Diabetes and Prediabetes Chat and Support

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  • p.a. not everyone can do cheat meals or cheat days. I tend to do better if I just stay away from the foods I shouldn't be eating. I also don't like to do substitute foods, such as low carb or low fat recipes for baked goods or treats. If I eat those things I start to think I can eat the real thing, too. I have somehow lost my taste for sweets and baked goods and I want to keep it that way. On the other hand, some people can't eliminate things altogether or they feel deprived and end up bingeing. One day last week I got so hungry for chocolate cake. I knew better than to bake one, so I bought just a slice of it from the store. I enjoyed it when I ate it, but I can still feel that sugar cursing through my veins! It gives me a yukky feeling.

    Mad, when I was single and used to go to the dance clubs with my friends, they always went to the all-night Pancake House afterwards. I just said my goodnights and went home. There was no way I could eat late at night like that.
  • My FBS is down to 139 this morning. Thank God. I hope I have it low enough by the time I go to the doctor in March that it will be down further. Even though my A1c won't be real good, I will be able to tell him what I am doing and show him how the numbers have come down with the new WW plan.

    Fatmad It makes me feel so good to not feel like I'm on a diet any more. I finally feel like I'm a normal person when it comes to eating. There have been situations where I have eaten some of my weekly point, but I prefer to save those for when DH and I go out to eat or special occasions. I don't feel like I have to eat them. Like you when I had 26 pts sometimes I felt like I needed a little more, but I find that I don't really need the 30 pts. I seem to only need about 28.

    I am really beginning to enjoy and even look forward to riding my recumbent bike too. That is a nice feeling because I used to really dread it. I feel so much better after riding it. I remember thinking my pastor was crazy when he talked about how you could actually want to and enjoy exercising. I didn't think I could ever feel this way about it.

    Ate too much salty carby foods yesterday so today is going to be a lower carb day.

    Have a great day.
  • Other than the weekend before I was diagnosed type 2 and my oatmeal cookie binge, I haven't cheated since I went back to low carb. The cheat day I was mentioning was when I did WW's back in 2003ish? I want to drop a good 30 lbs before I cheat this time around and am hoping to do so by May. We're going on vacation and I'm wanting to go horseback riding. I meet the stables weight requirements now, but I'd like to be in the 180/190's at least by then.

    I won't be too terribly upset as I can ride now, but it would be nice.

    As it is, I managed to drop another lb this morning. I'm hoping after sleeping later tomorrow I have another gone, but to be on my period and have a drop at all is pleasant! I retain so much water this time of month. I now officially have 10 lbs to lose to get back to my pre Christmas weight. So frustrated at myself, but I made the decision to eat horribly and now I have to reap the consequences.

    BG is still wonky. In the lower to mid 90's before bed and then 120's to 130's in the morning. Back to the Dr. on Wed. I'm wondering if my hormones are out of whack.
  • Morning
    I've been bouncing up and down for months now and frustrated. I did well all week, lower carb and sodium got back into the 240's and this morning BAM bounced back into 250's.....ughhhh
    I'm updating my tracker and avatar , maybe it was giving my bad karma lol
    Carol I'm like you I can't do the crazy low carb desserts or treats out there....
  • Hi folks,
    I've been lurking for a little bit and thought it was time to join the discussion. I'm a type 2 who is just getting back into the swing of things, now about a month in. I've been doing okay with it and brought my readings down significantly, but they're still far from ideal. I'm getting low on meds though and need to find a new doctor before I can get more, so I'm afraid I may backslide some. So a big challenge this week.

    I'm so inspired by all of you. This disease is murder, and you're kicking it with grace and realism. I want to be like you when I grow up!

    Who is undercaffeinated, undermotivated, and over it.
  • FickleHearts Congratulations on the 1 lb loss. I don't know why our FBS bounces around so. I am beginning to look at what I eat the night before.

    I am not sure I am a person who needs to eat low carb. I'm noticing that when I eat low carb that my FBS is higher than it is when I eat carbs. Not real sure what that means. I am going to be start keeping up with it more closely watching it more to see if it is just a fluke or what.

    Anne WELCOME!!! Glad you decided to join us. Good luck on journey. I hope you get a good doctor to work with. I have a really good doctor who seems to really care about DH and me.

