New here

  • I just stumbled across this site as I was looking for info online regarding PCOS. I've had PCOS pretty much since birth. It makes it almost impossible to lose weight and I'm honestly terrified I won't be able to have kids. Any insight would be appreciated.
  • Hope this helps...
    Hi. Welcome! I'm a newbie too. Just noticed your post. I also had PCOS but didn't develop or it wasn't noticed until after I had my 2 daughters. I eventually had to have a complete hysterectomy at 32. I no longer have ovaries or anything. However, do not be discouraged by my tale. A very dear friend of mine also has PCOS and she was able to have a child 3 years ago. She went on a very strict diet and walked daily. After 6 months, she became pregnant. Since then, she has had a hysterectomy too. But, her Dr firmly believes in the diet change and exercise as the reason for her being able to conceive. She too struggles with weight loss but just the change alone helped her! Good luck!! Hope this helps.
  • My Dr thought I had PCOS as a teen -I have the extra facial hair have always been overweight and had irregular periods and acne issues and major mood swings often - actual I never have ever had a regular period thinking about it ... ...with PCOS in NZ a lot of Drs tend to ignore it ...
    I found a high protein lower carb diet helped when I had children - now I have 2 girls - quite close in age 22 months apart - as it was recommended to me to have them close in case things shut down, also I think it has helped in raising them as they are quite good friends - well most of the time and they like to play together, now 9 & 11 worst part is hormonal changes are starting to kick in with the eldest one.

    I wish you well with your weight loss journey
  • I'm new here too, I also have pcos. I have 3 kids so fertility hasn't been an issue for me. But weight sure has. I went on Herbal Magic after my first daughter and lost 66lbs. Now I have 3 kids and have put it all back on. I just started Herbal Magic again yesterday. I have moments of difficulty but I'm down 3 lbs already so I'm optimistic.
    Good luck to all you ladies and I hope we can help each other out on our journey to health and happiness
  • Hi, Welcome shoreeye! There is a PCOS support forum that will help you link with others who have been on this journey.