Maintainers Weekly Chat: October 3 - October 9

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  • We're into a few days of cold and wet. DW isn't satisfied yet with the light rain; she says that we need a full 5 inches before the end of the month if the ground is to get wet enough to keep plant roots happy after the real cold hits. Nevertheless, it's rain now and we haven't had much lately.
  • Good Morning!

    We've had our 5 inches of rain and I'll be happy to send any extra to you Bill.

    I had my cousin and his wife over for dinner yesterday so don't have to cook today. I also have most of Thanksgiving covered - ordered a rotisseried turkey and have sides in the freezer. Our Thanksgiving is this coming week - time is flying by!

  • Good morning! No rain expected here but we are expecting cooler weather this week. It is beginning to feel like fall.

    Tomorrow we're driving to SLC for a wedding on Wednesday and then driving home Thursday. Quick trip with way too much driving but it needs to be done. The bride DH's cousin and her father is hanging on until her wedding. He has cancer and has been in hospice for a couple of weeks. He is all she has because her mom, sister and brother have all died. Kind of sad.
  • DH just sent me a message that one of his coworkers that is about our age passed out in the office this morning with what looked like a seizure and died at the hospital. They don't know what happened yet. Another friend found out yesterday that one of her coworkers was killed in an accident over the weekend. I don't have words. Don't take anything for granted out there, friends.
  • Quote: DH just sent me a message that one of his coworkers that is about our age passed out in the office this morning with what looked like a seizure and died at the hospital. They don't know what happened yet. Another friend found out yesterday that one of her coworkers was killed in an accident over the weekend. I don't have words. Don't take anything for granted out there, friends.
    Shannon I'm so sorry.

  • Oh Shannon. Life is so fragile.
  • Sending supportive thoughts, Shannon. I echo "Life is so fragile."
  • Oh, wow, that is sad.
  • How terrible to read this.

    As for me, aside from finishing off stuff for new product testing, and fuming over the stalemate at my apartment renovation, my head is a turmoil of ___, ___, ___. Fill in the blanks with something political and you've got it.
  • Hurricanes and politics, hurricanes and politics.
  • Saef - hurricanes and politics are filling my head right now, too.

    Turns out that DH's coworker had a pretty serious heart condition that he hadn't talked to anyone about. He was taking daily medication and had upped his life insurance about six months ago.
  • Unless you're on the east coast of Florida, or your loved ones are, turn off the weather TV.

    Unless you don't know who you're voting for, turn off the political TV.

    We have enough to handle. We don't need long-distance worries.
  • Jay - great advice. I have enough going on directly right this second, I don't have the bandwidth for more right now.
  • I tried Blue Apron, which has been advertising incessantly on my Facebook feed. My first shipment came today, and DH and I took one look at the ingredients and the recipes, and cancelled our subscription. It takes, on average, an HOUR to cook one of their meals. And I don't mean 15 min. of prep then walk away for 45 min of cooking time; I mean you are chopping, sauteeing, stirring, etc for an hour straight. If I want to take that kind of time to make a meal, I certainly don't need someone to sell me the ingredients and a recipe. I thought this was supposed to be a more convenient way to do home-cooked meals in that the ingredients came pre-prepped, ready to just combine and cook.

    And speaking of weather and politics, how did we miss naming a hurricane "Donald" this season?