Wednesday Beach May 18

  • Good morning,

    I am tired this morning, got home at 11 p.m. and up at 5:30 a.m. I forgo working out to get an extra 45 minutes of sleep. I am in office today have several meetings including a breakfast one. Nothing on the agenda for this evening I foresee going to bed early.

    What are your plans for today?
  • Extra coffee or caffeine of some sort is on your schedule today, Pearl?

    I find out today when my surgery time is tomorrow. The hospital is two hours away, and the earlier arrival is 6:30 let's hope I'm the later surgery! Have to prep and pack and everything else. I think I've got the animals and kids taken care of, as long as everything goes smoothly. I don't know if I'll be on tomorrow morning or not, and how soon back on (can we say, 'brain fog'?!).

    The diet will be out the window for a while . But hopefully I'll have a few good options!
  • Good morning! Coffee is very needed this a.m. and I am enjoying the quietness of the village after the arrival of the trekkers who got here a tad early yesterday afternoon. The horses are in the horse barn at the Fairgrounds down the street and I hear the wake-up whinny. Nice.

    The pipers piped the folk from the meeting place to the to the Town Hall a a tad early but we sure were ready for them. We served over 90 people and did not run out of food. The group will breakfast at the United Church and then will come to the Mill where we will grind grain and bag the flour to show them what it's all about. I'm on duty at 9 for the Trek folk and then we have elementary and high school students arriving. Yesterday the staff set up rope making and corn shelling stations plus the blacksmithing demonstrations. Everyone will be on their way to the next village for lunch - either on foot, in the wagons or via school bus. Then there will be a collective whew before we gear up for the official Mill opening on Saturday!

    Time to get my butt in gear and back into costume for the morning. Happy Hump Day
  • Ruth your days at the mill make me want to nap!

    Pearlrose I seem to be waking way too early lately. Getting extra zzzzz's is so important

    Tammy I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and lots of prayers coming your way.

    First real day back to work and I don't want to go lol. Lots of running around to do this week. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Hi chicks! Back from the road trip to pick up DS2 from college. Jennifer, did you see me wave from the far end of the Island?

    Tammy, thoughts and prayers for you. May the surgery and recovery go smoothly.

    , what a busy few days! Maybe you will get a breather tomorrow?

    Pearlrose, I hate the way I feel when I don't get enough sleep.

    Speaking of which, I need to get myself organized to go back to work tomorrow. Just wanted to say hi.
  • Hello Chicks. Another hump Day successfully completed. Not much going on here, just work, birding, and a little gardening when I have time. This weekend I will have to dedicate all of Sunday to the garden because Saturday we have a playdate with the little guy so his parents can paint. It's not the best time of year to lose a weekend day, but I'd rather lose that than an opportunity to watch him grow.

    Tammy - Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Off to relax a little before an early bedtime.