How many calories

  • Hi everybody, I'm not sure how many calories I need to consume on a daily basis to lose weight. I normally burn 1000 calories a day and eat 1200 calories a day. But after a quick google search (prompted by a recent binge) I discovered I might actually be eating too little. I've read that I'm supposed to eat between 1500 to 2000 calories a day to lose the weight, but it seems a bit excessive. I should mention that this is not the first time I've tried to lose the weight. I've always failed because they were too restrictive -- but that's what a diet is supposed to be, right? what do you think? i should mention that I've been working at this for a month and haven't noticed much of a difference. do you think this is because my body entered starvation mode (metabolism has slowed down)? perhaps this prevented me from losing weight? I'm really confused and could you use some guidance.
    weight: 150 height: 5'6" age: 23 sex: female activity level: a mix between cardio and strength 6-7 times a week
    Thank you very much!!
  • It is best not to be too restrictive. You should just be eating about 500 calories below your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). With your stats, your body needs 1485 calories just to perform basic functions even if you were in a coma, and you are only letting your body have 200 calories.

    Another point is that you are already at a normal weight according to BMI. Your goal of 110 is actually in the underweight category. Not sure why you want to cut that low, but it is going to be increasingly difficult to lose weight the less you have to lose.


calories, exercise, food