Steel Magnolias #9

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  • Good morning to you all. We have rain moving in today I think and it is about 15 degrees cooler than yesterday.

    I am doing a couple loads of laundry, have put my new red tank top into cold vinegar water to set the color, and am going upstairs in a bit and make the bed and dust. I had to come downstairs before Jack got up this morning as my hip was hurting so didn't get the bed made.

    I went yesterday and got my nails and toes done and did a bit of shopping. I came home, ate lunch and put it all away then Jack wanted to go to Red Robin for dinner so we did. I ordered a prime rib dip and it was so salty I couldn't eat it. I ate my cole slaw and a few pretzel bites we had ordered and that was it. I guess they soak it in the jus, which is salty so won't be ordering that again.

    We got two more of the commercial shelving units and the casters yesterday so I am hoping I can get Jack to get at least one put together so I can move all the can goods and boxed goods onto it. As it is now, I have to take stuff out of the pantry to see if I have want I want. We need to finish up cleaning the garage out and Jack needs to put the bed rails from the other bed into the garage on the eaves. I have to pack up our old comforter and sheets and put them in the Mariner so Jack can drop them off at Goodwill.

    Jean: I know that we buy a box of 2 cake slices at Krogers once in awhile. It is just enough without a bunch being left over. I am not much of a cake eater though. I would prefer pie over anything. I don't remember do you do lunch bunch at a restaurant or do it at each other's houses? It is nice to have several groups of friends you can do that with. My friends in Indiana all still work so I have to try and get a time where we can have lunch together. We usually take my best friend and her husband out together.

    Everyone have a good Thursday. I am going to sit and read awhile then tackle the dusting today.
  • Good Afternoon! The sun is currently shining but has been in and out most of the day. It's windy with 25 mph winds so it's cold outside even though the thermometer says 57 degrees. There is a possibility of frost tomorrow night; I hope I have enough blankets and towels to cover my flowers. I went to get my nails done this morning and then made a grocery run. Beth had cereal bars for the kids the other night and I have been looking for them with no luck at WM nor one grocery store. I'll check in the other store but not holding my breath. I know we are "rural" but we are the last to get anything new in the stores. I vacuumed fur bunnies and have the washer and dryer humming away.

    "Gma," thanks for starting a new thread today. We have lunch bunch at the local resort/water park restaurant. When we first retired, there were sometimes nine of us but usually six. Over the years one just quit coming and one died so now there is five. Two were secretaries at the high school, one was the math teacher that I went into her class with special ed students, and the fifth gal worked in the elementary building but was a sister-in-law to the one who died. The math teacher is on the school board now so we get in on a lot of the inside school "scoop." The math teacher and I have sons who are friends and were in each other's weddings, then she has a second son a year older than Beth. I only see them once a month so we always spend a couple hours just visiting as we eat.

    I need to switch laundry loads and keep moving. I have Kolby and Zowie's birthday gifts to wrap and drawers full of gift wrap I should sort through. Hope you all enjoy the rest of a terrific Thursday!
  • Good morning to you all. Hopefully no rain today. We had a nice heavy one yesterday for awhile though. The temps will be back up starting today so it is going to be hot next week I think.

    My azaleas are all gone now and I have a flowering bush that I saw yesterday and the tiny flowers are all falling off. I wish I knew what kind of a bush it is. The flowers give off a powerful fragrance and are really tiny and white. I also have a holly bush, but it rarely blooms in the fall and winter like it used to. It needs to be trimmed down though. I don't do gardening as I can't get down on my knees to plant anything and everything makes me sneeze.

    I saw that Royal Caribbean took possession of the new ship yesterday and the first cruise will be soon I think. I saw a video of the slide and even if I was skinny no way would I get on that thing. It is in a tube for protection and this gal had a camera on while sliding down. No way Jose! I know Jack is itching to do it so he can have the fun. I couldn't down on it if I wanted to with my knee anyway.

