Thoughtful & Thankful Thursday - March 10

  • Been up since 4 again thinking about how to deal with stuff but thankful that I have a relatively free day and no funeral to attend until Saturday. Michelle comes today and that will certainly brighten up things.

    Now I am going to gather the trash and trudge it to the road for pickup. Then another coffee and put last night's laundry into the dryer. Such excitement!
  • Good morning!

    I'm thankful for just about everything today! I posted the evection notice yesterday afternoon and that's a big weight off my mind. Now let's see what they do. I'm not gonna worry about it. We've got the house all dealt with and need to load up the car including putting my bike on the new little bike rack. Head over to Glenwood for a soak and leave for Moab tomorrow

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning y'all!

    Ruth - your day is *almost* as exciting as mine. I hope it stays that way.
    Debbie - Make sure you take some good pics of your trip! I think I'm as excited as you are!

    The kids go back to school today (they only get 3 days for break), which will be a nice break for me. We'll pull them from school tomorrow so that they can go with DH and I to my medical appointment in Cleveland. I realized there's just no way I can handle it in one day, and we don't have family to watch them overnight. That means we can do something the next day .

    I'm thankful for some sweet people (one couple I never even met!) for bringing meals the last couple of days. My neighbor found out how hard it was for me to chop and cook up nice meals, so she did one and someone else in her bible study also volunteered. What a blessing! It was a couple of rough days for me, so it was perfect timing too. Tomorrow's opinion should finalize what's going to happen.

    Today I need to catch up on some niggles and maybe go to Sam's. I guess I should pack too .
  • Tammy I hope everything goes well with the doctor. I've never been to Clevaland but I bet you will find something to do. What nice people making meals for you. Sorry you had a rough couple of days. Maybe things will start to turnaround.

    Debbie good for you!!! Hope the tenant leaves quickly. Have a wonderful time, please take pics!!!

    Ruth you could stand a day without excitement. I'm sure Michelle will brighten things up too.

    Nothing new or exciting here. I may run to Walmart (yuck) before work. Otherwise just the usual. Today I am thankful for my wonderful friends and family which includes all of you. Have a great day!
  • Good morning,

    It is rainy day start to the day here. Finally have a wfh day so I can start doing some of my reports I haven't been able to tackle all week in office.

    Ruth I hope your day stays relative calm today!

    Debbie I am excited as well for your trip have a great time!

    Tywnn good luck with your doctors appointment. That was nice of your friends to bring you dinner. Doesn't Cleveland have the rock and roll hall of fame?

    Jekel I consider Walmart a necessary evil. I miss the dollar general in our town as the little grocery store does not carry everything you need.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hey chicks! Another day of work over. DS1 is home so I have to cook real dinner. Actually I don't mind at all. It is good to see him.

    Ruth, hope you didn't have any excitement in your day. You need a quiet day.

    Have a great trip, Debbie!!

    Tammy, what awesome friends. Hope your trip gives you some answers.

    Jennifer and Pearlrose, Walmart is definitely a necessity around here. If only we could get a Wegman's. lol

    Got to fly. Have a good evening.