Back at 3fc, time to get my butt in gear!

  • Good evening ladies and gentlemen. So I frequented this forum a lot about two years ago with huge success! I went from 277 to 181. Sadly I gained a bit back, I am up to 247 as of last week. I am gonna weigh tomorrow and see if I lost anything. I've been slowly getting back into those good habits but it's a process. Most interesting part of my story is at the end of October my best friend and I will be road tripping around the USA for 6\8 months... Doi g a little living. It's gonna a make weight loss either really easy or really hard lol. Considering g we're on a shoe string budged probably easy.

    Gonna put some progress pics on Instagram tomorrow, a little perspective on where I was, got to, and ended up (its also my travel log account). I just need people to talk to, so I hope to be a frequent face here in the 30 something forum for a while . Here is to hopfully loosing 77 lbs!
  • Welcome back and I wish you luck! Road trips can be killer! Best plan is to not have any food in the car, or only things that are minimal calories, like sunflower seeds, beef jerky, and iced tea. =) Then eat your meals out of the car, and do stupid things like park in the back of the lot and do lots of sight-seeing. =) The trip sounds like a blast!
  • Thanks! We quit our jobs and everything for this adventure. It's going to be wild.
  • Congrats on restarting, and on your travel plans! Very exciting! Welcome back.
  • Woo thank you guys. Went down to 145.6 today down from 148