    Jack's hand continues to get worse and worse. He wanted to wait until Sept. to have the surgeon look at it and then operate, but I don't know how much longer he can stand the pain. He says it hurts all the time now. He would have to be off work for 3 months, but he does have enough sick time to have it done. I told him he should just go and get it done. It looks like they will have to replace the thumb joint somehow. He has had cortisone shots, but he says they are more painful than just putting up with the pain and they don't last long enough only a week or so and then it starts hurting again so it definitely isn't worth it to him.

    I am almost ready for our trip to Atlanta to see the Cubs play next month. I have my red tank, my Cubs baseball shirt, but am waiting on my earrings and pendant to come. I am going to wear blue jean capris. My pendant is glass case filled with little baseball trinkets and my earrings are hearts with tiny baseballs hanging from them with CUBS on the baseball. I was going to get sneakers with the Cubs logo, but I want to wear sandals and get my baseball polish on my hands and feet instead. Hopefully they win as I will look stupid with all the stuff on and they get beat!

    Jean: I would love to get together with ladies from the law firm, but only one of them still works there and I have no clue where the rest of them are. I have one friend I know where she works now, but the rest I don't know. Of course my sister is part of that and she lives in AZ so that is a no go. The gossip mill for law firms is alive and well. You don't have to be working at the place the gossip comes from because the secretaries are pretty much all connected one way or another and see each other socially so you get all the current gossip on everyone. I imagine several of the ladies have retired and I know of one who has died.

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend. We plan on working on house stuff this weekend I think and getting the cars washed and cleaned.
  • Good morning ladies! 68 degrees and that's supposed to be the high for today with more rain.

    I have been fighting a head cold for a week. My nose is so sore from blowing it I put neosporene on it. So far it hasn't gone to my chest so that is good.

    Don't really feel much like typing a bunch of stuff today but just wanted to let you know I'm still breathing.
  • Good Afternoon! It's another crappy weather day -- 43 degrees, 23 mph winds, wind chill of 38, sunshine, then raining off and on. This is beyond ridiculous! I've been dusting and sorting through the magazines and catalog piles. I don't know why I just don't toss them in the first place. I wanted to get my usual Saturday chores done today because Zowie has an 11:00 game tomorrow and we will leave here before 8:30. The parking is limited and we like to get as close as we can. If we are lucky we can park and watch the game from the car if she plays on the nearest field. Otherwise it's a hike! Last week the other team had the same color shirts so they had to wear some different colored practice vest type things over their shirts.

    "Gma," we are supposed to be in the low 30s tonight so will be covering as many flowers as possible. Have you ever been on the Princess cruise ship? I don't know one from another but we have friends who like to go and really like the Princess. I feel for Jack! My thumb joint will ache sometimes and if I hold something in the same position for very long it will really hurt, almost like it gets a charley horse in it. One of our bell ringers had a finger joint replaced and it seemed like it took a long time before she could use it like before. You will have to have Jack take your picture with all of your Cubs attire.

    Susan, it's good to see you today. I'm sorry you are under the weather and hope you feel better soon.

    I have to go do the end of the week gift shop paperwork so better get going. It closes at 4 along with the coffe shop. I can get the key if I had to but hate rolling up the gate; it makes a lot of noise. Hope you all enjoy a nice weekend, and may the sun shine!
  • Good morning to you all. It is windy and cloudy and looks like it is going to rain even though it isn't supposed to. We have started in on chores we want to get done this morning. Jack moved the bed rails onto the eaves in the garage and I boxed up the king bed stuff to take to Goodwill whenever Jack wants to drop it off. He is in the pantry putting together the two shelving units than I guess I will be moving stuff, which should be loads of fun as I have to go through each thing to make sure none of it is expired and dump what is. It will be nice to have everything at a glance though not having to unload the shelf to find a can good or a box of something. I am putting Christmas décor, my knitting stuff and Jack's tools all on the second one.

    I have a load in the dryer and am going to go upstairs and make the bed in just a little while. We were going to work on the garage, but it can wait for a couple more weeks. I don't want to have to deal with any rain once we get started so it will keep. I want to go and get both cars washed and cleaned tomorrow and that's about it.

