Pre-emptive February 2016 Thread

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  • Hi guys. Well, maybe TMI, but PMS is here with a vengeance and I want to eat everything in sight! I'm hanging on by my fingernails not eating cakes, cookies, ice cream, bagels, carbs, carbs! I want sugar and carbs!! Ugh. Forget everything I said before about cutting out sugar and salt and reducing cravings - that works 2-3 weeks out of the month, but certainly not 4. I didn't cave in at the dinner I went to yesterday on the dessert buffet - left before it was served - but I ate a huge dinner and 2 dinner rolls. I didn't weigh myself today!

    And my medical saga continues...the CT scan I had last week incidentally found what they think are ovarian cysts, and tomorrow I go to my gyno for an ultrasound. I really can't take much more of this. Every test I take clears me for the thing they were worried about, but finds something else to worry about -and not small stuff, but things like cancer scares or heart disease or kidney disease! I am a wreck, but at least I'll have more answers tomorrow (do I want them?). 2016 has been 2000 crap for me so far.

    Sorry to be a downer. I'm a horrible patient.
  • Hang in there, Guac. I bet you look totally adorable in all those paper gowns. ;-) But seriously, hang in there! 2016 has to start looking up sometime!!!
  • Jeepers Guacamole, I hope they figure out what's wrong so you can simply feel better. I remember going through that kind of crap when I was dealing with infertility. Now, I'm like that pinterest meme "Sick and need to make a doctor's appointment...No thanks, I'll just die."

    Another bad eating day. Not sure I should even talk about it. LOL.
    So, the kids were off yet again because of buses not running. However, I had to go to a meeting at the school, midday, so they came with me for the hour. After, they were hungry and I knew I didn't have much food at home, so we went to Wendy's for fries and Frosty's. (both small, but I checked and that was like 650 calories!!!)
    Then, for supper, I made them homemade pizza and I ate about one slice. But hey, what to do with the rest of this dough?!!? How about I make cinnamon rolls?!!? And they turned out quite well. I had one muffin size roll. I was hoping to put some in the kids lunch tomorrow, but they ate them.

    Calories add up too fast.

    Tomorrow is grocery day so I should be set up for success after that...right???

    I hope you all have better willpower!
  • veggie - don't beat yourself up! I am fighting the monster PMS cravings still. I had an ultrasound appointment to follow up on one of several "incidentalomas" found on my CT scan last week, and all is well! Of course, this past week waiting for the ultrasound I convinced myself I had end stage something or other. My BP, which has been low the last few weeks, was higher at the doc's office - no wonder, as a woman being read her last rites. However, my doctor assured me everything was fine - what the CT scan picked up was ovulation and not tumors. Such a relief! Next on the list is following up on a tiny nodule the CT scan found on my lung - too small to demand follow up - but I'm following up anyway. Did I mention that I REALLY HATE CT scans and all the unnecessary worry they cause?

    Anyway, I made my hubby come with to the appointment in case they told me they suspected something serious, and in celebration of the good all clear news, we went for breakfast. There went my calories! BUT - I had water and a cheeseless egg white veggie omelet. BUT - I also had hash browns and a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese! Ahh well...scale will probably go up more tomorrow (was at 169 today), but yesterday was a ridiculously, unhealthily low calorie day - less than 500 - because I was worried sick over what the ultrasound would show today. So, it all balances out eventually.

    Anyway, good luck today to us all! You ladies rock! Aside from my husband and 1 good friend, no one, not even my kids, know that I've been going through all this medical stuff. So, thanks for letting me vent.
  • I'm so glad the ultrasound gave you the all clear! OMG, they told you to bring your DH! Eek! Nothing like adding to the anxiety--not that you wouldn't want him there, but still... How long until your lung follow up?

    The scale was suspiciously kind to me this morning. We'll see if it was a glitch tomorrow. I got my groceries and I'm back to eating healthy. I forgot my grocery list and it totally threw me off, but I did ok. Poor cat wont be happy that I forgot her food though. Meow!
  • Veggie - no I told my husband to come with me! I am just a nervous wreck with all of these tests and more tests - each test finds more for me to be worried about....but I'm almost home free. I'm not sure what follow-up the lung nodule will need. It's too small to medically warrant official follow up, but I am getting a copy of the CT scan from the hospital tomorrow, and sending it to another hospital where I just did an MRI, and having a radiologist compare the two to see if they can spot the nodule. The MRI was for my back, so it might not have gotten images of my lungs, so I might need a chest x-ray if it didn't show up there. Then I will have a more specific measurable view that I compare with a follow up in a year or so - but if the MRI can give me that, then no need for the x-ray. We shall ongoing saga...

