~*Delicious for Christmas 2015 Challenge!*~

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  • Got on the scale and was reminded that exercise is good. I knew this, yet I resist and my good habits get put on the backburner all too often. Gonna log off now cause I choose to exercise this morning.
  • How is everyone's week going?

    I've found myself working 3 film editing jobs which is great, but I've gotten into a lazy routine with working out!! I need to move around more in general since I'm finding myself napping in the day. Oops.
  • Home with a sick kiddo this morning so no gym. Maybe I can get there in the morning. I usually don't go on the weekend as it's family time but I wanted to get 5 days in this week! I have a charity craft show that I'll be going to on Saturday so maybe I can at least squeeze in a quick trip to the gym.
  • Quote:
    Koshinogi - What made you want to switch from animals to humans?
    I have been with animals for a long time and I love it, I managed to work my way into being hte manager of a referral practice but I didn't like the paper pushing and lack of hands on. There was no real way for me to specialise and the wages are pretty rubbish considering the level of qualification and expertise I had. I needed something more challenging and I generally like the nursing so I thought I would change for the wider range of skills I can gain.

    What do you do?

    Also I had a good(ish week) started to be really careful, and now I am dairy free and seem to be on top of it, I have found a few special treats I can have that are soy based but also low sugar and delicious, nom nom. 3lb down so this made me happy
  • Took it easy exercise wise yesterday, so was happy to get in a 30 min lifting routine in this a.m.

    Riestrella, With three jobs I would need a nap too, lol. How about walking after dinner, either inside or out? I sometimes even walk in the p.m. while watching tv, but must feel the motivation to do that.

    Jill, Did you get in you 5 days of exercise this week Hope you kiddo is feeling better. Nice to have a weekly exercise goal.

    Koshi, You must be doing something right to be 3 pounds down. I hope you are encouraged to continue to be careful.

    Hope everyone is doing well, have a great weekend!
  • Hi everyone! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week.

    I haven't been contributing to this thread so much lately because I have been on vacation. I got back last night and had been gone since the 5th. I was very worried to get on the scale this morning, because I was not watching what I was eating while gone. However, I apparently did ok because I lost about 4 pounds. I was shocked when I saw the number on the scale.

    Anyways, I am back and I am going to keep working on reaching my goals.
  • Koshi - Yeah, I hear veterinary nurses don't get paid that much... What's going to be your specialty for nursing? I'm a freelance film editor, right now I've got 3 projects on the go which is kinda crazy, but 2 deadlines are in the next couple of weeks then I'll get to sink my teeth into the 3rd one - which is a feature length film. Congrats on 3 lbs down!

    working - I try and get up and move once an hour since I have to work on a computer all day. I've also put into my schedule a 30 minute walking break outside to get some fresh air! I think it'll help my work. Great job on the exercise!
  • Quote: Jill, Did you get in you 5 days of exercise this week Hope you kiddo is feeling better. Nice to have a weekly exercise goal.
    Nope, we had to repair a chicken coop, lay mulch in both coops (due to excessive rain the last couple of weeks), haul firewood and watch a donkey that we believe is miscarrying her first baby. Oh well!

    I'll got in 4 days this week and hope to do the same this coming week. I am going on a weekend trip with some family and that will shoot the diet in the head.....dinner show, eating out and no working out for the weekend. UGH!
  • Week 2 Charts everyone!

    Overall Chart:

    Chicks up for a Challenge:

    If you still want to join the challenge then please go to the first post for the rules + the link to the spreadsheet! If you were already part of the challenge but your information is gone, it's because you haven't weighed in for more than 2 weeks. If you want back in the challenge, please ask me to re-add you to the spreadsheet.
  • How is everyone doing?!
  • I hope it's OK. I added my details to the spreadsheet. I know I'm late to the party but I figured I'd just jump in and see how I go! Hoping to lose 12lbs by Christmas. Not sure it's possible but going to give it my best shot!
  • Hi Rie! Doing pretty good, thanks Eating on plan and losing little by little. My biggest NSV is I am able to do some cleaning about the house now. For years - yes I mean YEARS - I have not been able to do much of it. I had so many joint issues, happening one right after another, that I couldn't do much. Sprained ankles, frozen hands and shoulders (all at different times) and then on top of that the extra weight! Wellllll... after losing 50 lbs and my joints healing, I have been a dusting and vacuuming fool! Feels good to get all the cat hair dustbunnies and getting things put away!
  • Had a great few days but last night I had a night away with the hubby in a country pub, luckily they were awsome with the food, I am dairy free and they were prepared for this they are vegan friendly so it was easy for them. I had lovely lean meats and fresh veg, one beer, which to be honest had me almost snoozing ha! I have had no alcohol for a year and a half but I have never been one for booze anyway. I had dessert which was pancakes and maple and pecan icecream which was delicious but I couldn't finish it. Breakfast was a full english but it was all grilled and lovely. I do not feel at all guilty but I do not think it will make a difference to my weight! only tomorrow will tell haha! (I forgot to mention though I made rice pudding the day before which probably will make a difference).
    I hope everyone has had a good week so far! <3
  • I think I am getting sick

    I started the week off really well by going back to the gym for the first time in years. I thought it would mean a great week of motivation, but I did not follow through with anything. I did not really go off my food plan, however, I did not exert my willpower with sweets all that well either. Oh well, I'll find out tomorrow how I did.
  • Hi Guys!
    I just joined this challenge! I am so excited to be part of this awesome group!
    Thank you for the support!