Thankful Thursday July 7

  • Thankful for my coffee maker this morning, regifted from Sharon who had three. She used to run a group home when she lived in SW Ontario.

    Yesterday was really hot! It was 102 at 3 PM when Jazz and I left the clinic after pet therapy I sure was glad of the AC in the car and at home. Another scorcher is predicted for today, punctuated with T-storms. I sure hope they are rain storms not just noise storms because things are bad around here. However, the good thing about the heat is no mosquitoes! (Probably because the swamps are close to dry.)

    I'm off to the city (Brockville) for a haircut and odds and ends of drugstore stuff. I also have a couple of Christmas gift cards I should spend but may not be bothered with that today because the shopping centres will be packed with teens and the elderly folks escaping the heat.

    Lifting my mug in a toast to a thankful, thoughtful and possibly thrilling Thursday!
  • Good morning, Ruth and chicks to come.

    I'm not sure where yesterday slipped away to.....I guess the grocery store and multiple loads of laundry which I hung outside. DH grilled chicken last night so I may not have to cook dinner tonight. We are slated for thunderstorms much of the day so I will make a list of indoor chores and organizing that needs to be done.

    Ruth, have a good trip!

    Today I am thankful for my summer vacation which gives me the flexibility to "lose" days, catch up on chores, spend time in the garden and generally have a break.
  • Good morning,

    Yesterday forgot DD2 had ortho appointment until I saw on calender so we got her there and to art class. Today's agenda is wfh and cleaning and de-cluttering house for party tomorrow.

    Ruth the rain yesterday took away the mugginess so that was a relief, we are slated to get more today.

    Beth summer vacations are the greatest aren't they, enjoy.