Hey Everyone! On weight loss journey again

  • Hi guys.

    New here, this forum seems lovely, just what I need. I read a few threads already so I thought I would introduce myself.
    My name is Ana, i'm 25 years old and I currently weight 205 pounds. I have been overweight since I was a child and been trying to lose weight ever since.
    This is another attempt at losing weight, I am counting calories and macros and working out 6 days and week. Would appreciate any advice or experience you could share with me.
    I am documenting my journey on YouTube to keep me motivated and hopefully, if I get to my goal, inspire others to start their weight loss journey too. I post updates every week with my weight and measurement changes.

    Wishing everyone good luck, we can do this together! Thank you all for support!
  • First of all congrats on your success so far! Calorie counting is only a small part of the puzzle IMHO, however it is a good place to start. 6 days a week seems like a lot but that depends on what you are doing. If you are not doing so already, try to incorporate some weight training into your work outs. Also, mix things up in your exercising. This will do two things - it will keep you from getting bored and it will keep your body guessing (this is important).
  • I don't know how you all can do it! I always struggle to get motivated to exercise. Sometimes it's very annoying to count calories or whatever in every food that I'm about to eat. But I really want to lose weight. I just wish I can help myself. I get frustrated right away! I hope I can be like you guys!


iifym, weight loss diary, weight loss journey