Hello everyone!

  • I just had my third (and last!) baby in 4 years and am a full-time student. I have gotten so out of shape with my pregnancies and I am ready to get my body back. Before my first, I weighed 115lbs. My starting weight was 167lbs and I'm down to 161lbs after a week and a half so I'm making some progress, but I figured joining a community of people with similar goals would help me stick to them. I LOVE junk food and I've always had a fast metabolism...until after my last baby, so I'm really not used to watching my diet. So far I've cut out sodas and am eating minimal junk food and have started doing yoga and running. I don't have time or money for a gym so I'm trying to stay motivated exercising from home and at the park on my husband's days off.
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC! Sounds like you are off to a great start. Best wishes to you
  • Hi! I totally relate to you! I had a very hard pregnancy where I gained a ton of weight, I also watch three children (including my son) three and under during the day so I also relate to how difficult it is to find time for ourselves! But you are in the right place and if you ever need someone to talk to that understands what you are going through, message me anytime! Best wishes!