Beck Diet For Life/Solution – February 2017 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Good Evening, Coaches.

    The week has been a tornado with me just touching down this evening. DH was gone all week and DS had events after school every night it seems. It is tough for me to not have long breaks so I give myself super credit for not going crazy explosive or depressed. My food, however, was not disciplined. I started to say not disciplined at all but that is not the truth. I didn't jump into flour, diary, soy or corn so credit. I am following Beck principles by not listening to negative self talk. The scale was four pounds up from ticker due to "standing while eating" and "snacking." Oh well. I start now just like our daily excerpts have been saying.

    So many good things this week. I do not want to define everything by the scale. My classes went very well- lots of learning, smiles and hard work. DS won an academic award. I got to an AA meeting and saw my sponsor. I can go on and on. I depend so much on my "reframing skills." However, it is those skills which are the first to go when I am hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. I am grateful for a break tonite. I do have work to do but there are spaces this weekend to simply "be."

    onebyone: Congrats on the lost. I know it was earned.
    nationalparker: Congrats on maintaining. This is no small thing. Learning to make peace with food is as difficult as losing the weight.
    BBE: Seen gaslight. Just introduced DS to rear window.
    Karen Guest are very difficult for me. I think you sound marvelous.

    Welcome and wave to all.
  • Saturday - Serbia and Montenegro formed (2003, Yugoslavia)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Walk and subway into downtown Boston to meet with government bureaucrats about their paperwork. Me and government forms are a bad combination. Whatever I do, I'm one blank short of completion. I arrived dressed like a grown up only to discover that it was "dress down Friday" and the gentleman I had an appointment with was in blue jeans and flannel shirt. We did business and discussed the Patriots chances in Sunday's Super Bowl. Fastest and easiest meeting with bureaucrats in my life. If I had done it by mail, I'd have had to repeat it because there was one more place on the form that I had to sign. When I become Czar, all forms will be banned.

    Eating was OK; meals on plan and snacks large. I watched the movie Gaslight last night. Ingrid Bergman was superb; the portrayal of lies and denial met expectations. I do need to remember that a 1944 movie of nearly two hours moves s l o w l y. V E R Y S L O W L Y. Perhaps I'll start a company to compress old movies for the ADD generation.

    onebyone – Wowsa indeed. You're moving forward. This is your year.

    maryann - I've never seen Rear Window - gotta add it to my list. Kudos for observing the positives in your life.

    nationalparker – Kudos for "on plan about 85%" - that's pretty good.

    Karen (karenrn) - Congrats to Otis for accepting his role as host to a hoard of guests. Kudos for taking a small portion of lasagna - one of those dishes that call for seconds.

    Readers -
    Chapter 9 Psychological Traps

    #1: The I've Blown it Trap

    You can work hard to prevent mistakes, but you can't eliminate them altogether. Mistakes happen. They're part of life - and they are certainly part of dieting. Once you make a mistake, you can blame yourself and become demoralized. Or you can learn from your mistake to avoid making the same one in the future.

    The "three-question-technique" can help. Whenever you make a mistake, take a few moments and ask yourself:
    1) What was the situation? What happened?

    2) What sabotaging thoughts did I have?

    3) What can I say and/or do differently next time?
    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 200
  • Good morning everyone. Planned meals and activities make life much easier when friends call with perceived crisis - did not eat over it.
    This time I am not computer crazed, learned how to use it as a tool to track activity and log food. Last time it consumed all my time. I just couldn’t get off the computer. - New skills.

    Bill - what a blessing Grandchildren are. I love reading about the joyful adventures with GD visiting.

    OneByOne – It would be such a wonderful experience to be in one of your art classes. You make it a positive experience for your students. My son had an art teacher from grade 2 –6 who demanded the children complete the art so that it looked exactly like hers. The principal called me in to say he wouldn’t do what everyone else did. After explaining to her that I thought art class might allow creativity they started to let the children add their imagination as long as the finished product had some resemblance to her art work. You are doing great on your new plan.

    Ruth - hello again. I was at Chapters yesterday. I wanted a skinny vanilla Latte so I went to Starbucks at Chapters.