    After all these years, FBG is still a mystery to me. My reading yesterday was 139 and the eating the day before was more carbs than usual. Yesterday was a low carb day and my FBG was 173. So asI said above, I'm going to keep an eye on it to see what is going on.

    Have a nice weekend.
  • My doc has told me to stop worrying about FBGL because it can drive us nuts and is not necessary unless we are on insulin. He says HA1C tells the true tale. (I love him! I know his mother and have seen his baby pics - adorable as a baby too!)

    So I am avoiding all sugars, limiting wine, eating three balanced meals, no snacking and . I've even lost a little bit. Unfortunately my foot pain is keeping me from walking but I'm "on the waiting list" for toe surgery. I was referred in August 2014 and the surgeon is now working on the April 2014 referrals! It's an elective surgery so ... in the meantime, it's very painful; to walk my dogs or shop and is affecting my lifestyle.
  • Ruth, I have heard that about FBG too, that it's not the main factor. My doctor doesn't even ask about fasting, just goes by A1c. Somewhere I read that when you are working toward lower BG, the fasting reading will be the last to go down.

    Sorry to hear about your foot pain. Sounds like my knee issues, only worse. Hope you can get it fixed, soon.

    Trish, I have not changed my eating a lot, but my FBG didn't go down until I started taking my Metformin at bedtime. And it's still higher if I don't have my egg at bedtime. I think maybe there is too long between your last meal and the first meal in the AM. Your body thinks it's not going to get food so it releases glucose. This is why they suggest that we have a small snack before bed, but the snack differs from person to person. Since you are doing so well, I would hold back some food from your meals and eat it before bed, instead of adding more food as a snack. For me it has to be the protein and fat from the egg, but it might be different for you.

    Welcome, Anne, jump right in with us!!
  • for many of us, a snack in the evening is needed to reduce fasting blood sugars, but we don't want to do it (we want to lose the weight) or haven't saved enough points etc.
    The thing to do, is make it a very small snack. Try 10 peanuts. There is enough protein and fat to make it digest slowly, but enough carb to help keep you from dumping sugar from your liver overnight.
    I agree that A1C is important overall, but high fasting sugars mean we are dumping glucose overnight and don't have good control overall. Having highs isn't good for us, generally.
  • Well, Mad, that's why I suggested keeping something from your daily allotment to eat before bed as your snack, rather than add something on top of what you eat all day. I have found by trial and error that 1 egg, usually scrambled, keeps me from having the dawn phenomenon. I tried 2 eggs once, didn't work. Just one egg. I have tried other things, and the egg worked the best. But that's just me. I think Trish tried it once and it didn't help. We're all different. I talked to a woman on a Diabetes Forum who uses a small piece of Slim Jim. It works for her.
  • Finally I'm back into the 240's.....I ended the month of January with a .8 loss. Woooopiedoo! It's ok it was a loss and I worked my butt off to get back into the 240's. Now to work towards the 230's.
    I've been eating a prepackaged 100 calorie unsalted roasted almonds. Works perfectly for my fasting number in the morning. Right around 5.6 any higher carbs and I shoot up to 7.
  • Good job, p.a. You have to find what works for you!
  • HI gang:
    busy work weekend and sleep recovery. Hoping of more sleep tonight and a bit calmer rest of the week.
    SO what IS working, is the tracking is helping me with these irregular hours.
    Thats when I fall off the wagon and stop eating right and then can't get back on to a good food plan.
    Its working well for now, and I will keep tracking.
    But for now, off to bed again.
    Have a good week
  • I find it amusing I weigh 7 lbs heavier than I did pre-Holidays, but I've lost inches so all my pants fit looser.... I read somewhere that metformin helps with weightloss, specifically visceral fat, so hmmmmm. I refuse to give the credit to the drug though. I've ate 1200 or less calories a day now, started my walks and started dancing in the evening, and not cheated once. I'm going to credit my hard work and my huge calorie deficit since I'm not eating my workout calories back.

    Prior to my diagnosis, I had ordered 3 boxes of girl scout cookies. They came in this weekend. I sold them to my co-workers. On one hand, I'm ecstatic they are gone and temptation is dead, but on the other...... sniffle. You can only get them once a year. Oh well.
  • Fickle, wow, thats great. When did you start the lower cal eating? Muscle is heavier than fat, so the exercise may be doing it too, and the extra muscle will help you burn more calories. Good news all around