    Good for you for going grocery shopping and buying healthy things! My list is usually messy text message I send to myself...and I usually forget to add things I need. Oh well!
  • Quote: Calories add up too fast.

    Also, I hope your kitty doesn't retaliate for the forgotten chow in your shoe or anything.

    Guac -- glad the ultrasound was clear! And if you can just hammer that lung into submission, you'll be hunkydory! *fingers crossed*
  • Oh, man, Guac! That's relentless. Veggie, I keep edamame in the freezer to avoid the wendy's problem. They're quite filling. Hard boiled eggs are good too. Good job getting back on track.

    I was doing great (great weigh-in this morning) then had indian food for dinner. I think there was about the same amount of calories in it as I've eaten in the last three days. :
  • Oh, the cat retaliates for simply not cleaning her litter box fast enough. She's old and grumpy.

    I like soy beans too. Hard boiled eggs, are hit and miss with me.

    No wonder they say to avoid restaurant food when dieting. Mmmmm...Indian food.

    Do you ladies watch youtube video's/documentaries for motivation? I thought this show was interesting.
  • Sorry! Didn't mean to throw you under a bus! To atone, Guac has inspired me and I shall attempt to make quinoa stuffed zukes tomorrow!
  • veggie - I have seen this. As I said, I am obsessed with weight related documentaries - well really documentaries in general - but when I am on a weight loss kick, I love weight loss docs - and BBC/UK docs are the bomb!

    magicsusan - they are really good! I halve and scoop out the zucchinis and roast them at 400 degrees Fahrenheit with a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkles of sea salt and pepper. Meanwhile, I chop up the insides of the zucchini along with chopped onion, garlic, red pepper, portabella mushrooms, eggplant and saute with a bit of olive oil, cumin, smoked paprika, zatar spice, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, black pepper, a dash of salt. I cook my quinoa in a rice cooker so it sprouts in the heat and gets soft - then I add it to the veggie saute. This all takes about 20-30 minutes, and I take the roasted zucchini out of the oven and fill it up with the stuffing and pop them back in the oven for another 15-20 minutes just to solidify and cook everything together.

    I froze half of them last time, and am still eating from the batch I made last Thursday - I have 1 half left. There's not much to go bad, as long a they are refrigerated - no eggs, meat, or fish to worry about going bad. I'll see if the frozen ones get soggy upon defrosting and reheating when I am ready to eat them (probably next week).
  • I'm back too after a few years for support. It really helps me to see others suffering with me. As Sh*tty as that sounds. I put 19 pounds on over the last two years. I'm turning 40 on the 31st and I'll be damned if I'm going to let myself be a fat old lady. In my mind nothing ages you more than being fat. I was a fat kid and finally took of the weight when I went away to college. In stead of the freshmen 15 I lost 110 pounds.

    I think I set myself up for success. I'm down 6 lbs in the first 3 days! Which I know is not all weight, but man is it encouraging. I'm doing a 1200 calorie diet. And, a count down of 60 days. Doing a 1200 for more than two months will drive me crazy.

    Guacamole I recently decided to not used artificial sweeteners. Obviously there are a ton a reasons to not use them, but I have not had any cravings for sugar since stopping them. I use raw honey in my tea and coffee. Yeah there are calories, but if I'm dying for a piece of cake after my cup of joe, I'm really screwed.
  • Hello Lexi! Welcome! Sounds like your plan is working so far

    Thanks for the tips, Guac. I've got them in the oven even as we speak. I don't have everything you mentioned (no Idea what zatar is so I'm using chipotle )

    Anyway, all, I'll just start a March thread, okay?
  • Welcome Back RDLexi!! The kind of trade-off you make having the honey in your coffee versus dying for cake later if you don't have it, are the kind of trade-offs that make a plan sustainable long-term, so I totally get it. I have chocolate almond milk in my morning coffee for the same reason -- it is well-worth the minimal calories it adds for the enjoyment I get and for forestalling cravings for something far worse (like a whole bag of paul newman cookies).

    Guac -- I really really want the stuffed zucchini now, but oh, the cooking involved. But oh, they sound sooo good. Maybe I can she go over to MagicalS's house after she's made them.

    Veggiedawg -- love docs like that, particularly when the narrator has an accent. I'd listen to the narrator or the video you linked to describe how to clean out a refrigerator.