300+ Chat Thread April 2016

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  • Good morning everyone. Sun is out and I'm actually in the mood to get stuff done today -- hope it lasts!

    Fi -- I've never understood why when I can gain 5 pounds in a week (heck, in a couple of days!) that I can't lose 5 pounds a week. Life would be so much easier. Glad to hear that the cannabis is working for you. I may go pay the retail price and use it on days when I know I'm going to be very active. Glad that your back is doing better.

    Teena -- I put in the raised beds because my house is on a moraine so what we mainly grow is rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. I just used kiddie swimming pools and made them following instructions I found online. Your shopping excursion sounds frustrating, but I know what you mean about trying to go places that allow me some pain relief options.

    Cindy -- You are definitely getting that last blast of winter. Hopefully it will be gone and the spring temps will return. Congrats on the consistent losing. Sounds like you've found what is working well for you.

    Tootsie -- Please do share with us how you find Nutrisystem to work as you go along with it. I've got a friend who did it for about a year and lost almost 100 pounds on it. But like so many of us, once she went off the system, she went back to her old eating habits. I know it will always be a problem for me.

    Time to change the sheets on the bed, I need to vacuum after having all the dogs here, I've got a African violet that needs to be repotted, etc. etc. etc. Nothing exciting, but it will definitely keep me busy all day. Tomorrow I'm meeting a friend for lunch and if time allows, I'll go on up to the kids and look around another town that has possibilities.

    I'm on day 3 of the challenge with my friend. On day 1 I stayed 100% on plan, drank water like a camel at an oasis, and gained a pound. Not a good way to start off. Yesterday, still on plan and I lived in the bathroom so I'm now down a half pound from the start. We're only trying for 5 pounds, but it's going to be keeping it off that will be the challenge for me.

    Guess I'd better get it in gear. Hope you all have a great day.
  • Hi all

    Sam - Sorry to hear about your grandma.. on the diet front - remember not to beat yourself up over it and start again the next day /meal !

    Tootsie - good on you for trying the Nutrisystem -heard its supposed to work better when you eat the veggies with it

    Cindy - lucky you spring coming up- we have hit Autumn in New Zealand its starting to feel more like winter

    I have been doing extra hours at work lately - so have not been sticking to my WW plan as well as I should have
    am determind to make this better this week - small very small loss this week (well 0.6 of a pound or .300 grams)
    been a bit under the weather -coughing lots and not sleeping well - going to try get this under control - someone suggested
    the cough may be a bit asthmatic as its quite damp round here, unfortunately I already know its tied to my hayfever I have.

    bucked up ideas today one point under my tracking points on food to eat today - no weeklies used! goal this week not to use any weeklies
    and may I stick to it this week - have a trip to Auckland Saturday night - fully intend to stick well within points even with night out ... am going to solve the points needed for dinner - by having a 2 point meal for lunch and 0 point snacks from the point free foods (veggies are wonderful) to make it work!

    got my water intake up today - finally got to 8 glasses!
  • Hi everyone.

    Tootsie, good luck with Nutrisystem. I hope you were able to get some veggies yesterday to go with your meals. They do help to fill you up. So does water.

    Betsy, years ago when I was trying to lose weight by only eating once a day, usually just a salad or a couple servings of veggies, I could lose 5 lbs. in a week. However, I don't recommend that as a diet plan. Even if I could go all day without eating, which I can't do now, I don't think my 55 year-old body would respond the same way as my 28 year-old body did. Good luck with your challenge.

    Karencat, any loss, however small, is a good loss. I rely a lot on water and veggies to help me feel full. Good job on having a plan in place for your night out.

    The ground is covered in white this morning after an overnight snowfall. Did I mention it was 70 on Friday? Yes I know that is the exact same thing I said yesterday morning, but it applies again today, only today the white stuff is still falling. It's supposed to stay on the chilly side most of the week but I do hope it will be warm enough to melt it.

    Yesterday, shortly after I finished posting here, I got a call from my best friend who lives a couple hours away from me. She was in town, well in Albany, which is very close to me, for an appointment and wanted to know if I wanted to go out with her for coffee. We haven't seen each other in over a year so of course I said yes. She came here to pick me up, but we ended up just having coffee here and had a really nice visit. I still plan to go visit her for a few days, but since I postponed my visit when I was sick, we haven't set a new date yet.

