms everyday and then dry them here. It's been 10 days already and i"m rather fed up with that.

    Mavis I hope your daughter is happy with her decision and hope you can live with it as well. I myself couldn't do that. I hope that she doesn't marry the guy so that if it doesn't work out she will find it out real soon. What else is going on over there?

    Well hello to everyone and I hope the rest of you can post soon to fill us in on what's going on in those lives. DH is home and he's probably hungry and then I have to leave in 1 hour or so for school pickup.
  • Hump Day
    I am so happy when someone post!

    Dana...No washer still! I am so sorry for you! How far is your Mom's house? I hope it isn't to far. It is really good of your DH to take on a second job for the holidays! You should be really proud of him! How is the Ebay business sounds like it is picking up...I know you are selling your cards, but what else are you selling? Do you have Daphne's phone number, can you email it to me at [email protected] ? My cell has long distance now too and I could call her after 9 tonight to see if she is okay. How are the kids doing? Have they decided what they want to be for Halloween? My two are just going to be the same thing they were last year. Joseph was the Reaper (with bloody chest) and Darcie was a Renisaunce Witch.

    Hello Everyone!! POST SOON! Let me know what your Halloween plans are?

    Today, the kids and I have a dental appointment at 4:30. So I am getting off of work early to do that. And tomorrow is Lenny's B-day. So I have to run out and buy him a present. We are all going to an Italian resteraunt for dinner for him. (Nothing Low Carb about that ). I have no idea what I am going to eat there. I feel like I am fighting an uphill battle. I didn't realize how much the people in my life sabatoge me and my dieting. I need major will power if I am going to loose some of this weight. Plus, I have to face facts....I HAVE TO EXERCISE The pain! Yesterday, I did 4 laps around the track...1 whole mile I am going to keep doing laps until my belly is no longer in

    Well off to work.

  • Deb my mom just lives right up behind me. With a load of clothes, you have to drive but we can walk to each others homes in less than 60 seconds. On ebay, right now I have children's books, cards and some diabetic stuff that we can't use. (the stuff they will allow you to sell anyway). I emailed you daph's number so I hope you can get ahold of her. Great job on the walking. Do you walk with someone or alone? My feet have gotten sore just from grocery shopping. Isn't that such a lame excuse. I really need to be hopping on this trampoline more each day. Well I need to help laken with her braille. She has to do sentences with spelling words tonight.
  • Thursday

    Dana....Your mom's house is probably closer than our laundry room You know what we use to take clothes back to the wash, is one of those silver luggage carts that fold-up. It has bungy cord attached to it and I have a tall plastic hamper which I weave the bungies in and out of the holes and fasten them tightly to carrier. Then fill up the hamper with 2 loads at a time and wheel it out to the laundryroom which is in the middle of the complex. This works great for the kids to do laundry too. They can pull the cart and the bungies keep the basket snug on the little platform. I wish we had a laundroom in our apartment, but there is no room for one.

    As for my walking, I started out walking alone, but now I have a co-worker who is going with me. I have great plan's to work up to 2 miles (or 8 laps) at once. Not right now though

    Thanks for giving me Daphne's number I will try to call her tonight. Dana, how are the kids doing in school? Can you read braille? I know you mention Laken's spelling test and reading, do you get a standard copy of her work and she gets braille or what?

    Speaking of kids and homework, Darcie had an interesting Social Studie project yesterday. She read a discription of a strange tribe of natives, who are obsessed with apperence and health, and spend much of their time in rituals dedicated to these obsessions. Darcie asignment was to read to me the 4 page discriptions of their rituals, and the room where natives went to preform them. When Darcie read, "They even place strips of metal in their adolencent children's mouths." I had figured out it was talking about "Americans"... The "room" that they preform the rituals in is the Bathroom and the "potions" they use are toothpaste, tylenol, and other meds you keep in your medicine chest. The "holy" water which is mixed and blessed in a temple, is actually tap water from the refinement plant. Anyway, I thought this was a fresh and exciting way, to look at America and all the "rituals" we have. I really enjoyed this assignment, the last part was, for Darcie to ask me questions about what I thought and write down my responses.

    Well tonight is when we go out to dinner, and I know I am going to over eat. I have been eating steak and steamed veggies for breakfast and lunch. I also went in a got some salad and fruit from the Seniors luncheon. The Salad was excellent (not low-fat though) It was a greek salad with cherrie tomatoes, feta cheese, oil, greens, sunflower seeds and avacadoes.