    Nationalparker- Growing up in Canada you learn to accept the weather and it doesn’t really bother me to drive in the winter. I do love going to Florida and Myrtle beach when I have had enough of the winter. You have great meal ideas.

    Karen - I have had house guests that make me want to drink…you are doing so well with your eating and activity.

    Silverbirch – hello

    Maryann- As a parent, I want to thank you for being that teacher we want for our children. You are engaged in their learning. You are one of those teachers who really makes a difference.

    Lexxiss – Hello to you and hoping all is well.

    Hello to everyone I missed and I look forward to seeing your posts.

    Have a great day.

  • Good Morning,

    The scale this morning is down a pound. Why does three pounds up from ticker sound soon much better than four pounds up from ticker? Planned walk and planned sitting when I eat. If I do anything today it will be to sit when I eat until I go to bed. I like the line from "Just For Today" - I can do something for 24 hours that would appall me if I had to do it for a lifetime.

    Woke up today with my neck nearly frozen. I have continued PT on it but it today it was really bad. I have lots of puttering to do so I decided to take ibuprofen. I hate doing that but it is what it is. Hopefully things will free up so I can get my laundry done. I'm giving myself two hours this morning to just sit and web surf news etc. . . I'm completely oblivious to current events.

    BBE: Watched High Noon last night. It wasn't at all what I expected. Very funky. I haven't decided what I think about it.
  • A bit off kilter today - stayed up late reading (aahhh) until 1 a.m. which is late for me, typically someone who wraps things up around 10:30 or so. Then awake before 5 a.m. and couldn't fall back to sleep. Figured I'd take a nap today, but haven't. DH is napping now. I'm writing down a recipe to make tomorrow - crock pot ranchero chicken ... might make the ranchero sauce this evening. LOVE it when I have everything in fridge and pantry for a recipe, including the fresh jalapenos and peppers, ha!

    Will start prepping our dinner after checking in. Set the table nicely and selected pretty plate for the two mini desserts I picked up for DH's birthday, which is Monday. I figure I'll pick up something small then, too, but went to Fresh Market today and so picked up some to have on our more liberal phase 3 food plan.

    While at my regular market buying our week's food, the elderly gent behind me commented, wow, someone's eating very healthy! I am getting more conscious that there's literally nothing prepared, except the fresh pico de gallo, in my shopping cart. Of course he didn't see my mini fruit tart and mini chocolate square from the other shop. . He had boxes of pop tarts and quarts (?) of ice cream. He said the ice cream was only $1.25. I wanted to go back and get one for us! (but, nope).

    Was 10 degrees this morning and our heat was a bit sketchy, so I think that kept me awake, as well, being cold.

    Took some time this afternoon to finish a "new to me" publication called Bella Grace. It was a splurge I selected with a surprise gift card I received ... a well-spent hour finishing the winter edition. Now I'm longing for a sign of spring, while still deep in the cold, dreary winter days here. When we returned from Italy, I bought a cheery pink cyclamen that is in beautiful bloom in my kitchen window. They were all over there, and I like the daily mental lift.
  • Short note

    Just reporting in. Today was an off day due to dinner at MIL's place. I didn't want to bring up food plans with her, and my plan does acknowledge that wavering off plan at social events will happen. As usual the plan also reminds me to get back *on*plan ASAP. I did and then I had a wobble as we were sent home with leftovers which I nibbled on while standing at the stove. Sigh. But then I stopped. Tomorrow I will fast as much as is comfortable to help make up for the extras eaten today. That is also a part of my foodplan which has been working well for me. Credit.

    Very tired now. Time for sleep.

    See you later.
  • Sunday - Phoenix, Ariz. incorporated (1881)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Eating was good enough, CREDIT moi. Dinner was the last of the rotisserie chicken from a few days ago. That stuff is so good even reheated. I miss that I used to broil a tarragon chicken but no longer do since the cleanup is gross and the supermarket version is quite good.

