10 pound weight gain..meds?

  • I gained 10 pounds lately . I haven't changed anything. eating the same and all. Could it be Gabapentin? I was recently put on it..about a month ago.
    Scared because I was able to keep it under 200 by watching things, until now. I was back to the 180's a few months ago. I know I gained a little this fall. I'm thinking due to not walking as much. But it seems this 10 pound gain just happened out of the blue.
  • I just googled the side effects of Gabapentin and weight gain is on the list. I was on it for about 6 months and didn't notice any weight gain but my weight fluctuates up and down and I probably just didn't notice.
  • Thanks. I figured it could be the med. Unfortunately that's a side effect with a lot of them. I guess I have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't keep going up. thanks.
  • I gained on gabapintin. But then I was not being very careful with diet. I was able to get off the med and two others that caused weight gain. Currently I'm on 3 new meds that increase hunger and slow metabolism. I have been losing by counting calories and eating a high protein/low carb/low cal diet. I exercise as much as I can. I will never be as skinny as I would like to be. But success for me is being under 200 lbs!!
  • Diet really does not help if the drug is actually causing metabolic changes in the cell mitochondria, or in insulin levels. That is independent of what is going in your mouth.
  • I take 3600mg of gabapentin a day along wits 9 other meds due to a spinal cord injury. I can tell you that I've gained over 80lbs in the past 2.5 years due to mess, the cravings I gave into because of them and inactivity. Pretty sure my body will never be the same but I have to try.