Newbies & beginners September 2015?!

  • Hi there, I have just joined this site and have read through quite a few threads but haven't quite found one to join in on, so thought I'd start a new one! I'm just starting my journey so am hoping to find some others who are also just starting out so we can support each other, cry occasionally, but mostly be positive and encouraging!
    I started my (supposedly!) new life today and it ended very badly with a huge bowl of chips and gravy! But tomorrow is a new day so hopefully I manage to keep it together. Looking forward to chatting away this fat!
  • I've been on my journey since Jan. of 2014 but I am back to where I started at in Jan. of 2014. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Hey Fifi hope this thread is the start of something very positive for all.
  • Are you going to weigh in once a day or once a week. I'm not sure which is the best for me.
  • Late hello
    Hello Fifi, thank you for starting this thread. I'm in a huge rush today, but wanted to jump on and join, since September is only for one more day.

    This is a new start for me as well, after a looooong absence. I'm so happy to have other newbies to relate to. I'm struggling trying to get my eating/ exercise routine down pat, so this group should be good for me.

    I see some of you are wondering how often you will weigh. I think for me, once a month will be it. My weigh in date will be Oct 15th, as Sep 15 is the day I got serious about starting this journey. Also, I once had an eating disorder, so the less I weigh in, the better. I tend to get obsessed with the scale number otherwise.

    I wish I had time to post more, but I will be back. Here's wishing all of us much success!