Anyone a 25 year old with thyroid/hormone issues?

  • Hey everyone, just wanting to reach out to see if maybe there's someone going through or has been in a similar situation. I'm 25 year old female, 5'6 and 182. Everytime I've tried to cut weight or body fat, the only thing that seems to remotely work is going low carb. I'll lose the 5 pound water weight and then I stall. I have really bad PMS symptoms, increasing facial hair around my mouth and chin since around 21, and I have really thick hair that I can pull out in handfuls when I shower and brush my hair. I've had basic thyroid tests done and everything came back normal. I am going to another doctor hoping to have more tests done to get results. I wish nothing was wrong, but my gut just tells me this isn't normal. I should also mention I'm prone to depression issues, mainly when a significant event happens or high stress, though I've never officially been diagnosed.
  • Have you tried a gluten-free diet? There is a definite connection between gluten sensitivity and hashimoto's thyroiditis, which is a form of hypothyroidism. Sounds like a lot of the same symptoms.
  • I haven't. A lot of what I do buy is usually gluten free though! I will see what the labs show next week.

  • Hey :)
    Hi, actually I AM a 25yro with hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's) and my symptoms are exactly what you described down to the last word. It realllly sucks because it makes it a billion times as hard to lose weight as I had pre-Hashimoto.
  • I'm 21 (nearly 22) years old and this is my biggest fear. I mean, one of them. I am thinking about checking my thyroid hormone because I am afraid that I might have an issue and this is why I can't lose weight. Do you think that it is possible for me to do something in case I DO have an thyroid issue??
  • Hello. I am Judy. 25 year old. I am also suffering from hormonal imbalance problem. Even because of that my periods are irregular a lot. From last year I am trying to losse weight but no luck. Even tried medicines but they don't seem to work on me now! My height id 5'3" and weight is 152 lbs. I need to loose atleast 35 lbs otherwise it is going to affect my health. Since I am a working woman I don't get much time to exercise. If any one have any suggestion please feel free to post it.
  • Hey! I'm 20 and while I don't have any diagnosed thyroid issues, my panel is always right on the low end of normal, and my thyroid itself is quite swollen. I had symptoms of being really lethargic, to the point where if I didn't have anything going on that day I'd be in bed from waking up until I went to sleep for the night. I had absolutely no energy, I had a little depression and anxiety, while I had diarrhea up to 12 times a day I was just packing on the weight like there was no tomorrow (despite eating about 900 calories a day).

    I ended up going gluten free and all those symptoms either disappeared entirely or were reduced so drastically they are no longer affecting my life. Even my thyroid's swelling has reduced quite a bit. I was losing a pound a week without doing anything differently! (until I hit a plateau, of course). I hope this will help!