    Susan: Take care of yourself. Sure don't want that to move into your chest and you end up in the hospital again. We will be here when you feel better.

    Jean: I found a sporting place that sells the exact nail polish colors of the Cubs uniforms then bought a white polish for my toes and thumbs to do the baseballs. If nothing else, they will know which side I support. We used to go to high school football games my nephew played in with his parents and there was this one school where the football field was a bazillion miles away it felt like. Combined with the mega cold weather and it was pretty miserable to go there each year so I can sympathize. You sure haven't even moved into spring yet have you? Brrrrr!

    Everyone have a great Saturday. Back to work for me.
  • Good afternoon, ladies! 59 degrees but sunshine.

    Yesterday was in the high 70s and sunny. I went out and planted my 3 hydrangeas and lavender plant. I tell you, the mind is willing but the lungs aren't up to digging holes. We were supposed to have rain last night but only got a few drops. Found out the hose I use in the front of the house is holey so need to go get a new one. Then my garbage disposer dies last night and this morning the kitchen faucet decided to start leaking. It's always something.

    Cleaning the kitchen today and doing the downstairs vacuuming and moping.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Good Afternoon! I think our cold weather is affecting my brain! I was sure I had posted yesterday but guess not. It was 32 degrees when we left for the soccer game. I wore a long sleeved turtle neck, a heavy sweatshirt, my nylon jacket under my winter jacket, gloves, and wrapped a blanket around my legs! There was a stiff breeze but we sat facing the sun and the sun did feel warm. I'm so glad the games only last an hour! Zowie's team won so she was happy. It was late afternoon by the time we got home so there was no point in starting any projects. It was 40 degrees this morning and the sun has been shining up until a few minutes ago. Bob sang at early church, then headed up to the cabin. He and Jason are replacing a section of ceiling where there was a leak. Beth volunteered to clean and since there is no heat per se, I opted to stay home and work on my own piles.

    "Gma," I need to sort through my pantry and check dates also. I'm good at shoving things to the back when I'm searching for something. I think we most likely will bypass spring and move into the hot temperatures and humidity. I'm trying to second guess when to have the new furnace and air conditioner installed. Our furnace is still running! Some of the farmers think we will have a hot dry summer. We sure don't need any more rain! In driving to the soccer game yesterday, there are lots of fields that haven't been planted to the north of us. Ian starts baseball games this week. He has a concert tomorrow night and we will go to that. If the ball schedule is like last year, he will have two games a week. He again made the "elite" football team that we traveled to Minneapolis for last December. This year it is Kansas City. Sioux Falls is trying to have it there but Ian will be too old by the time that happens.

    Susan, you popped in while I was typing. I agree there is always something to fix or clean around the house. My basement is finally drying up, I think because it has been cold and the furnace is running. I'm more than ready for some warmer weather.

    I need to get busy and unload the dishwasher then vacuum fur bunnies again. Hope you all enjoy a nice relaxing Sunday.
  • Good morning gals. I have to go out in a bit to Wmart and get some food supplies we have run out of. I am trying a recipe tonight I found on FB so will let you know how it went. It is smothered pork chops in the crockpot. I am cutting down the fat in the recipe though. She uses a lot of oil and half and half. I am using half the oil she did and 2% milk. It won't make a difference and be a whole lot less calories.

    I didn't even get in here yesterday. We went out and had breakfast then went and got the car washed. Something didn't do well and I got sick all over myself on the way home so had a heck of a mess to clean up. We didn't even get to dry off the car or vacuum. Luckily, we had two towels in the back seat I could use, but I had been sick before I could reach them. It kept it from going all over the place when I got out of the car and into the house and then I just stood on towels and stripped as soon as I got into the house. I was fine after that. Weird.

    Jack never got the other shelving put together and said he would do that tonight since the Cubs are off today. I can then finish things up on Tuesday. I am going to get as much done as I can today, but I need to clean house too.