    Walked with DW, CREDIT moi, around a favorite local wilderness area. We saw a pair of Hooded Mergansers but no other birds. No other except for 40 Canada Geese and a flock of Herring Gulls. 'Hoodies' are a real treat so I have no complaint.

    onebyone – Always encouraging to read, "But then I stopped."

    maryann - Hope that frozen necks heals. [Had to review the last minutes of High Noon. Love Grace Kelly and Gary Cooper in their youth, but not sure what moral to find that a good Quaker woman shoots a man in the back for love.]

    nationalparker – Kudos for not going back for the $1.25 ice cream. Yay for "a cheery pink cyclamen" to lift the spirits.

    Ann (Newlifestyle) - Yay for "Planned meals and activities" to help with friends' crises.

    Readers -
    Chapter 9 Psychological Traps

    #1: The I've Blown it Trap

    Then make reminder cards based on your answers to the third question.

    Here's how Jeffrey responded to these questions in relation to a second occasion (a party at his neighbor's house) when he had gone off track.

    1) What was the situation? What happened?
    I was having such a good time. There was lots of good food there that really tempted me. I didn't have a plan going in for how much I should eat, so I ended up overeating cheese and crackers, chips and dip, and cookies.

    . . .

    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 200
  • Morning Coaches!
    I keep meaning to post and then it just doesn’t happen. Let’s see-I have fallen off the phase 1 bandwagon and am resorting to more of a phase 2 south beach with occasional lapses into a dessert. At least I am maintaining at the moment.
    I have done some walks here and there and did a gentle weight lifting video to start getting me back into weights. I still need to make myself stretch everyday, I can’t believe how tight my legs are.

    i’m curious how those who do intermittent fasting manage: when I get super hungry, I start getting headaches and just feel lousy. I can definitely see the benefit of letting your body rest from processing food all the time, but I have a hard time dealing with other people when I’m that hungry (like my DD, i need to be on full strength for her)

    There is a drop in water aerobics I may try tomorrow night if the weather is okay. Since its a little distance from my house, I think I will just stay a bit after work and then occupy myself exploring a new library before i go to it; maybe Monday will be a day just for me! It would be fun to get some new types of exercise in.

    Bill- I enjoy reading your bird watching adventures. We have a bird feeder that provides us with simple entertainment, even if its the same old birds everyday
    Newlifestyle- welcome! You canadians are indeed hardy.

    Wave to all!
  • Good Morning coaches. Thank you for all the inspiring posts. Yesterday DH and DS’s wanted to go out for lunch. I was not going to go but then thought if I walk there and back I will get in activity and since it was cold I walked faster. Also now that our restaurants show calorie counts it helps me make better choices. I ate on plan yesterday as well as extra activity. My DH commented that I have strong will power – actually it is planning that made this happen . He always wants to eat desserts and sweet snacks. I decided to plan my snacks.

    Bill – Thanks for the rotisserie chicken idea. It will be good for a back up plan. I am trying to write down ideas for meals, if plan is not able to be met, just incase.

    Maryann – hoping your neck is feeling better. Congrats to your son for winning an academic award

    Nationallparker – ranchero chicken sounds delicious. I pulled out my crock pot and may use it tonight for supper. Thanks for the idea.

    Onebyone - nice job making your plan work. Amazing weightloss.

    Curlyjax- water aerobics would be fun. Yeah for a planned “me” day.

    Waving hello to everyone. Have a great day.

  • Phone check in before church. Neck is better but still very sore. Lots of medicine allowed me to sleep. I hate taking the stuff but am grateful for it. Yesterday saw the return of a salad. I hadn't had one for a long time. The organic box of lettuce was going to go bad so I froze it. I told DH to bring oranges from the ranch. I'll have green smoothies all week for breakfast. I just finished the figs I froze in summer. I chopped a few into oatmeal five days a week. my grocery bill feels pretty good.I eat for free with the fruit, rice, squash, beans, walnuts, and wheat that we grow. Still I feed a 14YO and DH who likes some meat every now and then I'm often off to the store. It all balances out and we splurge on trips. I just bought DH two tics to see Steely DAn in San Diego. It is really for DS. It is his favorite group. They fly there and spend the night. I was not raised with such extravagance but it feels good to be able to give it to DS. He works Soooooo hard.

