Friday Frolics, SBD Chat for 10/23

  • Whoo hoo! I made it in here this morning!

    Who has the coffee?
  • OK, I have mine!

    Yesterday morning was a bit of a rush, then my laptop battery ran out, and I just gave up. It was sure a delight to get to the farm and find a mug of coffee on the counter, all poured out and with my name on it. It may have been a bribe, though, since they wanted me to bake 4 loaves of banana bread, then slice them and wrap them for Saturday's bake sale.

    This morning Jake and I are going over to Dad's early. He, to mow the lawn, and I'm going to help the cleaning girls wash all the curtains, windows, and blinds. Not exactly my idea of fun, but "many hands make short work", and it shouldn't take too long. We have to leave in time for Jake to get home to shower and change for his doctor appointment later this afternoon. We'll probably go out to eat after all that.

    Whew! Now I'm ready for my 2nd cup!
  • Good morning. I managed to get back to sleep after my 3 a.m. potty run and do have my first coffee now - NOT from the K. who is being temperamental once again.

    I spent most of the day puttering around but did make it to the bank. On the way home, I noticed two guys looking through the Mill windows. I stopped to see what was up and they were both very interested to see inside. I always have my keys so we unlocked and went in and I gave them a tour of the three floors. They were both very interesting guys - one was a farmer who had discovered an old sawmill hidden in the woods on his property and the other a greenhouse owner who just happened to know Lorraine for whom I worked years ago. I figure that, even if we are closed for the season, it's good to give people impromptu tours if there is time. They will definitely be back when we are doing milling in the spring.

    It really was a glorious day and I spent a fair amount of time outside. The garden is toast except for the Swiss chard - what a tough plant! Things were still a tad damp so I didn't do any cutting back, just gathered some of the odds and sods of tools and the tomato cages to stash for the winter. No more rain expected until Sunday so I may get more garden cleanup done today. I have been kind of expecting Ed and the eavestrough guys to clean things up but no show as yet.

    Last night was the Fair AGM and I was appointed Honorary Director which means I'll be working just as hard but won't have to pay a membership. That $10 is really going to make a difference in my budget.

    This was the weekend Angus the Springer was to visit buy his family's weekend jaunt has been cancelled. Good thing I didn't tell Jazz and Millie and have to deal with their disappointment.

    Hoping to stay out of trouble but still have some Friday frolics!
  • Ruth, that was great that those guys were interested in seeing the mill and you were able to give them a tour, but I sure wish you would have called for some back up, first. I don't like to think of you being alone in there with complete strangers.
  • Good morning,

    I guess yesterday I must have time change on my brain, yeah I am a week ahead of myself it's November 1st. Today is another wfh day, DD2 is off from school and we are taking Blue to the vet for her yearly exam.

    Tonight will be spend getting ready for DD2 Halloween party tomorrow night. A lot of her friends are throwing parties so there will be 3 of them to attend.

    Cottage hope it goes quickly today for you

    Ruth I am with Cottage the first thing that occurred to me was Danger. Glad it didn't turn out that way.

    It was a glorious sunrise this morning, just beautiful. Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning.

    I picked up DS at the airport last night; he was on time and I was still awake I'm off to they gym this morning. Still need to modify upper body workout because of the post-biopsy hematoma. I'm supposed to pick up a disk of my many images today so that I can take it to my second opinion next week. (The second office wants it dropped off in advance and on disk - none of this "cloud" stuff.)

    I'm working this afternoon until 7. Will come home to have the place to myself while the guys are at the ball game. Rain is forecast.

    Have a great day.
  • Good morning!

    My friend surgery went really well yesterday although it was scheduled for 1045 and they did not take her in until 4 PM. It was a long day! She said she was perfectly fine to stay by her self last night so I came home and slept in my own bed which was wonderful! It is pouring down rain it started yesterday early. Snow on the mountain passes. Of course we always go to the pool which is where we are headed now!

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • Good morning! It's a relaxing, rainy day here. It's a good thing we have nothing to do, because both the kids and DH are struggling with allergies that the front has brought in.

    Yesterday was a busy day. DH got to come home, finally, so I woke up early before work to get a few niggles around the house done. He got home just before dinner time and we were all grateful for chicken tortilla soup for dinner. Definitely what we needed.

    Not too much going on around here. The scale was kinder to me than I thought it would be this morning, especially with the stress eating I did while hubby was gone. Back on track this morning, though. I need to catch up on laundry, as usual, and I need to get the dishes done, but other than that, I'm going to just snuggle my babies and try to get them all feeling better.
  • Yippee! My renewed passport finally arrived in the mail. I have no intention of going anywhere for a while but sure do want the option in case some handsome stranger offers me a trip to Europe.

    By the way, although Delta is a quiet town, you all may be sure that there were at least five people who knew I was in the Mill, one of whom was my friend Bruce who is the UC minister. Things are really much safer in a small town where the eyes of the world are upon you. (He plopped himself on the bench and enjoyed the sun while I did my thing.)

    My spider plants are al potted now and look great. The kitchen floor is not so great but I'll sweep up the wet stuff once it dries and maybe even wash the floor. (I think I remember how to do that!)
  • Hooray, I made it here in time for Happy Hour! We are planning a mellow evening, some fish and sweet potatoes then maybe a movie and a glass of wine. Tomorrow we will get a good walk in then chores the rest of the weekend. Such excitement

    Cottage - hope your chores went quickly and you enjoyed a relaxing meal cooked by someone else

    Ruth - Kale, collards, turnips, and carrots left in my garden. I never did get my chard in this year.
    Delta is on my bucket list complete with Mill tour.

    Rose - sounds like life is very busy. Hope you get a few minutes to catch your breath.

    Karen - enjoy your peace and quiet.

    Debbie - Happy pool time

    Kim - So nice to have everyone home again.

    Okay, time to get to dinner. Happy Friday evening all!
  • Had my coffee on the fly this morning but I also made it for happy hour! Anyone else need a glass of wine?

    Made it through another week, and yes we ended with a bit of Sun. DH and I even got a walk yesterday afternoon.

    Nothing major in the agenda this weekend.

    Have a good evening, chicks .
  • Not quiet happy hour here. Supper is over. Roasted veggies with feta cheese.
    dh is still coughing horribly. He went to drs.yesterday and started round of antibiotics.
    Enjoy your wine. No fun drinking alone here.
    take care