
  • Just joined cause a friend mentioned that people on here are amazingly supportive. January 2016 I was in a major car accident and was in recovery from most of the year. I am officially back to 100% problem is that my progress stopped and I kind of just gave up all hope. I am 348lbs my goal for this year is to be back down in the 200's and keep working on myself from there but I just cant seem to find the motivation. Hating myself and fat shaming does me no good instead of getting tired of it all and fighting it I sink deeper and deeper. I started this up again and just wanna know if anyone has anything helpful tips anything at this point to help me out. I'm 26 years old its about time I start taking things seriously I'm not a college kid anymore and need to start thinking about the future . in the future I want I'm not 348lbs. thanks for reading
  • Welcome!

    From my experiences, everyone I've interacted with on these boards have been caring and supportive. There are plenty of threads related to keeping yourself accountable, and challenging yourself to form new habits. The challenges that people run on some of the sub-forums are especially motivating for a competitive spirit.
  • hello and welcome!