Weekly Beach Chat 8/29 - 9/2

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  • You know it's bad when you need to look at a calendar to start the weekly chat.
  • ROFLOL because I was in earlier and had to do the same thing! Go ahead, Jennifer. I have to be elsewhere for a few minutes.
  • Good morning

    Ruth I am a huge fan of burrito bowls. I make eggplant parm and Mexican burrito bowls on a regular basis. Today I am going to make Thai peanut spaghetti squash and crack slaw with ground chicken breat. I am going to try and use rice wonton wrappers for the first time. I made a decision to eat more food. As much as I enjoy salads I am in a summer rut.

    Beth hope you picked a cool new washer. I love mine, it makes a pretty chime when the cycle is complete. So much faster than my old ones.

    Pearlrose I like your DD lose motivation after I eat lol. Hopefully she will be more motivated today.

    Debbie when does Kirk come home? My house stays clean except for dog hair because I am not in it enough to make a mess.....well except for the kitchen.

    Today's mission is weed the front, prune the Pom-Pom bush (yeah I forgot yesterday) and cook. Possibly a ride later in the afternoon. DS and I went out to lunch at a BBQ place we enjoy. I was really good and ordered grilled chicken with Cole slaw and baked beans. Their sides are roughly 1/4 cup each, so no guilt there. However, there was enough chicken to feed a family of 4 lol. Guess what I'll be topping my salad at lunch with today. I took DS to Walmart to get a few things he needed and then to ShopRite. I must give him credit as he is really learning to read labels and watch where money goes. Between lunch, gas, Walmart and Shoprite it was a $350 day! Yikes!!!! Well at least the kid will be clean and clothed for his new job.

    Speaking of jobs, yes I transitioned well into my new command. Although the overnight tour has some old timers who are not very motivated. It is a nice change. The pace is SLOW especially compared to Penn. However, more responsibility being in charge. There is an epidemic of heroin abuse (everywhere) and we get a lot of jobs because of it. The territory I am responsible includes Westchester (northern end), Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland and Orange County with only 36 officers in the command. We do not have enough officers to adequately cover the area and have to work with local agencies a lot. To put it in perspective I had 92 officers for Penn with no additional areas to cover. I am working to revamp the work chart and have asked for input from the sergeants. I don't think they have ever been asked for their opinion before. So far so good though and I hope to make improvements while assigned there.
  • Good Morning!

    LOL I kind of looked in earlier, but it was too early for me to figure dates. I had to write a big check for sewer assessment in Alaska and that was enough numbers for me. Oh, yeah, I'd better transfer money out of savings, too.

    I'm sure Kirk will come home next week. I started perusing mileage tickets and paid ones, too. He could come from Anc to Den next Monday for $351 + $125 for the commuter flight. I'll look again when I get home. I may have enough miles to bring him all the way but I need to call AkAir to figure that one out.

    Now, I'm finding a time crunch. Fortunately, smoothie is made just need to whiz my apple water and I'm ready. I spent 15 minutes in the basement clearing a path....not really. Just put some stuff away. Happy Monday everyone!
  • Somehow the world seems fallish this morning but it may just be wishful thinking since are going into the high 80's again. Yesterday was a whole day spent at the Mill due to a mix-up by Anna, The heat and humidity were brutal but we lucked out when a group of Japanese tourists arrived with their own tour guide who, I think, translated my spiel. (I'm pretty good in French, adequate in Italian but my Japanese vocabulary is nil - except for sushi and kimchee!)

    I'm off to have coffee with the local group and then will do the bank run. The new treasurer comes back from her holiday (pre-booked before she got the position) soon and I will be glad to hand over the whole thing to her. I'm just recording revenue, doing salaries and paying and recording expenses but it still takes time.

    A garden question: when should I lift autumn crocus bulbs to transplant - now or in the spring when they do the leaf only routine?

    Baked yet another rum cake yesterday for my semi-granddaughters farewell dinner tonight. It's overkill since her real grandmother is doing cup-cakes in her new Uni colours but ... (I am so OVER cupcakes!) Robyn is studying marine biology way out in British Columbia. I pointed out to here that the Atlantic Ocean is closer to no avail.

    Time to crank up Monday!
  • Good morning,

    Today is wfh for me as DD2 has her follow up for her extractions speaking of not knowing dates I wrote time I need off from work on my calender but not what time the actual appt is so I will need to call so I know for sure. I also need to call in to the dentist for DH one of his fillings is loose. Always something around here. I have several conference calls one which is in 8 minutes

    Jekel sounds like you have a plan to whip things into shape at your new command. Kiddos are definitely expensive lol

    Debbie hope you are able to find Kirk a flight with your miles that would be great.

    Ruth glad that they had their own translator. Sounds like your granddaughter is going on an adventure cross the country.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning, chicks! Dental appointment soon, then the dreaded first-end-of-summer-visit-to-the-classroom. Actually, it's not that bad, it's the idea of summer ending that hurts.

    Jennifer, I had spent a bunch of time analyzing washers on the website; of course my 1st pick was not in stock!! I think I ended up with a good one and they are delivering today. After I mentioned the burrito bowl idea I was thinking about other "bowls" you could do in a summer squash but it sounds like you beat me to it. Hope your day off is productive.

    Debbie, bet you will enjoy having Kirk home. Have a good day at work.

    Ruth, I can't believe you aren't quad-lingual! lol Glad the summer tour season is almost done.

    Pearlrose, have a good day at work!

    Got to run. This morning's burning question is shall I make my to go coffee hot or cold??
  • Tuesday
    Good Morning!

    Beth, I hope your dental appt. went well. How is your classroom?

    Ruth, sorry don't know about crocus. Please share when you find out.

    Pearlrose, is it cooling down?