    I am so mad at Penneys. I ordered some stuff from them yesterday including two sleep bras, a pair of sandals, a handbag and two large towel style bath mats. First, they shipped the sandals and mats right away yesterday but with a UPS number from someone elses order or something as it shows delivery to New York on Friday so I have to call them. Then they said my bras were out of stock so I went to another website and ordered them so I could get them and not have to wait. I am hoping wearing a sleep bra will help me with some achiness in the night mid back. Anyway, I get an email this morning and the bras from Penneys have shipped. I can't cancel the others so now I am either going to have a lot of bras or have to pay to ship part of them back to whomever. Ugh!!

    Susan: We bought one of those hoses that collapse on themselves when not in use. We haven't used it yet, but I am hoping no holes. It is guaranteed lifetime so who knows? Hope your outside work didn't cause you any breathing problems.

    Jean: Boy, you really are having a lot of pretty cold weather for the middle of May. We are really starting to heat up here though it has been cool the last couple days. We are supposed to get rain a lot this week. Like you, I am sick of the rain. We have that nice patio set we haven't even used yet because every time we plan on eating out there it rains.

    Everyone have a great start to the week.
  • Good Morning! The sun is shining, NO wind, and 54 degrees with rain in the forecast. Not much money to count at church, and the computer guru wanted to double check the program I use so no posting again today. The gift shop is having a 25% off sale today and tomorrow. I need to double check my payroll deduction totals; with the last direct deposit I am now missing four weeks worth. The "testy" accountant said she only had one signature sheet for the first two weeks, and I know there were two because I have copies. The second two weeks would/should be paid this week. So I need to stop and double check figures with my "boss" then hope she will tackle the accountant. Today is $.25 off a gallon of gas for every $25 spent on meat at the one store. The kids will be here this weekend so I need to check a couple recipes then will go to the grocery store too. We will leave mid-afternoon for Ian's concert which is at 7. There is another concert before his so the parking lot will be a zoo.

    "Gma," I'm sorry about you getting sick in the car. I had that happen one time right after I ate lunch in the hospital coffee shop. I figured it was "bad" meat in the sloppy joe since that was all I had. Fortunately I made it to the bathroom. Sometimes I wonder how much of shipping items is done without human input of any kind. I ordered three different doll clothes items, from Amazon, for Zowie's birthday. They came in three different padded envelopes, delivered by the USPS, on the same day. Makes no sense to me. It took a note, from a friend who lives five miles west of me, SIX days to get to me. Her po sends mail to Sioux Falls, 2 1/2 hours north, then to Des Moines, 5/6 hours back south, and then 2 1/2 hours back north to me. Lot of miles on that envelope! We ar supposed to be warmer this week.

    Need to check my recipes and payroll figures, so better get moving. Enjoy the rest of a marvelous Monday!
  • Good morning everyone. Going to be a warm and sunny day today. Don't know how many days we will have that are dry though. We are going to have more rain down the road.

    I got a lot of pantry done yesterday but am waiting for Jack to put the last shelving together. He forgot and then it got too late. I told him he could just wait until the weekend. I need to get upstairs and clean today in about an hour or so. I want to finish the upstairs so I can work on the downstairs tomorrow.

    I have stuff coming in today. Jack ordered a second remote for our bed and it should be coming in today. I ordered Jack a small deep fryer for Father's Day.

    Jean: Hope you can get all the payroll straightened out with the accountant. Sometimes people think other people are stupid. Irritating to say the least. I hate it when you get an email that something has shipped but they take 3 more days before they ever have it picked up. I wish they would just wait until it goes into the system. I am going to put a recipe on here that would be another one great for the kids. You can use it or not. I thought it was kind of a neat idea.

