My coach implies I cheat.

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  • I am SO sorry you have a coach that treats you that way. Let us know if you find a new one who is much more trusting and supportive of you!

    Looking at your losses, you are what my coach has always told me was what to expect; she told me that women usually average a loss of 2 - 3 lbs compared to men, who tend to lose 5 - 6 per week.

    Ugh, cannot believe someone who is supposed to be your advocate and cheerleader would be like that!
  • Christa how was your appt?

    I have to say my clinic was my savior during my year on IP and now still during maintenance. I feel like the money I spent on IP was 50% for the clinic - otherwise I would have just bought alternative products.
  • Yes... How WAS your appointment??
  • I lose an average of about 2 lbs per week. Your coach is a jerk!
  • I would be out of that clinic so fast their head would spin. I would find another clinic, explain why I was changing AND report her to cooperate. No one needs to be discouraged, ESPECIALLY someone who is following the program AND losing like you are.
  • Your body does crazy things....everyone is right, find a few coach....I am coming at this from a prior coaching experience....It could be the time of the month for you and if you don't have it any longer it could be when you used to have your cycle. The heat right now has a lot to do with retaining water as well. If you know in your heart that you are 100% protocol then you have nothing to worry about. I lost 269lbs with my average being 3.2lbs per week. That was with me being 100% for 2 years, I had gains, losses and maintained some weeks, I just let the program do its job....if you follow it, it will work for you!...Don't loose focus on your goal...YOU are doing it for YOU and no one else...don't listen to what she is saying, you know if the heart of hearts you are doing it correctly!...Stay strong, you have lots of support and are NEVER alone!
  • Did she used to work for "Biggest Loser?" They like to pull that kind of stuff.
  • Follow-up
    I'm anxious to hear how it went this week? It would be cool if there was a yelp like place for couches. It is so important to have someone as your support!
  • Ketostix
    Quote: IP average weekly losses for women is 2-3 lbs per week. Your loss rate is 3.33 per week which makes you FASTER than average. RUN from that coach!

    By the way, don't use the ketostix... They are not designed to measure the kind of ketosis resulting from this eating plan. They are for Type 1 diabetics. After low carbing for a while, our bodies slow or stop excreting ketones into the urine. Also the amount of water we drink dilutes them. At some point they will stop registering ketosis even though you ARE in it.

    As long as you are 100% on protocol, you ARE in ketosis. No stix (or validation from a coach) needed.

    Let us know what she says tomorrow!
    Although I'm just in my first week - I also asked my coach about getting Ketostix, she mentioned not to bother because as JLUS mentioned our bodies slow or stop excreting ketones AND that we also eliminate ketones through our breath and there is no way to measure that level. Stay strong - you are doing GREAT!
  • She works for you! Can you get another coach?
    Quote: I'm tired of my coach implying I cheat!

    Have any of you experienced this? It's discouraging, to say the very least. Needless to say, I am dreading tomorrow's weigh-in.

    Before you ask...
    YES, I follow IP protocol religiously.

    When I average my weekly loss, it comes to 3.3lbs (that will change to under 3 pounds as of tomorrow, however). Yet, my coach claims that I "...must not be in ketosis" because I'm "losing less [per week than the average woman [in ketosis]. My Ketostix read otherwise.

    W1: -5.5lbs
    W2: -4.5lbs
    W3: -0lbs (She outright accused me of cheating!)
    W4: -5lbs
    W5: -2lbs (This time, she implied I'm cheating.)
    W6: -2lbs (Upon her 3rd implication, I told her about my Ketostix readings.)

    Goodness, I dread tomorrow, as I've only lost a pound so far this week!