Looking for online buddies!

  • Hey There

    My intro is in the intro section but long story short I am looking to make online buddies to stay accountable.

    I am 26 years old. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Around 17-18 I was around 225 (5'2). I was in an abusive relationship when I was 19 and used that negative motivation to go from 200-195 to 150. My lowest was 147. I have gone up and down in weight over the last 7 years, and really need to keep with was the life change.

    I was doing really well for a while, staying active, running marathons and half marathons, doing obstacle races, etc. Unfortunately, I let the diagnoses of my father's illness, and then his sooner than expected passing 6 months later back in Sept hit me hard. Wicked hard. I went from running my 3rd marathon at the end of May to gaining almost 40 lbs...

    You are all very inspirational so hoping to make friends!
  • Hey there fellow Bostonian. (Well, I live a bit out of Boston but still.)

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my father at a very young age, also to a very quick (5 months, 1 week, 1 day from diagnosis to funeral) battle with cancer. Food was always a comfort to me, even then. I've also struggled with my weight my whole life. The lowest I've been my whole adult life is about 250. I'm 27 now.

    That's absolutely amazing that you were running marathons. I've always admired people who can get themselves in shape enough for that kind of distance running.

    Nice to have you aboard, hope to see you around! Feel free to PM me if you'd ever like to chat.

    If you happen to have a myfitnesspal my name there is kds61888 feel free to add me.
  • Hi!!
    I am 27 , so we're about the same age,and am looking for a buddy! I also gained weight really quickly this past year, and I know how hard it is to get back. Message me on here and we can become friends on facebook!
  • Quote: Hey there fellow Bostonian. (Well, I live a bit out of Boston but still.)

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my father at a very young age, also to a very quick (5 months, 1 week, 1 day from diagnosis to funeral) battle with cancer. Food was always a comfort to me, even then. I've also struggled with my weight my whole life. The lowest I've been my whole adult life is about 250. I'm 27 now.

    That's absolutely amazing that you were running marathons. I've always admired people who can get themselves in shape enough for that kind of distance running.

    Nice to have you aboard, hope to see you around! Feel free to PM me if you'd ever like to chat.

    If you happen to have a myfitnesspal my name there is kds61888 feel free to add me.

    thanks for your reply! I will definitely PM you!
  • Quote: Hi!!
    I am 27 , so we're about the same age,and am looking for a buddy! I also gained weight really quickly this past year, and I know how hard it is to get back. Message me on here and we can become friends on facebook!

    Hey there! Thanks for your reply..I could not PM you I think you need 10 posts to be able to send and receive PMs.
  • Hi there! I am also of a similar age to you and I am really struggling with my weight right now! I would love to be buddies; I need the motivation, and have been in an abusive relationship too, when I was 20, that lasted for 18 months. I don't think I have ever really abused food, aside from the occasional binge, it has never been used as a comfort for me or anything, however I have always been a big girl, and I would really love for that to change! Hope to hear from you soon!