    Cinnamon Cream Cheese Roll Ups
    •1 loaf of thin, white bread
    •⅔ bar of cream cheese (8 oz. bar), softened
    •½ cup powdered sugar
    •¾ cups sugar
    •1 TB cinnamon
    •½ cup butter, melted

    1.Cut off the crust of the bread.
    2.With a rolling pin, flatten bread.
    3.In a small bowl combine cream cheese and powdered sugar until well blended.
    4.In a separate bowl combine sugar and cinnamon - set aside.
    5.Spread 1 - 1½ tablespoons of cream cheese mixture onto each flattened bread piece and roll up.
    6.Dip each rolled bread into melted butter and then into the cinnamon and sugar mix.
    7.Place on an ungreased cookie sheet.
    8.Repeat for remaining pieces of bread.
    9.Bake at 350 for 16-20 minutes until golden brown. Serve warm.

    Everyone have a good day today.
  • Good Afternoon! The sun has been shining all day! It was a cool 40 degrees this morning but warmed up to 65 this afternoon and NO wind! It was really hard to get up this morning. Last nights concert was two hours long and we didn't get home until midnight. That is a long time to sit on bleachers! They do have folding chairs on the floor but then you can't see the kids as well. I sent the principal an email saying the concert was very good but the 7/8th grade choir and band need to be separate from the 5th and 6th choirs and bands. He did reply and said he knew it was a long concert and they were discussing a solution. I ran a couple errands and then had a haircut after lunch.

    "Gma," the accountant said she would deposit three weeks worth this week, and the other three weeks next week. She will never admit she goofed, but at least I will get paid. I always double and triple check my figures before I question her. I'm the first to admit I'm not an accountant. I hope everything you ordered comes through in great shape. The recipe sounds good! Thanks for sharing!

    Bob is out watering flowers and the birds. We had a big lunch so I'm not hungry for supper. I know I will be later so guess I should see what's available for a sandwich at least. There is always eggs or peanut butter. Hope you all enjoy a nice evening!
  • Good morning to you all. It rained last night and it keeps going back and forth between saying it isn't and is going to rain for the next week so who knows. I guess we will take what we can get.

    I got the handbag yesterday and am sending it back. I don't care for it, which is a surprise. It is a Michael Kors so not cheap and no reason to stick it up there with the rest of them and then not use it. I have a bunch of stuff coming in today so the UPS guy won't be happy with me I imagine. We have two different guys that deliver now. One is the pervert black guy and the other one is this older white guy. I can always tell which one delivers by where they put the boxes. Postal guy puts stuff right in front of the door so it is hard to get out and get it, one UPS guy puts stuff over by the patio set and the other one by the door. FedEx puts it next to the door or gets lazy and puts in just inside the gate.

    I am going to try and work on the downstairs today a little at a time. My knees are hurting so bad this week it is hard to walk around very much, but the downstairs needs a good cleaning. I have laundry to put away upstairs, but I will do that this evening when I go up to bed. I should have done it last night but I was tired and didn't want to fool with it.

    The bed is doing ok for me, but nothing is going to help the bad knee leg. I put a pillow underneath that leg when I sleep and sometimes it helps and sometimes not. Overall, it is nice to sleep in a bed again. Of course, traveling it is back to couches and chairs, but that's ok.

    Jean: They need to split the concert in two parts IMO. No one wants to try and sit for 2 hours on bleachers or metal folding chairs. Jackson is in The Lion King play for his school and even gets to sing in it. He has one of the lion parts. Of course we can't be there which is sad so I hope he does a good job. Funny how the "non" accountant does everything right and the person with the accounting degree screws up. Arrogance is an ugly thing. We had salmon for dinner last night and we are having good ole homemade burgers for dinner tonight. I get so tired of eating and trying to find different things. It is hard when you are limited because of a pickier husband. I have seen a bunch of recipes I would love to try but know he would never eat them because of something they have in them. Ahh well.

    Everyone have a great day!

  • Good Afternoon! It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood as Mr. Rogers would say. It's sunny, enough breeze to move the leaves just a little, and 65 degrees -- wonderful! I made a casserole for lunch and scrubbed the kitchen squeaky clean after we ate. I took Zowie's picture to the newspaper for her birthday on Friday. It doesn't seem possible she will be 11. I need to finish my grocery list for the weekend. I'm sure one of us will end up making a second trip for whatever I forget. It is graduation weekend for the local Catholic school and a couple of the small towns nearby, so it will be busy around town.

