Anyone tried Medifast / Take Shape for Life?

  • A woman I follow on Instagram has been raving about Take Shape for Life, which I understand is the parent company of Medifast. Has anyone tried this program? I am seriously considering it to kickstart my weightless after I come back from a cruise. Meal preparation is one of my weaknesses. If you've had success on this plan, I'd love to hear about your experience. Thanks.
  • I just ordered MF so it'll be a few days before I can start. I think the pre-packaged program will help me obsess less about food. I found that I was thinking about and planning dinner before I had even finished my breakfast most days and to me that struck me as obsessive and unhealthy. So I'm hoping MF will not only stop me from obsessing about food but also help me lose a significant amount of weight in the process. I have 70lbs to lose to get to a healthy weight.
  • I did. In 2010 I lost 59 pounds on Medifast. But after I went off, I found it very hard to keep it off. I could eat SO little in order to lose or maintain. I was down to 1000 calories a day and exercising and still unable to lose more. However they do have a new program now that looks more reasonable. The plan I did was called "5&1 Plan" and was just 5 Medifast meals a day plus a Lean and Green meal (meat and veggies). It was about 800-900 calories a day and my metabolism tested as very slow afterwards. The new program has more calories and carbs, I believe, and even includes fruit, so if you are doing that one it might work better for you.

    You can read about my Medifast experience on my blog. Here's a link to my Day 1. Medifast Begins
  • Quote: I did. In 2010 I lost 59 pounds on Medifast. But after I went off, I found it very hard to keep it off. I could eat SO little in order to lose or maintain. I was down to 1000 calories a day and exercising and still unable to lose more. However they do have a new program now that looks more reasonable. The plan I did was called "5&1 Plan" and was just 5 Medifast meals a day plus a Lean and Green meal (meat and veggies). It was about 800-900 calories a day and my metabolism tested as very slow afterwards. The new program has more calories and carbs, I believe, and even includes fruit, so if you are doing that one it might work better for you.

    You can read about my Medifast experience on my blog. Here's a link to my Day 1. Medifast Begins
    Thanks a lot. That was super helpful.