    I have a plan today. I will commit again to no standing while eating. I failed miserably yesterday. Avoiding a Super Bowl party is really going to save some calories. Good luck to you BBE although I have to cheer for Falcons. My high school team is the falcons. Such is the logic of a fan.
  • Sunshine today - brought a whole new outlook to the day. DH and I went on a later-night trail walk last night. Nice until the wind was at our faces on the walk back. Still, it wasn't frigid, so I was thankful.

    Done with food today - it was in abundance and it's a "healthy fats" day for us, so a good bit of guac was part of dinner. The new recipe was a winner. This week will be a tough challenge to stay within a couple of pounds of 151-2 range, that's for sure. I'm planning to enjoy dinner tomorrow night - plans changed for DH's birthday. We'll dress up and go out to a nice dinner, and will split a dessert. I guess from that point on, I will be on plan, though... But today - not my best effort.

    Have moved into the work schedule where I have work every single weekend through June. As a coworker said, it'd be easier to handle if we got a Wednesday off or something ... but not the case.

    Aiming to post personals tomorrow - I love reading everyone's notes and feel guilty without posting individual notes. Trying to stick with my brief online time in evenings - shutting off the technology (well, tv will remain on for the Super Bowl, I'm sure )
  • Monday - Local team wins a football game (LI, Houston)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Limited eating during last night's Super Bowl LI, CREDIT moi. I almost bailed out in the third quarter when, at 25 points behind, there was miniscule hope. Glad I hung in there. DW came into the room to say goodnight, got immersed for the last three minutes and the brief overtime. Good to have that behind us so life moves on.

    Dinner was leftover spaghetti and meatballs. The meatballs (a frozen gift from Ikea) weren't flavorful when initially served. They didn't improve. Oh, Well.

    maryann - A Steely Dan concert would be a gas. Kudos for recognizing that your past doesn't have to limit your DS.

    nationalparker – Yep, quac contains "healthy fats" - the avocado ad said that during the Super Bowl. Kudos for planning to split a dessert in advance.

    Ann (Newlifestyle) - Yep, walking to a restaurant makes it feel OK to eat out.

    curlyjax - Thanks for the reminder that stretching is needed for the body. Exploring a new library sounds fun.

    Readers -
    Chapter 9 Psychological Traps

    #1: The I've Blown it Trap

    Then make reminder cards based on your answers to the third question.

    Here's how Jeffrey responded to these questions in relation to a second occasion (a party at his neighbor's house) when he had gone off track.
    . . .
    2) What sabotaging thoughts did I have?
    This food looks really good. It's okay to eat it because everyone else is doing it.

    3) What can I say and/or do differently next time?
    • I need a plan before I go. Not having a plan never works.
    • My body doesn't know or care what everyone around me is eating. No matter what, if I overeat, I'll gain weight.
    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 201
  • Hi coaches!
    I had two screaming matches with DD this weekend, one ending up in stuffing my face with Milanos but the other did not. It is like talking to a brick wall with her. Sometimes I think i won’t be able to really lose weight until she is off to college but that isn’t fair to put on her (although she is the reason there are cookies around!) We both need to communicate better and calmly. Sigh.

    So back on the bandwagon today. At least the weather is still decent, knock wood! I have bought vegetables and have made a salad for lunch, credit for that.
  • Good morning coaches,

    I better check in before the company is awake and moving. It's been busy around here, but good. I lost 1.8 pounds on WW for the week. I was happy with that. I did splurge Saturday night after a 10 mile hike and then yesterday, but I tracked my points and will just have to be quite diligent this week. I would say they were planned splurges.

    Our weather has been very good, which makes it more fun for the company who will be going home to cold weather and even some snow I think. This afternoon I will take these 3 to the airport and my brother and sister in law will return for one night.

    Bill Congratulations on the NE win. That was quite a game. We had a small party and one couple was really down the first half, but boy it picked up at the end.

    Have a great Monday everybody!
  • Phone check in:
    I successfully drank decaf yesterday and this morning. I felt it was a good time to try because I was on ibuprofen anyway for my neck. We'll see how the day progresses. Better at sitting while I ate. Now a reinstitution of "no sweets at work." Day 3 - I get to count the weekend 😀