
  • Hi is 3.5 liters water too much for me (400+ pound male) to drink. I read that you need from 8 cups to half your body weight in ounces. Thanks
  • I really don't know how much you truly should drink, maybe it varies by person. But that isn't too much for you, because I drink 3 liters per day and I'm a 207 pound female. So that extra half liter won't hurt you at all.
  • I am for 1/2 ounce of my body weight and usually have close to 1 ounce per lb.
  • 3,5 liters sounds good. You shouldn't drink a lot more than that though.
  • Hi. I had a friend who's doctor told him he was drinking too much fluids, mostly water in his case, and it was putting a strain on his kidneys. So yes you actually can drink too much water.

    A doctor would be the best person to ask this question of, but barring that I recommend a search on "google scholar" for some actual scientific studies and recommendations.