    It is already after two and I have to go get the kids!


  • Hey All ((((WHERE ARE YOU))))

    What is up with eveyrone???

    Well, it is TGIF and I can't wait to go home. I am exhausted. I didn't even get a chance to call Daphne last night. I came home from the Dinner last night and went straight to bed. We ate at the Buca di Beppo italian food (They are a national chain). And I wasn't impressed. They have great ambiance, with the hundreds of pictures on the wall. They even have a round table that seats 18 with the Pope's bust in the center. There was a lot of goddy stuff and every inch of wall space was filled with something to look at. The food though was mediocure and expensive. It cost us over $200 with tip for 13 people (no alcohol). All their food is suppose to be served "Family style", So they just bring a large plate of whatever you order and you dish it out to everyone. They charge $13.95 for salad! I figured out that we spent about $15 a piece and we could ate at Red Lobster or Sizzler and had a decent steak instead!

    This morning my battery in the van was dead (Joseph left the light on all night and killed it). I got a jump from a neighbor and came to work. But it wasn't enough, because when I went to pick up the kids, it was dead again. I had to get a jump from a co-worker. So when I picked the kids up, I jumped on the freeway and took the long way to work, (about 7 extra miles) and I am hoping that it was enough to charge the battery so that I am not stuck here when I get out in 45 minutes to start my weekend.

    Speaking of weekend, I am trying Wal-marts DVD rental system. You get the first 30 days free. So the kids and I have 2 DVD waiting for us when we get home tonight (Daddy Daycare and Malibu's Most Wanted).

    I called BJ to see if she wanted to come down and do dinner and watch them with us, but we ended up getting into a deep conversation about Lenny "her DH". She is angry at him for being so selfish yesterday and today. She didn't want to fight with him yesterday because it was his B-day. He's not considerate of her or her feeling at all, and she is constantly bending over backwards for him. He took yesterday and today off of work. He ran around yesterday, and went to brunch with his mom and over to his cousins for cake and never even thought about the little Filly taking a nap or about BJ who was stuck at work with no money (remember her purse was stolen) and no car (her dad borrow it). He also laid around the night before playing video games.

    I feel SIL is really selfish and moody and BJ gives into him way to much. He is like a spoiled brat! During our conversation I shared with her, that I noticed he was acting weird towards us (the kids and me) like he didn't want to be around us. And I felt that I could no longer depend on them as a back up, because of him. I was really sad about that, so to liven the conversation up, I started joking with BJ that "she was loosing control of her man". And that "she had better get it back". I feel bad for her. Lenny is not a bad man, but she is really going to have to put her foot down or figure out if she can handle all the moodiness and pouting and wether she wants to continue to be the one in the relationship who is giving 90% while excepting a mere 10% from his lazy @ss.

    Well, it is all most 5 and I have to clean my desk to get out of here.
  • Deb you can certainly tell that you truly care for your daughter but unfortunately until she's decided something needs changed, it's not going too. I hope your battery works for you but my guess is you need a new one already. I don't think the charging works too many times but hoping it does for you just the same cause they don't come too cheap around here. I was hoping you heard from daphne. I'm really worried about her. I've even wondered if I said something to offend her. That place yall ate reminded me of the fish place we ate at the beach. It was like $12.95 a person and it meant children too. It was all you can eat buffet style but we had no clue it was that expensive until the bill came to the table. We nearly threw up and that's no joke. There was 7 of us. Luckily we had the cash to pay it.

    I was going to take the boys to the high school football game again tonight but they showed out too bad lastnight. They are having homecoming tonight so I hope they win. It's a good thing I've been home this evening cause my dog has threw up 4 times already. I changed her dog food and I hope that's not it but I hope that she's ok too. She doesn't understand why I sat her dog bowl up out of reach but she sleeps with me and I don't want her to throw up in the bed. I think her stomach is probably empty by now.

    Where is gayle and ann?? Mavis are you still with us??

    My grandmother told me yesterday that her brother's granddaughter (melissa) and 2 druggies nearly beat the brother and his wife to death. They were trying to kidnap melissa's baby. She had lost custody of it when she served time for drugs. It's a sad situation.

    Anyway, I still have no washer and I"m sure I will have to wash sometime tomorrow. There's about 2 1/2 loads already and still 3 baths to go tonight. Well I hope everyone is ok. If you are reading this, please drop us a line.