Why am I not losing after weaning?

  • I gained about 40 pounds while pregnant with my little one. With my last baby the weight simply fell off while I nursed and ate as I pleased. This time I gained even while watching what I ate. I did some research and found that most women don't begin to lose until they have weaned. Well that time has come and gone. I have weaned baby, I have started back with WW (which I have been successful with in the past), I am exercising and still nothing. I am 2 pounds away from weighing what I did when I was pregnant. What is wrong with me??? Has anyone else had this problem? What helped you begin to lose?
  • You are following ww? How long have you been on it? Do you eat all your points? Can you give an example of what your daily meals/snacks looks like? Are you exercising? How many months pp are you?