Determined to drop 100

  • Well here I am somehow 100lbs over what I think I should weigh. I'm a 45 year old long time yoyo dieter with better goals for this time.
    Comfort eating is my downfall and I have extra stresses in my life that make me need comfort always
    I'm 3 pounds down, handcuffing myself to an expensive new elliptical a few times a day, and committed to doing things right this time!
    Hi everyone!
  • Hi and welcome! Best wishes to you on your weight loss and fitness journey. Hope to see you on the 40 something support board
  • Me too
    I Know I can lose it. But I've learned I can regain it too.
    Besides exercise what is your plan?
  • Good luck!!

    I too need to drop 100, am currently at 40 off - but last Easter was at 79 off, and 10 years ago was 106 off ~ with the right mindset, losing's not so bad, is maintaining that's my big hurdle!

    Well done on starting again and with better goals!
  • Welcome Night - welcome and GOOD LUCK !!! I just started doing an elliptical when the weather turned. I prefer outdoor cycling, but have grown to tolerate the elliptical. what is your way of eating plan?
  • Good luck!! I started with the elliptical as well! It's a lot easier for me if I put it in front of one of my favorite TV programs!
  • Thanks for the replies, sorry I've been super busy so just getting caught up now. I'm doing great with my cardio and going to start some weights tomorrow for upper body tweaking. Those triceps need major attention.

    Diet wise I'm shooting for 1400 calories a day or less, low carbs. I'm not aiming to go super low carb really, but any carbs I'm eating are of the extra good variety. No white rice no breads at all etc. Whole grains in great moderation. I'm a typical pasta carb junkie so this is fairly torturous. So hard not to eat awful stuff at night. That's truly my downfall. Determined to overcome.

    I've been trying to have a salad all ready to go for 8pm and just nibble on it throughout the evening. I was trying an evening workout but if I do that after about 7 I don't sleep well. Ugh this is going to be my challenge but I'm trying to get there! About 12 pounds down but those last 2 are coming and going. I weigh daily and tend to obsess. In the past I've lost weight to the point of being very thin, likely too thin, on like 800 calories a day so I need to exercise better judgment this time around at my rapidly advancing age. Just seems like that extreme dieting could be even more unsafe at this age than it was at 30 or 35 etc.

    Thanks again for the welcome I'm happy to be here and excited to be healthier!

    Mini goal, -40 by April 15th for vacation!
  • Don't put too much pressure on yourself! I know that I've found if I "go too hard" at working out and dieting that I can burn out and crash. I did that to myself last year after I lost almost 50 pounds. It's great that you know your weaknesses at night! Have you tried anything like the Shirataki noodles? If prepared well, they can cure my intense carb cravings! I know when I am denying myself too much of something, my cravings become intense and I'll find myself wanting something stupid like plain bread with cold butter! So I try to find other healthy alternative foods to avoid those nighttime "holy crap I need carb!" cravings! Good luck! Sounds like you are sticking with it and doing well!
  • I'm sourcing those noodles asap for carb craving emergencies, great tip thanks so much.
  • Welcome, NightSnacker!

    Another good option for fighting those pasta cravings are zucchini noodles. They're easy to make, low in calories, and can add an extra serving or two of veggies to your diet.
  • Thanks Blicca maybe I could enjoy those with enough sauce, problem is I don't love Zucchini! I'm a fairly picky vegetable person, not the worst but I don't like a few things that would be helpful. Including broccoli and cauliflower sadly. But I'm getting through ok-ish so far.
  • Have you considered having a heartier meal in the evening, so that you're not hungry afterwards? I'd be snacking too if I were having salad for supper.
  • My DH didn't like zucchini before I met him, but he's learned to like it prepared in certain ways. Usually grilled with asparagus and garlic olive oil. It's pretty versatile, as well. I use zucchini noodles in italian dishes, in stir frys, as a replacement for rice noodles in pho... the possibilities are endless!