Wet and Worrysome Wednesday

  • Good morning from freezing rain and sloppy snow! Today started with the usual dog alarm at 4 so I'm definitely going to be functioning on my personal emergency battery today. I have a two-filling-replacement at ten and sure wish I could go for a nap instead and just send my teeth to the dentist!

    Yesterday's bank blast was worth the trip. The safety deposit box had some interesting documents which made it worthwhile. We picked up a gorgeous plant for Maggie and set off through the wilderness to deliver it after phoning first, of course. Interesting driving on hilly, windy roads through dense forest. We checked and felt reassured to find we did have cell service in the wilds of Eastern Ontario. Did not get home until after two.

    Bed felt good last night.

    Started the day off, after dog care, by somehow messing up my Facebook account so I now get a blank screen. (I was trying to get rid of notifications about someone who just played Candy Crush!) I tried to log off but nada. I guess I have to go to another PC and rejoin although I do feel FB is a waste of time.

    Time to pull the day together. Schools have closed so I'd better check the dentist.

    I sure sound grouchy, don't I?
  • Good morning, Ruth and chicks to follow!
    We have a weather delay this morning due to freezing rain; I am sipping my coffee and holding off on my shower in case they decide to close school. That decision would have to be made in the next 1/2 hour. Is it odd that I think I would rather go to school and get on with stuff since we just had a week off?? Don't tell the students but I felt like I was just getting them back in the groove.

    Ruth, drive safely if you venture to the dentist! Glad you had a fun day yesterday. Put a splash of Baileys in your coffee this morning; that will help with the grouchies.

    Jennifer, I've always thought your job must be stressful. Hope things get resolved at work.

    Debbie, hooray for yardwork! I pre-ordered some plants yesterday.

    Have a good day, chicks. Tonight we'll be over the hump.
  • Our sloshy mess has turned into misty rain. I'll take that over shoveling any day.

    Ruth sounds like another adventurous day. I truly enjoy hearing about your day and everyone else's. Good luck with the dentist today.

    Beth did they cancel school? I love an unexpected day off.

    I cancelled my doctor's appointment but kept my day off. Didn't sleep well but did manage to sleep in. Had dinner and a therapy session lol with John last night at work. He really is a good friend. We are caught up in a mess at work. If we didn't have each other to confide in I think we would lose our minds.

    Got my taxes done yesterday. Uncle Sam is giving me back a pittance compared to last year, but extra money is always a good thing. DS owes NYS but is happy he is getting a refund too.

    I too am looking forward to spring and digging in the dirt. I have a few things breaking ground already which is way too early. No big plans today. I am going to replace the side view mirror on the car later, thanks to a you tube video I feel confident. I may load up the bike and drop it off for a tune up. Otherwise I am staying put and OP.

    Ruth I am pouring another cup of Paul. Care for a refill?
  • So they did close school The predicted temperature shift has not yet happened.

    So now the critical question: be a big girl and do some cleaning/chores or get more coffee and start a new book??
  • Home safe and sound and may just stay inside until Spring! The highway has not been plowed and you kind of figure out where the road is by checking the fenceposts! A few of my fellow idiots are out there driving around with no headlights on. Sheesh! Some soup for lunch and an afternoon nap are all that's going to happen around here today. The car is snugged into the barn, maybe forever.

    Warning! Don't eat soup when your mouth is frozen as it runs out of your mouth and dribbles all over the front of your new shirt!
  • Good Morning! (it still is here, anyway)

    Hubby and I have been mostly lounging around. I'm still working on helping him with his new phone. We are taking it easy today as I think he will leave tomorrow at 3 AM. I think we are going to have a complicated relationship with this rock slide/Canyon thing. My sisters trip was four hours extra the other night. I just can't travel back and forth to work with that situation. Early morning seems better so Kirk will try tomorrow.

    Ruth, glad to hear you're back from the dentist!

    Beth, I hope you're reading that book by now. LOL

    Jennifer, I hope your day is relaxing.

    I did get the carpet cleaned in the dog/laundry room this morning while I was up. I really have a few must do chores today. I guess I should get to it.
  • Good evening,

    Thought I would drop by this evening. Conference is going good, leave tomorrow evening to go back home. DD2 school was canceled this morning due to snow hopefully no issues with flight tomorrow.

    I will need to go back and look at threads.

    Hope everyone is doing well.