New here

  • I finally did it....I stepped on the scale and weighed over 300 lbs

    Just starting (again) today with changing my ways. I started this morning with 20 minutes of walking with a Leslie Sansone video.

    Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself. I wasn't sure where to go here. New start for me and I'm very discouraged that I even let myself get to that weight.
  • We're all in a similar boat. I started at 300 last year, lost 35 pounds, life happened, I emotionally ate and gained most of it back, and now I'm back again. I suggest joining the 300 pound+ chat thread. I seem to stay more on track when I can talk about stuff that's going on. I stopped the chat thread last year, and that's when I got off track. The ladies on there are kind and supportive. Good job on taking that first step-that's the most difficult part. Leslie Sansone is great! I love that she says to never be ashamed and to do what you can do.
  • Please feel encouraged to know that we're all here to cheer each other on as we move forward on the same journey.

    The best advise I can give you as someone who is just starting out is to make practical changes that will have longterm results.
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    With these changes you can get started and as you learn more and gain confidence you will be able to make more and more healthier choices.

    You got this!!
  • congratulations on taking these steps and especially that walk. In my opinion, that's the hardest part -- getting moving. it seems more comforting to be a slug. You can do this - it's going to be hard and you're going to have some terrible days -- I think we all do. best of luck!!
  • Welcome! Same boat here as well. After I had my son in 2008 I ballooned up to 303 pounds. I began counting calories and working out a year later and got down to 240 ish in 3.5 months then I got hurt working out. It slowly got bad from there. 5 1/2 years later I saw 309 on Sunday January 31, 2016. Yes 3 days ago! I have been 290 for over a year and over 300 a few times but 309 I couldn't believe. I look in this thread and the 100+ which is for people that want to lose over 100 lbs. Again, welcome... We Can Do This!!!
  • Welcome! I know how discouraging it is to see a big number like that on the scale! This group is super supportive and we are all there with you! You got this!