It's been a good day.

  • I've been kind of down recently because I've regained some of my 120 lb loss. I'm up to 208 from a low of 158.

    I haven't given up though..even as I was regaining, I didn't eat all that badly nutrition wise...just ate too much of it. I still exercise with walking and fencing at least 3 days a week.

    I got my blood levels done today though as I do every year and was not only normal, but near optimal in all my numbers which has never happened before. It really made my day as I surely didn't expect that with my regain.

    I just had to share that so people remember the only victory isn't on the scale, and even if you've faltered there you still are helping yourself by eating healthy and exercising.
  • I've been there. In fact I'm there now, though I gained back all the 50 lbs I lost and then some. And my numbers are definitely not optimal! So you're right, still being healthy despite the regain is a victory. I'm trying to focus on some NSV goals as well so I don't get too caught up in the number on the scale. So good job, I think you're in a great place to start losing what you regained.
  • Congrats on the lab work Vex, that's great! You'll get back to where you want to be.
  • Wow, that's fantastic Vex! Congratulations!
  • Quote:
    I just had to share that so people remember the only victory isn't on the scale, and even if you've faltered there you still are helping yourself by eating healthy and exercising.
    YES. So much yes.

    Some weeks the scale doesn't move at all no matter how well we've stuck to plan. It really helps to take a step back and think about how much better we feel. Body parts hurt less. And our general overall health is better.

    Congrats vex on your improvements.