    Last night I had mashed potatoes with dinner and this morning the scale is up a pound. Life isn't fair. Apparently I am not meant to enjoy carbs at all ever, without the consequence of weight gain. Oh well, today is a new potato-free day and hopefully tomorrow I will like my scale again.

    My BIL is having his bypass surgery this morning. DH is pretty worried about him and wishes he was there. DH had open-heart surgery 4 years ago to repair valves, and had a multitude of problems following surgery. We came very close to losing him, and what should have been a 5 day hospital stay stretched into a very long, arduous two months. I know that is weighing on his mind, but honestly, what I keep thinking about is none of his siblings were there for any of that. We know he has a good surgeon and his other problems have been addressed so I'm staying positive about it. It's a long surgery so we don't expect to hear anything until this afternoon, but waiting is hard.

    I hope you all have a great say!
  • Karencat-I hope that you feel better soon. Those coughing spells can be brutal.

    Betsy: Last year I lost 35 pounds by just changing my portion sizes and exercising. I think that any change can fail if I go back to eating a lot of junk. In that case it wouldn't be the fault of whatever plan I'm on. It would be my fault.

    Cindy: I hope that your BIL is ok. It must've been nice catching up with your friend. 70 degrees sounds nice. I can't have carbs like bread, pasta, white potato, etc, without a gain. I just have less of them, meaning not every day.
  • I got up this morning and did my weekly weigh in. At first I thought I had gained 5 lbs because the I didn't have my glasses on and could only see the last number. Then I looked again and it was actually a loss of 5 lbs. That is a grand total of 21 lbs.

    Even more exciting than that is that I have met my first mini goal of getting into the next century. I have two mini goals close together. This one and 25 lbs lost. Maybe if I work hard I can meet that goal next Monday.

    I went out to leave for work this morning. Apparently, you have to turn your car all the way off when you're done or the battery goes dead. Who knew????Needless to say, I am angry at myself. I know I have to make sure that the car is completely off. I just had other things on my mind.

    Karen: I hope you feel better soon. It is so hard to stay on plan when you don't feel well and you so tired.

    Tootsie: I can appreciate where you are coming from worrying about the future. Have faith in yourself. Maybe, start slowing weening yourself of the their menu and slowly start doing more and more on your own so that when you get to the maintenance part, you will be ready.

    Cindy: thanks for the compliment. I was nervous about posting a picture. It sounds like you are getting more winter weather from the news reports. Isn't it supposed to be spring? Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I wish for the best for your BIL.

    Betsy: You can do this challenge. Look how good you have done so far. I have faith in you.

    Yesterday's menu:

    B: low sugar granola, ff milk, boiled egg
    S: celery
    L/D: cube steak, baked sweet potato, green salad, light ranch dressing and mini peppers.
  • New collage: "exuberant nature". (As usual, click on image for larger version.)
  • Teena Thank you for the love. It's nice to meet you by the way. With everything going on here I haven't had the chance to say hello.

    Betsy Thank you always for your kindness. DH is feeling better. We think it was a 24 hour bug or something. He was still a little queasy yesterday but overall he's fine. Grandma was released from the hospital on Saturday and is doing fine. The next POA is to have her cardiologist appointment this week to get more info and figure out what all she should be doing. DH had seen where if you take the tire off the front it is easier to get to the bottom part of the AC compressor and he said he mentioned that to the mechanic so he's thinking that's what he did and forgot to tighten the nuts. My only worry is that the nut that you screw them on to is stripped...hoping not. Hoping your weekend was swell and you had fun with all the doggies ...Clean up I'm sure is going to be fun. Enjoy your sunny day!

    Fi Thanks for keeping her in your thoughts. I love my grandma...I've had a close relationship with her for most of my life. We aren't as close as her and my cousin who she practically raised and I guess growing up that made me a little jealous. They are inseparable and that's what I always wanted with my grandparents...especially losing my father at a young age and my mother who wasn't there when she should have been. When I look back on everything I should be happy with what relationship I did have with her and appreciate all that she has done for me instead of being jealous of what someone else has with her. We aren't sure what her life span will be now with this but even if she has a few extra years I think it will be ok. She will be 84 in May so she's no spring chicken. She's lived a nice comfortable life for the most part so I think when it's her time she'll be ok with that. I haven't been reading up on the posts but I see you've gotten some cannabinoid medication...Glad it's working for you!! The new collage is so eye catching! I love it!

    Cindy Thank you for being so sweet. You're right when life gets in the way it's hard to focus on yourself. I'm back on the saddle as much as I can today and hoping to get moving again. Glad to hear you are slowly making progress with your weight loss and enjoy it because you deserve it! The AC is fixed and running good...No issues at all and fixed my visor yesterday for $1.60 instead of spending $50 on a new one.