    Jennifer, thanks for sharing about your work. So interesting and I'm glad the new command is a nice fit. Heroin is bad everywhere, I think. Even our small town in Alaska two very close friends their 30ish sons are addicted. Very sad.

    Me, need to get moving. I got up early and did a foot soak (detox). Decided if $150 to chiros isn't helping me better do it myself. Now it's time for coffee and smoothie making. I get off early today and plan to do very little.

    I booked Kirk a mileage ticket for this coming Sunday night. He will arrive in Denver 10am on Labor Day. My GF will p/u since I will be laboring.

    Gotta run have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning,

    Getting ready to head into work, have quite a few meetings on my agenda today. DH ended up getting a temporary crown and will get permanent one in October, bummer. Nothing on the agenda this evening.

    Debbie glad to hear that Kirk is coming back home. Heroin is big issue around here as well.

    Beth did you your washer get delivered?

    Have a great day everyone
  • Good morning from slightly chilly Delta - even needed a blankie last night and turned off the fan. Yesterday wasn't too bad weatherwise. I got called in to the Mill for the afternoon due to a sick staff member = our one remaining staff person. I worked on some artsy crafty stuff to suit the ambiance of the place. Had to follow my own rules which is to pretend it's still 1810. Not sure what today will bring. I'll just have to roll with it.
  • Late day check in.....Debbie glad your friend can pick up Kirk from the airport. Hopefully you do not have to work too late on Labor Day...Ruth I don't know about crocuses either. They seem to pop up in my lawn during the spring...Pearlrose too bad hubby has to wait so long for a permanent crown....Beth hope your visit to your classroom went smoothly.

    I managed to get all of my flower beds weeded yesterday. Mind you they are not very big, but glad it is done. I did manage to get stung by a nasty yellow jacket in the face! Now how does one do that...I was weeded near a tree stump, bent over, talking to my exhusband on my blue tooth. Never saw him coming, bam stung on the right side of my nose. A few profanities and squeals. I smacked my face with my filthy garden gloves and kept pressure on my face, then thought "is the bee stuck between my glove and face." One hundred mg of Benadryl and apple cider vinegar compress seemed to help......until today....I've always had weird reactions to bites and stings. Today the right side of my nose looks like I took a punch to the face. Hopefully the swelling goes down by tomorrow. Does make for a funny story though.

    Beth thought of your DS last night. My local news had a story about the housing shortage at Stony Brook.

    Have an enjoyable evening. It's a nice one here!!
  • Busy day today. Loaded up my new washing machine and then spent the rest of the morning shampooing the couch, chairs and living room rug. After lunch I went to work and chipped away at organizing some more. Tomorrow I have to go for professional development all day.

    Jennifer, all I can say is OUCH! I was going to trim one of our shrubs this weekend, but saw a bees nest and figured I should wait for after the frost. DS managed to live on campus his first 2 years but has moved off campus this year.

    Ruth, the cool days are coming soon enough. Hope your day went smoothly.

    Pearlrose, and Debbie, hope your work days were smooth.

    Got to check on my schedule for tomorrow; I know the when but not the where to report.
  • Going to be brief today as I'm dealing with family stuff.

    My DD Mary-Ellen called in tears late yesterday to tell me her Dad had died suddenly out there in Vancouver and what should she do. (he lives in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island which is a two hour ferry ride from Van.) Luckily she has a smart and supportive husband and she may have a plan of action in place by now. My instinct is to fly out there but everything is booked solid - except business class - so I'll squash that. I've not seen Ron since the divorce in 1973 so will not be going into mourning. He remarried in 1975 - she died several years ago but Mary Ellen has ugly step sisters. (The whole thing will be messy and I hope I can show support from afar.)

    Anyhow life goes on and, at 9, I'm due at the Mill this morning for the 90 person tour of the deaf people who are camping at the park for the week. At least they are quiet at night.

    Just another pothole in the Road of Life.
  • Good morning,

    WFH for me for the rest of the week other than I have to go in on Friday for a 3:30 p.m. meeting, who schedules a meeting on a Holiday weekend on a Friday at 3:30 p.m. (My vice president that is who lol). This morning it was very foggy out but I went for my morning walk anyways and incorporated a couple of jogging sprints to do intervals.

    My mission to get DD's on right health track starts today, I ordered a fitbit for DD2 so we can all do a step competition and it came in yesterday and so she is set up and went to school wearing it.

    Jekel ouch that must have hurt, hope the swelling goes down quickly for you.

    Ruth sorry to hear about your ex, hopefully there will not be too much drama for your DD.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Ruth I'm sure your DD knows she has your love and support. I remember the first funeral I went to after my divorce. A very dear friend who was like a surrogate mother to me over the years. Since my ex got her son and his wife in the divorce, it was awkward to say the least. I stood tall paid my respects and cried like a baby at the cemetery. My ex husband's friend Rob (who I had turned down for a date before I dated my ex) came over and just put his arm around me. When I say that took courage it is an understatement, but a kind gesture I will never forget.

    Pearlrose what a great idea getting DD2 a fit bit! I bet you will both have fun!

    Beth hope you are enjoying your new machine. Appliances can be a fun as a new toy!

    Well I woke today with a swollen eye and crusty skin, oh so attractive. Yup I put on my big girl pants and went to work. I did the mature thing and went to urgent care after work. The doctor was fascinated lol with how bad it looked. I was prescribed a cocktail of goodies; prednisone, antihistamine, cortisone cream and 7 days of antibiotics. He told me to make a paste with meat tenderizer and water and put it on my face to help draw out the protein from the bee venom. I like to think of it as an exotic facial mask lol

    Hope make up can help cover it tomorrow as we have a promotion ceremony.

    Have a great evening, the dogs are calling......again