Last November Weekend - 26th and 27th

  • Good morning, EveryChick!

    Life should soon settle back to normal - as normal as it ever gets around here. I think I would like to be a bit of a hermit.

    Today was already plugged with the new Bride and Groom coming for lunch and then a tour of the area which has to end at 5 when I go on sales duty in the Christmas Shop. This is all complicated by an email from my cousin Cathy who wondered if she and Steve could come for lunch. There is no way I can combine both groups and have a good visit with either! Have to tell Cathy that it's no go today and see when they are going back to Montreal. Maybe breakfast or lunch tomorrow before they return to Montreal? I wish she'd emailed me sooner rather than at 9 last night.

    So - this will definitely not be a jammie day as I need to leap into action and get lunch organized. First though, an email back to C. suggesting tomorrow.

    This is starting to feel as if Christmas is looming over my head and I've barely looked at the December calendar!
  • Good morning Ruth and chicks to come. Thanks for getting us started. Good thing you read your email last night or you might have surprise visitors today. Enjoy your lunch and don't work too hard tonight at the Christmas fair.

    Glad to read everyone enjoyed their holiday gatherings. We had a nice time at Joe's cousins. Weighed myself and up a pound. To me that is no gain at all since there was a lot of sitting around the last few days...oh and eating lol. Last night when I got back I decorated for Christmas. Today I will tackle the tree and put the candles (battery timed) in the window. I did manage a trip to my favorite store by Joe's. Since he was out hunting I killed time by shopping. I was pleasantly surprised and only waited on line at Kohls. It was worth the wait since my purchase was free thanks to reward points. Later today I will wrap and box up gifts to be mailed. I just need to get stoocking stuffers for Joe and something for his son.

    Tomorrow DS and I are going to my sisters for supper. Her son and his wife and son are visiting from Florida. I am bringing the baby's gift with me (hey why ship if I don't have to). Otherwise my remaining last days of vacation will be spend hanging with my pups.

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • Good morning!

    Ruth, thanks for getting us started! Sorry you are having to navigate so many events all in one day! A coworker texted me late last night to see if I could work today. I said no. I always feel a tad guilty, though.

    Jennifer, glad to hear you have a laid-back plan for the rest of your vacation. Enjoy your dinner with family tonight!

    I got up and did a few chores now will just get off my feet for a little bit before taking my mom to her breakfast appointment. We got more soil last night so will continue on with the projects. Today is the front bed in front of our bay window. I never dreamed we get this far. Have a great day everyone!
  • Um ... Debbie, who is Bruce? Springsteen, I hope. Funny I didn't notice when I got out of bed this morning!
  • Lol typo will change
  • Morning chicks!

    Colder here than it has been so that must be soup and stew and chili time (FINALLY!). We went to visit my nephew who recently enlisted and is stationed about 2 hours south of us on an army base. Eating hasn't been horrible but I certainly haven't started (really, RESTARTED for the bajillionth time) Ph1 so I did that this morning and heading to the grocery store now. DW has finally lost about 30 of her pounds (all exercise with a bit of depression thrown in so she's not been eating regularly) so while she will eat what I cook, I've still gotta cook things she likes (read: no peppers, squash).

    Looking into exercise myself - ready to finally knock out these last 30 pounds and start on Ph3 for the FIRST time xoxo all
  • Good morning, chicks!

    Just sent DS1 off with a large box of leftovers and a few random things out of the freezer like soup and pulled pork. It was a very nice visit and I think he appreciated all of the home cooking; I don't think his bachelor life includes much kitchen time, lol.

    Ruth, I don't think you can feel bad at all about pushing the cousins until tomorrow. 12 hours is pretty short notice for a get together! Enjoy your day and don't work too hard.

    Jennifer, sounds like a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. And I am SO impressed you are already decorating and completing your shopping. We brought the boxes down from the attic but I think that other than the Advent wreath/candles I will probably decorate next weekend. I like to wait until it is December, especially since our tradition is to leave the tree up until Epiphany on Jan 5. Enjoy the family dinner tomorrow.

    Debbie, as we are still buried in snow gardening is pretty far from my mind! I had saved 2 pumpkins to use as decorations outside but ended up bringing them inside and setting them near the dining room table. Hope your day is a good one.

