Thankful Thursday Beach Chat for 10/1


    It's a dark and rainy start to the month here, and we're keeping watch to see if we get this hurricane that's supposed to head towards us. At least it's not next week when I'll be vacationing along the coast in Charleston, SC!

    It should be a quiet day and I'll have to find things to fill the time until the girls get home from school. I'm thinking about organizing their closets and dresser drawers. Maggie's aren't too bad, but Audrey's stuff is a disaster. At least they don't get mad if I touch their things, LOL, as long as I don't throw anything out w/o their say-so. And today's my Friday so I'm looking forward to my weekend. Sunday is a big Red Hat event, and we have to dress up in all our red and purple finery and lots of jewelry for that. There will also be Red Hat vendors there, so I'm really looking forward to that!

    Anyone want to join me for a cuppa?
  • Joining for a cuppa on this chilly morning. No frost but it feels darn close to it at 36ºF!

    The interview went well late yesterday afternoon. Cathy and I had dinner in Perth while we were there which was kind of nice since we are neighbours and co-volunteers but never get any one on one. I discovered she never reads or watches the news. (That's a bit scarey when I think she is on Township Council!)

    This morning I will make a start on delivering some of the Fair Schoolwork - the two biggest schools, I hope. This afternoon will be taken up with sorting books for the sale on Saturday as folks drop them off at the Town Hall. Early bed is on the schedule for tonight with more of the same for Friday when I have Book Club too! I sure will be glad to see 5 PM. on Saturday.

    Whoops! Trash day! The "lad" just drove down the street to the Lake and will be back shortly so off I go to get my stuff out there for his return trip.

    I am thankful to have lots of involvement around my Village and not be one of those women who does things "to fill in the time". My "time" is stuffed!
  • Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit!

    Happy October,

    Just getting ready to head in to work, it's in the 40's this morning, the descendant starts. I turned off the AC this morning, shouldn't need for the rest of this week

    Have a great day everyone!
  • How can it be October already!!

    DH came back from his mom's yesterday and turned on the heat which surprised me since he is always so energy/cost conscious. I felt it kick on this morning. Today is my second day off work this week and I'm getting a mammogram. Going to try digital this time. My gyno said it is probably worth paying to do it once.

    A little late to the discussiion... I dragged DH to Wegman's a few times near my son's college. I had always heard so much about it. There wasn't one near his apartment post-college though. No idea what we'll find near his new place in CT.

    Have a great day.
  • Karen - if you ever get to wegman's again, the rosemary olive oil bread might be worth buying. Not that I would admit that I've had that, being on the SBD forum and all . OMG.

    Cottage - you are a good woman! I hope Cindy pays you what you're worth!! What's the big event?

    Ruth - you definitely aren't one with an empty schedule...quite the opposite. Hope you got the garbage out on time!

    Debbie - if you're peeking in, hope you're enjoying the views!

    Pearl - my husband actually took the a/c out a couple of days ago. We didn't use it much at all this summer.

    I have a couple of errands to run today, and not a whole lot else. DD is in a homecoming parade tonight, she's very excited! She's hoping to throw out candy...the highlight of a fifth grader's week!! But for right now, I'm under my electric blankie and just turned the heat's cold out there!
  • Hi all! Finally made it to a big milestone today... 50 pounds lost in total! I was really hoping to lose 50 pounds before my wedding day, which is in 2 days, and I actually made it!
  • Sheepie that is awesome news! Congratulations on both hitting a big weightloss milestone but also for your upcoming Wedding!
  • Sheepie, great news!! Congrats on both fronts.

    Cold this morning (yes, I had to scrape the windshield for the first time) but lovely sun all day. I'm excited the mums seem fine, as does my last cherry tomato plant, especially since the forecast did not mention frost so I didn't cover anything. DH and I took a walk after work, then went out to eat on a whim. ('nuff said about that)

    Here's to a great October, chicks!