    Tootsie Thanks so much, it means a lot. Everything as far as the car is done and going good..FINALLY! Seems like the Nutrisystem is working for you. I too worry about meeting goal and maintaining weight...It's something all you can do is deal with once you get there. That's what I tell myself anyway.

    Karen Thank you for your kind words. I think she's going to be ok...well as best as you can be considering what she is up against now. I haven't beaten myself up about what I've put in my mouth probably because I've been so worried about other things recently, but if I didn't have that in my brain that's exactly what I'd be doing. I hope the hay fever goes away for you soon. It's also nice to meet you too...I haven't had the chance to introduce myself and welcome you to the thread since I've been in and out here for the past week.

    Well my grandma was released from the hospital on Saturday. They gave her an rx of diuretic to help with her swelling and has told her to keep watch of that. She also has to eliminate salt as much as possible which I think is going to be the biggest task with everything. Growing up we always had pretty healthy meals at her house. Nothing over the top bad, but as she's gotten older she doesn't like to make cooked meals so she snacks all day long. Potato chips, ice cream, candy, etc. Plus she's from the time where everything canned is good and easy which we all know is laden with salt. My mom had to go through the entire kitchen and take everything out of it because the majority of it she could not have anymore. Surprisingly my mom said she didn't go in there and make a fuss about getting rid of the food. My mom could not believe that even something as simple as some frozen Pilsbury biscuits had 500mg of salt per biscuit!! I told her uhhh hello!?!?! that's why I read everything LOL...My grandma is either going to embrace change and do what her doctor tells her, or she's going to say screw it I've lived a long life I just want to enjoy what little time I have left and do what I want. As much as I love her I think she'll end up falling into the later. She goes this week to see a cardiologist to get more info and decide the POA that needs to be taken to keep her healthy so we'll see what happens from there.

    DH is feeling better. We think it was just a little bug. Hoping it is nothing that's still lurking around to where I catch it.

    We got our seeds planted this weekend. We ended up finding those little planter greenhouses that have the peat discs in there that puff up when you add water to them so we've got a lot started in there. Hoping we haven't bit off more than we can chew here lol...I have cucumbers, onion, two types of heirloom tomatoes, fennel, brussell sprouts, basil, thyme, sage, chives, dill, and I'm sure I'm missing something else. So we're pretty excited about it to have fresh veggies this year and to have our balcony looking so pretty with the veggies and flowers growing and all of our other spring/summer decorations.

    Not sure if I ever mentioned this before but I'm pretty sure I have a herniated disc in my neck. For a few years now I've always felt the back of my neck do something weird when I move it. For the most part it never bothers me. Sometimes if I sleep wrong I'll have a crick in my neck and sometimes at the nape of my neck it will hurt and I'll get a headache. I don't know what has happened this weekend but it has been on fire. It's burning pretty badly and giving me an awful headache. The sides of the neck don't hurt just the very back. I've been popping ibuprofen all day and it hasn't done much. I don't keep or take painkillers in the house because of DH's history of addiction but if it gets too bad I'm going to go see a doctor and see if I can get some sort of muscle relaxer or inflammatory medication. I didn't sleep well last night and woke up with a headache. It's still pretty painful and DH has advised that I shouldn't work out if it's hurting that bad because it probably won't help any. I really wanted to get back in gear today but he's probably right....and I'm not sure if I could take it if it got worse than it is now. If you guys can think of anything OTC that I could take that may help please let me know.

    Dinner tonight is going to be rotisserie chicken...no skin for me with collard greens and sweet potato. I cooked some chicken breasts for a chicken salad this week that I'll be making and tomorrow we're going to have Lebanese chicken kebabs...It's that time of year again! I'll be doing the marinade tonight.

    Sorry this post is so long but wanted to give you guys and update and thank everyone for being so kind and loving with everything going on. I didn't want to go on a hiatus because posting daily helps me keep on track. I plan to be back on here every day now even if it's a short hello. I need to be here.

    Take care friends <3
  • Hi everyone. I hope everyone is well and is reaching their goals! I am having an average day, and I will say why, and I hope you guys wont judge me too harshly. Today, I found out that a co worker who I share an office with, is pregnant. Now I feel that any normal person would be THRILLED for her; I work closely with her, I consider her a friend, I sat with her while she had a miscarriage last year, yet when she told me, I felt really sad. We are only a couple of years apart, and she started trying at the end of last year.

