Forty something and Whole30

  • I am posting here to see if there is anyone else in their forties doing a whole30 or paleo type diet. I am trying whole30 for thirty days. No grains, sugar, legumes among other things. So far so on day 13,,but not a big weight loss so I'm not sure if this is going to be worth it or not. Im sure if i were in my twenties then this would be a bit easier, but this weight isn't going anywhere and i'm starting to get really frustrated...still...i persevere.
  • weight is slowly coming down. I guess noone else here is following this way of eating so I'll just talk to myself in this thread...LOL....
  • Hey, Zumba! I'm not doing whole 30 but I know some of my coworkers have been successful with it. I am back at Weight Watchers. I hadn't been doing anything consistently and finally got sick of it all. I went back in July and am down 9.5 lbs in 3 months..the good news is this puts me in my "healthy" weight range(barely), so I'll keep attending meetings for free and weighing in weekly. I also started jogging again which always seems to give me a jump start.

    I've accepted at this point that weight loss is going to be really slow, and that I may not get back to my old goal weight. I'm going to see how I'm looking and feeling when I get to around 130, which could take another 3-6 months.

    I found a Weight Watchers meeting I really love - I look forward to the discussions, and the knowledge that someone will be weighing me in once a week has stopped me from making some really bad food decisions!
  • I'm doing my own version of it, and I'm already a month in. My version is no sugar, flours, alcohol, dairy, meat (except seafood). Nuts are ok but restricted, as are starchy veggies and whole grains. Non-starchy veggies and legumes/beans are unlimited.

    So far I've lost about 3-4 pounds, but the real test will come when I recheck my bloodwork as that's why I started this. Before this plan I was calorie counting, but my lipid values became surprisingly abnormal and I decided to try a "reversal" diet approach. It did take nearly 3 weeks for me to see any changes on the scale, which was frustrating. But, I'm in my 40s and down to the last 10 pounds so perhaps it's to be expected. I've also had a few slips, but only one or two truly "bad" days. I'm going with the 95% accuracy plan as I do hope to keep with this long-term.
  • Hi there Zumbachica!

    I am not strictly following the paleo diet, but I am loosely following it, if that makes sense. I borrowed a Paleo cookbook from a friend of mine in order to learn a grain free way of eating, because my husband has severe wheat allergies. In eating along with him, I've discovered that I feel pretty good on this type of diet!

    I started refocusing on losing weight the end of Sep, when I saw a terrible picture of myself. So, in addition to eating the Paleo way, I am staying away from sugar, and fast or heavily processed foods. I am also staying away from dairy right now, which I believe is Paleo. I haven't actually studied the diet, just adapted it to our needs. It was a quick way to learn to cook for DH.

    Hope this helps! I would love to check back with you and compare notes.

    And as for the weight loss, it has been slow for me as well. Right away, I noticed a "thinner", lighter feeling and my clothes loosening up. I'm sure I was letting go of a lot of bloat, etc. But my actual loss in about 4 weeks, has been 4 lbs. I think it does have to do with my age. I'm 45+.