Weight Affecting Relationship and Extremly Hurt

  • I know im not alone in this when I say that my weight is affecting my relationship. Since im feeling insecure about my body, i dont feel like being intimate w my bf.
    Ive also noticed him staring at skinny girls and cant help but wonder why he couldnt look at me that way.
    For those of you in my situation, how do you handle something like this? I pretend everything is fine and i know im on my way to being healthier and losing the weight, but what can i do to stop this negativity?
  • Stop the negativity within yourself. Are you looking at yourself in the mirror the way you want your boyfriend to look at you? The way you feel about how you look is not how you actually look. It is your perception of yourself that counts more. Have you ever noticed a friend of you say something weird like "my shoulders are way too wide" and you can't understand what she sees or what she's talking about because her shoulders look like normal fine shoulders? That's how you look at yourself, reality is just a perception. So if you really spend the time and energy in feeling good about yourself, so will others and if even if others don't appreciate you the way you appreciate yourself it won't bother you at all.