Beck Diet For Life/Solution – March 2017 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Good afternoon coaches,

    Food on plan and exercise was just a walk with Otis today. I had greeter duty at Tom's Thumb this morning and then by the time I drove there and did a little shopping on the way home it was enough time for the pup in his crate.

    I don't know why, but I was tired after lunch and we both took a little nap. Sometimes I can't believe how I just lie down for a minute and I'm out.

    Curlyjax Do you want a condo with 3 floors or just near the size of your friends? We had a 3 story house in Washington and knew when we moved we didn't ever want stairs in the house again if we could help it. I love living in one story.

    Maryann I will have a good singing voice once I get to heaven, but I sure don't here. Good enough to sing in church, but certainly not in a choir. It is so nice that you do and are using it.

    Bill Oooh boy, two dogs and a baby sounds like lots of work ensuring baby is fine. There are sampling spots all over in the Superstitions because it is just wilderness, you camp anywhere you find a flat spot that you like the looks of. Since there happens to be lots of water out there now, which is very unusual, we camped next to a stream to make filtering water easy. The freeze dried food lasts nearly forever, like for years and years. It's the stuff you buy at REI, like Mountain House, etc. Mine was actually pretty good; three cheese pasta with chicken. It was a total of 580 calories, but 38 grams of protein, which is better than some of them.
  • Hello Coaches,
    Food was not on plan this weekend, it was not horrible but nothing I had planned, so it gave me a wake up call that I am on a slippery slope and need to get back here posting and being accountable.
    I went for acupuncture on my knee before and had to go for about five sessions to help it. I found lying there for an hour relaxing. I even fell asleep.

    Bill, I laughed so hard when I read about your visit to the dentist, I enjoyed the thought of your planned response for next visit. I too have a GD and she is 9 months, she is crawling everywhere and trying to walk, I am worn out by the time she goes home. She is such a joy.

    Onebyone- Midland is such a nice place to visit, I think it would be great to live there. It is just so busy in the summer.

    Curlyjax- Sorry to hear about your mom. Sending prayers for you and your family.
    We have seen some condo's that are on one floor and have two bathrooms, which would be great when people visit.

    Karen - With your busy life I can understand why you would be able to nap easily.

    Maryann - How wonderful the new teachers have you to observe.

    Nationalparker - I am using my crock pot all the time, it is awesome.

    Hello to everyone else and I hope you all have a great night.

    Take Care

  • Brief check-in - lousy day at work - issues supervising. I'm not going to just roll along and approve something that I don't believe is honest. So big backlash on that. Frustrating and I can't get it out of my mind. I bounce back between possible conversations and think, "did I do right by myself in questioning it" to "why am I even questioning myself on this! Right is right."

    Scale jumped up six pounds~ oh yay. I know I've not been off plan to THAT degree by any means, but slacked on the water and added some wheat and sugar. System is rebounding terribly I figure.

    Maryann - Joining you in a recommital to program. I want to get in two very clean weeks to restart here.

    Bill - Hope you got some good photos from the baby/puppy/dog gathering. How fun.
  • Checking in

    Quick phone check-in...
    Ate on plan. I have leftovers as I ate until full but no further. Big credit. Avoided the boatload of sugar things at guild meeting tonight. Big credit. Tomorrow I head downtown to teach so must remain vigilant and stick to plan. Weight 264 today. 269 yesterday!

    Nationalparker: scale moves by leaps and bounds when I go off plan now. Shocking how much it varies. I feel your pain. Only remedy is to get back on plan...!
  • Tuesday - RIP Aristotle (322 BCE, Chalcis, Greece)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – A busy day it was with two classes and an evening meeting. The busy part also included catching up with my class reading and catching up with preparation for the evening meeting. All worked out in the end. CREDIT moi just for making it.

    Eating was OKish. During the several hours in the evening meeting, I nibbled on baby carrots, CREDIT moi, instead of walnuts, almonds, and trail mix with dark chocolate. One guy finally took the container of trail mix and walked it to the other side of the table out of his reach. I wanted to cheer for him, but I was speaking at that moment.

    onebyone – Super Kudos for "Avoided the boatload of sugar things at guild meeting."

    maryann - DW thought Olive Kitteridge was just terrific - and she has a long list of books that she thinks highly of. Last night she watched the third (of four) episode in the HBO mini-series. "It made me cry." Kudos for "Food is all prepped."

    nationalparker – Yep, supervising is hard. And second guessing yourself is harder still. Kudos for keeping watch on what's happening with your diet.

    Karen (karenrn) - I so identify with, "I just lie down for a minute and I'm out." I consider it a gift.

    Ann (Newlifestyle) - "I am worn out by the time she goes home" - do know that feeling. Kudos for seeing "need to get back here posting and being accountable."

    curlyjax - I agree, the only bathroom shouldn't require walking through a bedroom. Unless it's a 200 square foot place in N.Y. City, LOL. Kudos for that indoor workout.

