hypermobility syndrone/fibromyalgia/depression

  • does anyone on here have hypermobility syndrome? which comes along with many other conditions including fibro severe depression and many other things. im currently being tested for bi polar disorder. as you can imagine all these play a part and your physical and emotional welbeing which makes healthy eating and exercise difficult. anyone else with these conditions?
  • I have hyper mobile joints, alongside sore muscles, and have had depression/anxiety/autoimmune/asthma as well.
    I eat a super strict version of paleo for autoimmune which is giving me heaps more energy and health.
    As far as hypermobility - I see a physio for the muscle knotting, and wear boots everywhere to stop me from rolling my ankles.
    Building numbers of steps per day gradually is important to reduce pain and tendonitis, too.
    It's a lot to work around, but I finally feel like everything's lining up for once.
  • I have Ehlers-Danlos Type III (hypermobility) so I feel you there. The chronic pain from it and the fatigue can be so frustrating. At only 23 I barely want to clean the house up some days, let alone be physically active. Unless its unbearable I try to remind myself "discipline > motivation" because I feel like I'd be a couch potato otherwise.
  • hello fellow zebras. whats peleo? x