    I have a long history of gynaecological problems, and after everything I have been through, I am essentially missing half the bits I need to conceive a child myself with my partner. I don't even know what this is about, but all I know is for the first time in my life, I feel like I am really missing a part of me, and it hurts because I know that I may never be able to conceive or carry a child. And while I am happy for my friend, I know it is probably going to hurt seeing her go through the pregnancy and the joys of motherhood, like a constant reminder of what I might never have.

    It has taken me a few hours to work out why I have been feeling really low and it has hit me like a tonne of bricks. Having these feelings has made me feel guilty and like I am dead inside. I don't know of anyone else who would not be thrilled at the news of a baby. And I am really sorry that this has nothing to do with dieting. I have talked to my partner about this but no one else, because I don't want people to think I am a bad person, because I really feel like one right now.

    To my credit, I have stuck with my meal plan all day, and I made it to the gym. I just feel rubbish. Sorry for the vent
  • Calda: I don't think that you're a bad person for feeling that way. I'm not certain how I would feel in that situation. I may feel the same way.

    Sam: Glad that your DH is feeling better. I hope that they find treatments for your grandma. That sounds like a stressful situation.

    Fi: That's a beautiful collage. I like the way that they seem to pop off the page.

    Teena: Congrats on meeting your goal! As for the car: Sounds exactly like what I'd do. Be easy on yourself.

    Managed to eat less than 1k calories/day, yes, I know, I've said that it's not good to do that. I think in little amounts of time, it shouldn't hurt. Almost a week since starting Nutrisystem. At first it was great, 3 pounds per day lost for two days-probably water. Then one pound. Then none. So, I lost 7 pounds. Stepped on the scale today-gain one pound. My calories are not the problem. I know that weight can vary +/- 3 pounds in any given day, so I'm not going to sweat it.
  • Thanks Tootsie. It has never seemed to bother me before now, however I am in my mid 20s, which is prime child bearing years, and I feel like I am running out of time, because I don't know if I am going to be able to conceive naturally or at all. Having a baby in the coming years has been a big factor in my decision to lose weight and get healthier. I am happy for my friend, I just sort of feel like I am missing out. I know others who have fertility issues and experience similar feelings, and until they have children, that feeling never seems to go away. I don't want to feel like that. I don't want to feel like a failure as a woman because I want children and I cant conceive and carry my own.
  • Hi Calda,

    I agree. Don't feel bad about these feelings. They are very normal. It is like grieving. I tried to get pregnant for 5 yrs. I even did fertility drugs for 3 months. My SIL could pop out babies like bubble gum and I resented it. It was so unfair. It was hard to be happy for her and so sad for myself. I wanted to be a mother more then anything. When I didn't get pregnant with the fertility drugs, I accepted I would probably never have children. Four months later, I found out I was pregnant I was 26. I am sharing this because I can really appreciate how you feel. Don't give up Calda, and certainly don't feel bad for your feelings .

    Tootsie, I try not to weigh daily because of that very thing. (although I don't usually succeed). I try to tell myself that gravity fluctuates and it is just pulling on me more one day then the other. Yes, I am delusional.

    Sam: You are more then welcome. Life can be tough and we are here to support you. I hope you are having a good day.

    Today has been a good day on the homefront. The car started, the hair turned out good, work was productive and my brother apologized for being an *** the other day. I guess I should say it have been a fabulous day.
  • Thanks so much for sharing that Teena. Until probably a month ago, I had had little desire to have babies; I assumed I would want them in the future, but over the last month or so, it has become a real burning thought that I have pretty regularly. I know I have plenty on my plate at the moment, but as I said, over the last month or so, a little niggling thought has become something that I think about a lot, and it is sort of making me feel incomplete without it. I am scared I am going to leave my run too late. My partner turned 30 this year, and I am worried about him too, as he has low testosterone, which is another fertility issue entirely. I am also starting to get fed up with waiting for my circumstances to change. I am a contractor, I work 12 months at a time, then I have to re-apply for my job. I want to be made permanent, yet I know it isn't possible at the moment. I am looking for a more stable job, but so far nothing has come up. I guess there will never be a good time, things could always be better, couldn't they? I don't know.. There is so much to think about. The main thing that upsets me is the fear of rejection, I am petrified of trying and failing. My partner wouldn't resent me for it, but I wouldn't feel ok with myself. I just feel confused, scared, sad and like I am missing out. Work made a huge deal of my friends' pregnancy today, which made things bad. What made them worse was when everyone asked when it would be my turn, or telling me I would be next. I just wanted to scream. Keeping that in caused a real, physical pain in me for the first time in my life. It was awful.
  • Good morning. I've missed you all these past couple of days. Nothing is wrong -- just life (social life) getting in the way.