    Readers -
    Chapter 9 Psychological Traps

    #3: The Overcompensation Trap

    Brianna made the following reminder card:
    When I make a mistake, don't plan not to eat.
    It just doesn't work. I don't deserve punishment.
    It was only a mistake.
    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 208
  • No Sweets at work continues into a new week. Eating was not as clean as I would have liked but portions were mostly the issue. I have another day to practice.
    This is a hard working week. Lots to do with DS and Brahms. Oh, and 110 teens. I'm out like a light when I lay down. It is a blessing.
  • On plan

    Count me as another Beckster on plan today. I am on the commuter train heading home after approx 4-5 hours standing and walking around. Another 20 of walking will happen before I actually get home. I need to stay healthy and mobile of I'm going to continue teaching downtown.

    Food has been good. I talked myself out of "giving in" to various meal specials. Ended up with a good option. Happy about that.

    Bye for now.
  • Much better day today, of course I spent half the night awake, waiting to see how the day rolled at work. Stayed a bit late but headed straight home and beat DH home, so took the pooch out on a brisk walk - it was WAY windier than I thought, so we didn't go as far since it was bugging her ears and my eyes were watering.

    Dinner tonight will be leftovers from last night - it's a carb day for us and we had brown rice pasta and turkey meatballs last night. Not enough meatballs for two servings tonight, but I COULD do some quick ones in a pan/oven and while they won't be as flavorful from simmering in sauce for hours, they might just do the trick. Depends on how much time I have.

    We've still been enjoying the dvds of Big Bang Theory from the library - the writing in this show absolutely has us cracking UP. To be a fly on the writers' walls. And to think I never even watched one episode ever before last November with my brother. A nice treat now. I want to make it last. Shows that we both thoroughly enjoy are rare.

    Bill - I just knew your last line would be, "I wanted to cheer for him, but I was nibbling on baby carrots" ... not "but I was speaking" haha you threw me for a loop.

    OneByOne - Credits for being on track! Feels good to be able to say that day in and day out - I'm joining you in that quest.

    Maryann - What are your main challenges with sweets at work in your job? I wonder when this became SUCH an issue at work? I never saw Hugh Beaumont/Ward Cleaver facing down donuts at work.
  • Quick check in Coaches,
    I was on plan today and I feel better when on plan. I am leaving for vacation in the morning and I still need to pack. I am not sure if I will get a chance to post. I feel like I can do this.
    Waving hello to everyone and hoping you all have a great week.
    Take Care
  • Wednesday - International (Working) Women's Day (1911)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Walk, CREDIT moi, included inspecting the garage being built under a house. It's only one car wide, but it's two cars long!!! I invited myself to walk down to the entrance where I chatted with the plumber busy moving all the plumbing aside for the cars. He wasn't that impressed with the idea. "But I'm just the plumber," he offered.

    Eating was OKish. I accepted the unexpected evening appetizers after a lecture as dinner. That fits the notion of the Beck quote of today. I was moderate with the good cheeses and crackers and did put some fresh fruit on my plate. I learned that what we think of as African religions is already influenced by the early Portuguese sailors and then the Dutch following right behind them. History is as intertwined as biology.

    onebyone – 4-5 hours of standing and walking is one good way to "stay healthy and mobile." Kudo for finding a healthy option for lunch.

    maryann - DS, Brahms, and 110 teens keeping your mind young - sound good to me. And, yes, tiring.

    nationalparker – We're getting a bit of that "WAY windier than I thought" and expecting more today. Not ready to add The Big Bang Theory to my list since they have 224 episodes. But the characters are appealing.

    Ann (Newlifestyle) - Kudos for on plan. Have a terrific vacation.

    Readers -
    Chapter 9 Psychological Traps

    #3: The Overcompensation Trap

    Then she created a list.
    If I Overeat
    1. If I make a small mistake, eat normally for the rest of the day.

    2. If I have my evening treat in the afternoon, substitute a piece of fruit in the evening.

    3. If I make a moderate mistake, like I did at Jane's brunch, skip my afternoon snack but eat a normal dinner.

    4. If I make a big mistake, skip my snack and have a somewhat smaller dinner.
    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 209
  • hi coaches!
    work has been busier than usual which is great. I like it when i can actually help folks with concrete issues, or just spend time listening.
    I’m having trouble getting back on board- the Easter candy is out and tempting me. I know its all junk and dreadful, but its this ‘its only here once a year’ feeling which is getting to me. I wish I disliked lower quality chocolate but sadly i crave it all.
    Anyhow- I don’t have any plans to go into stores today so that will help.

    My leg isn’t any better, and from two days ago my arch is now hurting. Maybe I need some better shoes, I do tend to wear the same ones for years.

    I was wrong about the condo bathroom- it has two doors so you don’t have to go in through the bedroom. I talked briefly to a realtor acquaintance about condos in general which was helpful. I wouldn’t do this for awhile but i like to plan for the future!