    Pearlrose, hope you are enjoying your trip; safe return travels.

    Guess I need to start thinking about what needs to be done before Monday morning. Groceries and laundry I'm sure.
  • Jenne!
  • Good morning, chicks!

    Back to work tomorrow so today is full of the niggles I have been avoiding: restock the fridge, finish the week's laundry, and maybe grade some papers. Yesterday turned out to be a very relaxing day of reading.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning from drippy Delta where it feels and looks like a March day. The snow is melting, it's foggy and I see a 48ºF one day on the week's forecast. Suits me if the snow melts and doesn't come back until the week before Christmas but the skiiers will be upset.

    Yesterday's visit and lunch went well - I ended up serving quesadillas and salad. The "bride" insisted on putting them together and serving them! My kind of new cousin! I had everything prepped and ready for assembly but it was nice to just relax, sipping wine and be served. They left at 4 and I reported in at the Town Hall for the evening duty. We suddenly had too many volunteers (!) so I was home by 6, watched the news and had an early bed.

    Another cousin and DH will be here for coffee on her way back to Montreal. My sister gave them the use of her house at the farm for the weekend. (I am lucky to have two groups of cousins from both sides of the family and seem to have become the matriarch! Nobody showed up at the border with turkey bones for me so I have chicken soup summering away on the stove, just in case this batch of cousins want more than coffee.

    I hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving weekend. The talk of decorating is finally getting me enthused about shopping, decorating and prepping food for Christmas entertaining. This afternoon, I'll start lists and maybe even wrap a gift or two. It's a busy week with various appointments but the plan is to have mailing done by the first week in December.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving.
  • Good morning

    Beth it is so important to get some down time in. Glad you enjoyed a relaxing day. Hopefully the next few weeks fly until Christmas break.

    Hi Jenne!!!! Sound like you and your wife are doing really well finding a balance with SB. I did laugh about DW not eating peppers they are a staple in my life lol. Hope you are feeling better than in months past.

    Debbie I cannot believe the weather is cooperating for you to keep going on the soil project. That's fantastic!!! How is mom feeling? Has her arm healed?

    Ruth hope the fair went well last night. Were you able to reschedule lunch with your cousins?

    Today is a lazy morning before picking up DS to go to my sisters. Not sure what is on the menu, but she did ask for apple or pumpkin pie. Since DS loves pumpkin, I bought an apple one and made a pumpkin. OK let me confess, I heated the oven and Mrs. Smith did the rest lol. I did manage to finish wrapping presents and decorate the tree. Worked on a hat and then unraveled it as I couldn't flip the brim. My stiches were way too tight so I will try again later. I am looming at night to help with my snacking issues. Apparently I have a yarn addiction lol.

    I do need to get back into exercising. I took a hiatus the last week as I am still feeling a little blah. Im not stressing too much as December 1st I begin training again for the May bike ride.

    Well I better get cranking or I'll be going to my sister's in my jammies. Have a great day!
  • Good Morning!

    It snowed a tad this morning...just enough to get things wet. I had a few things to do outside but think I will wait. I need to leave soon to take mom to the grocery store, anyway. I did go through the fridge this morning and freeze some stuff. Also made some sauteed mushrooms for Kirk. I think everything inside is "current" now. LOL I despise waisting food.

    Jennifer, glad to hear you get a lazy day. I have a hat I am so close to finishing. Knitting and snacking don't mix for me, either. Have an enjoyable time at your sisters.

    RUTH, amazing how the weather changes back and forth. Enjoy the Spring-like day. It will certainly change.

    Beth, sorry to hear it's back to work. Glad you got some reading in.

    Jenne, glad to hear from you. Neat that DW has lost some weight, too.

    OK, guess I will get moving again, See you all tomorrow!
  • Afternoon! Thanks for all the welcome backs!

    Made an awesome soup for lunch - posted it in the recipe section.

    Debbie - I love me some snow! Hope it didn't cause too much trouble.
    Jennifer - I mean Mrs. Smith hahahaha

    Have a good Sunday all. Lazy day here too. Just going to cook and MAYBE shower
  • Soup looks yummy, jenne!