Food addiction

  • I use food as a crutch for my emotions, because I really have nobody else to release them too. I know I need to address my food addiction issues. I just eat because it makes me happy and feel good, but I can't keep doing it, because I hate what I see in the mirror. I don't know where to turn. My town has no OA programs or anything and I don't have any supportive friends.

    Suggestions? Advice?
  • OA has phone and online meetings and I know that when I used them it was a big help. If you look on the main OA website, under the Meetings link, you can find them there.

    Plus there is a forum for Overeaters Anonymous on this site under the Chicks in Control Forum.
  • Hi saitiffeh
    I, too, am an emotional eater! I was brought up that way without knowing what I was doing to myself or what my mom's "comforting" was going to do to me as an adult! Unfortunately, because I struggle with the same issue, I have no advice because I haven't learned how to help myself. I am hoping that, since I found this website, I will have new ideas to help me get past my old habits!
    Good luck and please feel free to vent or talk as needed on this site! I have found others have been very open and helpful!