    Karen- i would be fine with 3 floors for awhile. Around here most of the cheaper ones are built that way, at least the ones that could accommodate 3-4 folks. I’m in a ranch now so I would welcome the change. I hear you about the stairs though!
    Nationalparker- I only started watching the big bang theory recently too, through dvds from the library. It is a good show!
  • Protein day for me. Cooked up some egg whites and turkey bacon. Side of sweet peppers. Track meet tonite. Lots of planning and correcting. One day at a time.
  • Good afternoon coaches,

    Food was not on plan yesterday, a bit of a snacking bug got into me in the afternoon. Today I'm doing fine and Suzanne and I did a 12 1/2 mile strenuous hike this morning. It had a lot of accumulated elevation gain and it wore us both out. It is starting to warm up, so that makes it harder and the hike is mostly kind of rocky terrain. Dh came home for kind of a long lunch to get Otis out of his crate and give him a good run and yet I still wasn't home so he had to go back in the crate for another hour. Now he's barking bacause dh is home from work and cleaning the patio furniture with the hose and a good scrub down. We just had the pool deck and patio refurbished, so now it will be nice for spring/summer. My job is to keep the dog in the house.

    Okay, I had better do something with my little charge. More tomorrow.

  • OP day on plan, but weight remains high. Planning on three days of this phase to try to right this ship. DH is working late, so our dinner will be a quick to prep taco salad - base of romaine, onions, taco sauce topped by the taco meat with homemade seasoning. I made a large batch of it a few weeks ago and boy, has it come in handy - easier than me getting out the eight spices every time i need it. Why did I go so long before doing that, I wonder.

    I had asked DH to pick up a bag of chili powder from the large container of it at Fresh Thyme. I specified, PLAIN, explaining that they have a few varieties and I just want the plain to add in to various things. He came home with a HUGE bag of it - he said he bought all they had in the large container (!!) ... of the Fiesta chili powder. "It smells good" ... I said it smells like my taco seasoning that I made, with garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, paprika, cayenne, etc. ... "yeah!" ARGH. So now I have nearly triple the amount of seasoning that I even need and not the kind I need. Hmm... The next errand I run for him to Lowe's might have a funny result ... "I know you wanted machine screws, but these sheet metal screws are so nice and sharp!" Not really.

    Think I'll cook up the cabbage tonight so we have some other alkaline veg for breakfast ... Trying to plan ahead on a week where I just don't feel like committing to it is planning for failure.

    NewLifestyle - Safe travels! Hope you have a great vacation! Looking forward to hearing how it all goes.

    CurlyJax - Can you identify what Easter candy is truly just around for Easter? Sometimes if you think about some of it, it's available all year - the malted eggs are just basically malted milk balls, cream eggs are cream-filled chocolates, etc. Anything that is truly just available now? Trying to see if that helps avoid any of it. I know at Christmas I used to like ribbon candy because I only found that at Christmas. Now I realize I just liked it because it was a fave of my mom's. I just liked her sharing with me! haha

    Karen - You really do get in the hiking miles/steps! How many different people do you regularly hike with?

    Bill - I've never heard of one car wide, two long. That's odd! Whoever pulls in first better be the last out! Or is it storage in the front bay? You'll have to keep up the inspection. Inquiring minds want to know.
  • Thursday - Daguerreotype photo process announced (1839, France)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Standard joyful exercise of chasing DGD on her day with us, CREDIT moi. We were so impressed last week with a two word sentence, "More yogurt." Then yesterday she held up a marker and said, "This is black" - a three word sentence. The little human brain is such a marvel. Chatted with a young mother that we know at the playground. She was almost jealous that we had time to note such milestones, reminding us that young parents are too tired to have time for that.

    No snacking while chasing the DGD, CREDIT moi, but did have an evening snack of ice cream instead of the planned fruit. If we didn't have a freezer then we wouldn't be able to keep ice cream. Don't think I'm going to be able to sell that idea, LOL. I finished up the scrambled egg that DGD didn't eat. That was so dumb! 3FC is full of posts from folks who gained weight simply from finishing their kids' food. Not necessary.

    maryann - Such a challenge for you to switch from piano recitals to track meets - not to mention your DS. Protein day sounds good to me.

    nationalparker – LOL at "but these sheet metal screws are so nice and sharp!" Kudos for reaping the benefit of cooking ahead to save time now.

    Karen (karenrn) - Such fun to read how easily you do a 12.5 mile hike. I bet Otis would love to chase the stream of water from that hose.

    curlyjax - The Sabotaging Thought, ‘its only here once a year’ would work better if the 'once' didn't occur about monthly, LOL. I HATE to see the Easter candy come out because I know the half-off day after Easter sales will happen. Hope your leg moves toward healing.

    Readers -
    Chapter 9 Psychological Traps

    Escape the Overcompensation Trap

    Look at your dieting history. Do you try to fast or severely limit your food intake after you've overeaten? How well has that worked? If it hasn't consistently worked well for you, it's time to make a change.
    • Create an overeating list. Do not err on the side of overly restricting yourself (remember, it doesn't work!). If you've already eating a significant amount, you can decide to eat a smaller than normal dinner or forgo your usual dessert that night.

    • Watch out for sabotaging thoughts that can interfere with implementing your new plan. Make reminder cards to respond to thoughts like "I overate. That's bad. I'm not going to let myself eat anything for the rest of the day" or "Since I've already messed up, I might as well keep eating and get back on track tomorrow."
    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 209