Can someone help me count these calories?

  • I'm making a recipe and it just seems like so much for so little calories.. can someone help me verify the calorie content?

    10 cal. - 2 tsp cocoa
    65 cal. - dried milk 4 tbl
    43 cal. - protien powder 2tbl (I tried to measure their "scoop" its muscle feast casein 22grams in 1 scoop and this is half of a scoop.. roughly)
    32 cal. - sugar 2 tsp
    10 cal. - 1 tsp flaxseed
    0 - salt splash
  • It's confusing because online it says so many things like the US fda says there's 50 calories in 1 tablespoon of instant nonfat dried milk.. but the box here says 80 calories in 1/3 cup. which is more like 15 calories a tablespoon?
  • The data written on the box should be correct one.