    Karen -- In my book, any weight loss is a good loss. And it sounds as though you're back to sticking to plan. Good for you!

    Cindy -- My 66 year old body doesn't respond as well as my 55 year old body and it doesn't even remember it's 28 year old body! Sounds like a great visit with your friend. Hope your BIL came through the surgery well -- I know that it's a worry for DH (and you).

    Tootsie -- Portion control definitely helps a lot, but I am finding that things that worked well in the past work just so-so now. Age definitely makes not only your body slow down, but everything inside creeps along as well!

    Teena -- Great job on the weight loss and meeting your goal!!!! I did chuckle over the misreading the scale. I finally bought one where the read out is on a long pole so I don't have to look so far. Must have been a pleasant feeling to realize that you had just misread it.

    Fi -- When I saw the title in your post, my mind went to a collage where there would be wild plants all over the place. So, I love the fact that it was exuberant nature in terms of people with some palms in the background. I swear I love the titles to all of your collages as they make me look at them in different ways.

    Sam -- Glad your grandma is released from the hospital, and it will be very difficult for her to reduce the salt intake. Is she eligible for Meals on Wheels? I think they could help with providing low sodium meals that she wouldn't have to fix. Your gardening efforts sound exuberant and your patio will be overflowing with green and produce. I do love eating something out of my own garden.

    Calda -- Your feelings are perfectly normal and ones that I imagine others at work may be experiencing. If it looks like conceiving is out of the question consider adoption or even being a foster parent. I ended up satisfying my mothering instincts by helping my sister and BIL with their children. Please don't feel like you're a bad person for having these feelings.

    I had lunch with a friend from high school on Monday -- obviously an old friend! Then I drove on up to the kids and scouted out another place to live possibly. Yesterday I got a hair cut, went to the gym, scheduled a bunch of appointments, and then just kind of collapsed from the long day on Monday. Today I need to bake an angel food cake for a friend's birthday tomorrow and get started on cleaning out the pantry. It's dawned on me that if I move in a year, I'm going to need to do a LOT of decluttering. UGH.

    Struggling on the dieting front but this, too, will improve.

    Time to let Toby out for his morning run and hit the gym. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • Calda: I'm sorry that people have been inconsiderate. People usually don't purposely intend to be hurtful. As far as I know, they didn't know. Just chalk it up to ignorance. I was told that I can't have kids. By some miracle, I ended up having 3. Doctors can be wrong. Even if the doc is correct, you can be a mother in other ways. Support and mentor others. My mother wasn't a good person. Unfortunately, there are more bad mothers than most people realize. Those kids need someone to support them, even if adoption isn't an answer, just spending time helping them with homework or talking to them for an hour or two, helps. Most people thought that I was stupid growing up, because I was so busy worrying about my home life, that homework didn't seem important, so my grades suffered. They should've noticed because I was above-average on the state assessments. They didn't though. Only one teacher reported anything, and nothing was done.
  • You said I could post anything.....

    <stepping up on soap box>
    Ranting: I left work so mad today. If more people would quit worrying about what others are or are not doing and focused even half of that energy at doing their own job, they would be twice as productive. A couple gals at work, who have not worked on the particular project I was working on, butting their nose in and said I was doing it wrong and got a couple other people involved. The one of the gals involved was trying to get all nice after I was so irate. I just told her to back off and leave me alone before I say something that will get me fired. Does she stop there? No. She then wanted to hug me to make it better. I said, "really??? Do you not understand that I just want to rip your face off? I said BACK OFF!" It really takes a lot for me to get to that point.

    I need to eat dinner but I am really struggling with my anger and wanting to eat something easy and comforting like pizza. So I am not going into the kitchen until I feel more in control. I will not let them ruin what I have been trying to accomplish.

    <stepping off soap box now>

    Sorry for the rant. Just trying to get my emotions under control.

    My dinner last night turned out to be spaghetti with ww noodles and turkey burger. It was so good that I was glad there was left overs for lunch.

    B: cutie orange and turkey
    L; leftover spaghetti and broccoli/cauliflower
    D: Lord help me...