    "Gma," I was surprised when you said you were returning your handbag. I keep trying to downsize mine but it isn't working very well. I have just about everything but the kitchen sink in it it seems. Bob tells me I don't need it every time I leave the house but he is the one asking for nail clippers or odd change. Jason said he talked to the principal after the concert and pretty much got the same reply I did. They think hearing the older kids inspires the younger ones to stay in band and choir, but said they would be looking for a better solution. Jackson will have fun in The Lion King. Cute picture of him! I wish the kids lived closer so we could go to the Disney movies together. A teacher I taught with loves to cook and try new recipes. She said when she retires she would like to start a "meals on wheels" for people who live alone or just don't like to cook. I told her to sign us up! There was a gal in town who did that when her children were little and she had several every day customers for her dinner menu. They had to come to her house and pick up their food, which no one seemed to mind. She thought that was easier than running a daycare; it wouldn't be for me.

    Finally got Ian's baseball schedule and it's really different this year. He plays at 7 instead of 6, and the away games are north of Sioux Falls instead of south. A couple of them are at noon which surprised me since most parents are working during the day. I have laundry to fold and put away so better get than done. Also need to check my church birthdays and get cards ready. Hope you all enjoy the rest of a wonderful Wednesday!
  • Good morning to you all. I hope we have a sunny day today. I need to go out first thing this morning and get a few things, drop off the box with the handbag in it as UPS store, which is on the way and go by the post office and drop off the HOA payment. It's going to be a pain to have to mail the thing every month, but that's how they have it set up. You can't do it any other way and that includes dropping it off in person. You send it to a PO Box. I don't even recognize the zip code.

    Did I tell you our real estate lawyer told us to complain to the HOA to get rid of this guy? She said she has had to deal with him with several real estate deals and he is always impossible. He demands you send him your SS# and if you don't he kind of hijacks your closing by holding it up until he gets what he wants. I don't know why he would need your ss#, but the form he made us fill out asked for it. I should have put up a hissy fit about it, but we had so many problems and issues I just wanted it done with. A lot of the issues involved him btw.

    I got the leisure bras from Penneys and tried one on and didn't care for it so am taking them back to the store on Saturday along with the sandals I bought. They just were not comfortable at all. I have 3 more of those bras coming and their sizing was different and they were from the company itself. If they don't fit properly, back all three of them go. As to the sandals, I have been trying to find my size in this one sandal and haven't been able to. I have been looking for over a year. I saw something on an email with this sandal in it and thought I would try again. Well, the website didn't have my size but I thought I would google it and see if anyone had my size. I found a place that had 2 pairs in my size and scooped a pair up. I just hope I like them. I don't usually buy enclosed style sandals like this.

    Jean: How fun that would be to take the kids to the movies. Does Kolby like the super heros movies like The Avengers, Iron Man, that sort of movie? Jackson is into those right now. He likes the Star Wars stuff too. I bought him a Cubs tshirt for his birthday and it had one of the Star Wars robots on the front with the Cubs logo. He goes to a lot of the double A games with his parents as the team is there in South Bend now. We are having steak tonight because it can be made last minute and I have a waxing appointment at 1 PM. When Jack and I moved down here we considered doing the dinner thing, but the crime is too bad here. We were afraid of someone coming and picking it up and robbing us or if we delivered it getting robbed that way. We have had almost 90 homicides to date and that doesn't include, rapes, assaults, burglary, robbery, etc. Most of it is ethnic on ethnic, but it is scary. Day before yesterday a lady who lives in an apartment complex, that is gated and only a block from our condo, was attacked and robbed in broad daylight going to her car. They have no clue who it is and I imagine these two jerks will continue since they got away with it. I come in and close my garage before I get out and keep the gate locked unless we are expecting a delivery. We haven't ever had trouble here in this complex, but there have been several things within a mile of us in different directions.

    I better go. I want to go out this morning so need to get showered and such. You all have a nice day.